One Grain More

on 1/27/13 7:42 am - Ottawa, ON, Canada

My friends are trying to kill me with laughter -- my poor jiggly belly at five days post-op.  kiss

"The Les Misérables food allergy parody that will knock your hypoallergenic socks off!"



Referral - March 2011 // Orientation - Ottawa - July 8, 2011 // Surgery - January 23, 2013

on 1/27/13 7:52 am

Haha, that was funny!  Hold a pillow tight to your tummy if you are going to laugh, sneeze or cough!

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


on 1/27/13 7:59 am - Ottawa, ON, Canada

Thanks, Sam.  I learned the pillow lesson the hard way in hospital -- I was talking and moving my hands about for emphasis and punched myself in the stomach.  *owwww*   It was a pillow resting on top of my belly for the rest of that day. 


Referral - March 2011 // Orientation - Ottawa - July 8, 2011 // Surgery - January 23, 2013

(deactivated member)
on 1/27/13 7:59 am - Straford, Canada

My daughter the musical theatre nut is a wonderful singer and has a lot of Royal Conservatory training.  She takes songs like "Red, the blood of angry men..." and sings them off key in a voice that is so funny!  She does the Red... song from Les Mis in an Elmer Fudd voice, " Wed, the bwood of angwey men, bwack, the dawk od ages pawt..."!  Then she says, "I'm a singer you know"!  Your staples would be in trouble if you could hear her!  Heal well!  

on 1/27/13 8:01 am - Ottawa, ON, Canada

OMG, just imagining the Elmer Fudd voice has me grabbing for my pillow! 


Referral - March 2011 // Orientation - Ottawa - July 8, 2011 // Surgery - January 23, 2013

on 1/27/13 8:44 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

that was priceless . Thanks for posting





on 1/27/13 10:21 am - Ottawa, ON, Canada

*grin*  So glad you liked it, Pat -- it hit the right spot on my funny bone, for sure.



Referral - March 2011 // Orientation - Ottawa - July 8, 2011 // Surgery - January 23, 2013

on 1/27/13 8:58 am - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13

I just laughed out loud so hard my husband popped his head in the living room

Too funny and absolutely true to my life.

Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


on 1/27/13 10:21 am - Ottawa, ON, Canada

I'm glad you liked it;  it's a fine line between humour and offending someone.

Me?  I go for the laugh, every time.  :)



Referral - March 2011 // Orientation - Ottawa - July 8, 2011 // Surgery - January 23, 2013

on 1/27/13 11:10 am - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13

Me too!

Probably why I accidentally offend people at times. *looks innocent*


Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 

