Arthritis, anyone?

on 4/9/15 9:44 pm - Oshawa, Courtice, Canada

Since anti-inflammatory medications are not allowed after RNY, how do you deal with severe arthritis pain?

on 4/9/15 9:58 pm, edited 4/9/15 10:02 pm - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Hey CJ, 

I have had Degenerative Disc Disease for around 5 years , probs a lot longer but was diagnosed 5 years ago . I have 5 herniated discs in my spine and obviously a whole lot of pain some days .Years of PSW work has left my back totally screwed ! One of the biggest reasons in getting this surgery was that at my highest weight , it felt like I was in pain all the time . However I will say that lately , even after losing 94 lbs so far ...I'm struggling with pain a lot . Not sure why ? Maybe re distribution of weight perhaps ? Anyway ,before surgery I discussed options for medication with my doctor because of the no Anti inflammatory thing . He changed me from Arthrotec  ( Diclofenac ) to Nucynta ( Tapentadol ) .It is an opioid med used for chronic pain.  And its fairly new . I do like it and it does work well , although it can be a bit 'buzzy' so I tend to only take mine at night , which some days defeats the purpose ! Lol , it may be different for you , but I'm a bit of a lightweight when it comes to these things , I can get wonky on extra strength Tylenol !!  ....I can't help but wonder how effective it is though . When I have a flare up  it is all inflammation obviously.  So all I'm doing is treating my pain .So maybe the flare up lasts longer because we are not bringing down the inflammation?  But I guess it's all I can do . Anyway , I just wanted to tell you about it . As it is a good medication for the pain . It is apparently a low risk med for addiction  ,low impact on the tummy and so on . My doctor was very enthusiastic about it . It can be taken long term too. 

Hope you get some relief as I know how miserable it can be . 

Good luck 

Jax xx


on 4/10/15 1:55 am - Oshawa, Courtice, Canada

Thanks for the info. I will definitely talk to my Dr. about the Nucynta.  I'm also a bit worried about flare-ups since the one (and only) I had this summer basically put me in bed for two months.  Celebrex finally worked though with diabetes, I really wasn't supposed to be using even that.  Connie 

on 4/9/15 10:40 pm - Arnprior, Canada

You'll need to talk to your doc about alternatives, or if you have a specialist for it.  There is a Tylonal for Arthritis, but since I haven't used it, not sure how effective it is.

After surgery, you may experience some back pain.  This is due to your spine re-aligning itself.   It will go away eventually. Before surgery, your spine has set itself to deal with the weight that you are at.  As you lose weight, it adjusts to the new weight.  Massage therapy, or chiropractic care can help with this pain.

I wish you both well on your journey.



on 4/10/15 1:58 am - Oshawa, Courtice, Canada

This past summer I tried Tylenol for Arthritis, but it did absolutely nothing for the pain.  I was surprised to hear about the problems with the spine.  No one has ever mentioned that before.  Good info, thanks.  I am starting massage therapy next week.  Connie

on 4/9/15 11:21 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

My arthritis is in some ways better due to exercise and carrying less weight. Exercise for me is key. I have taken tylenol arthritis for years and it is what gets me going in the morning. i am now 63 and the damage to my joints from years of being over weight can be quite sever. I have now been told to take up to 5 tylenol a day. I find upping it has helped a lot.

Talk to your doctor and see if he/she has suggestions. Most arthritis drugs can not be taken after surgery because they are nsaid based. I also recently attended a workshop put on by the arthritis society. Great suggested exercises.





on 4/10/15 2:01 am - Oshawa, Courtice, Canada

I am also 63 and this past summer was the first I experienced an arthritic flare-up, having never had any signs of arthritis before that.  I want to be prepared in case it happens again after surgery.  Where did you go to the Arthritis workshop?  I'd be interested in that.  Thanks, Connie

on 4/10/15 2:14 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Call you local arthritis society. They run classes. Not sure if your doctor has to refer you for specific classes but they have intake workers who can help with suggestions on maintaining. I have had arthritis for at least 20 years so I find tylenol my life line. I am lso finding swimming in a warm pol a real help. Your doctor can refer you for physio for specific exercises. it is all about keeping mobile.






on 4/10/15 5:18 am, edited 4/10/15 5:18 am - Ottawa, Canada

3 years 10 months post op

I am a chronic pain sufferer as the result of a different surgery so my life is somewhat challenging to say the least but I cope, we always find a way right. NSAIDS are definitely out for us post op.

Pat had a really good suggestion when she suggested calling the arthritis society. I'm sure they can brainstorm with you to come up with a plan that works for you. 



In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Surgery July 22, 2011  Starting weight 270  128 lbs lost  Today's weight 142 lbs                 Ann       



on 4/10/15 2:56 pm - Oshawa, Courtice, Canada

Thanks to everyone for the great information and tips.
