Weight gain :(

on 8/18/15 3:12 pm - Rockland, Canada

Hi, I have been away for a while but I am wondering if the same thing has happened to anyone else. No judgment please, I just need words of wisdom. I was doing well following my RNY and then got pregnant, despite being careful because for some reason no one would give me birth control. I hit my lowest weight of 194 when I was about 7 Months pregnant with DD. When all was said and done, I was 206. then over the next several months I went up to about 245 pounds (over 4 months) I wasn't perfect, but I certainly wasn't that bad. It stayed there for about a year and a half and then stated to creep up again to 252.


May 1st, I committed to getting back on track and fully commit. I have been compliant since May 1 with only one or two small tweaks from the dietitian. No diet pop, no coffee, no refined sugars, no white starche****ting my water, fibre and protein target and compliant with vitamins. I have also been exercising, doing a program set up by a professional. I do 5 sessions of cardio per week, plus minimum two lower body, upper body and core work outs per weeks (I usually get 3 core and upper body in).

So I have been on plan for 15.5 weeks and working out like a beast for 6.5. The scale? Not.One.Pound. I am so frustrated and discouraged. So part of the gain was behavioural for sure. But nothing explains this. Even  I am trying so so so hard and sticking with it despite lack of results. Even my clothes don't feel any looser. I feel awful and tired all of the time, but the endocrinologist isn't concerned. I am so fed up, even with the RNY, my loss was slow and painful compared to most others.

Help! Has this happened to anyone else and how did you resolve it?


on 8/18/15 4:28 pm

Congratulations on your daughter and for getting back on track. Have you gone back to your centre for additional support/assistance? I'm sure they would be able to help you with your struggles.

Good luck,

Surgery on March 16, 2015 with Dr. Yelle (Ottawa)

HW: 245 (2012) SW: 233 CW: 141 Goal Range (by Surgeon): 149-179  

Holy Smokes! I've lost 100 pounds from my heaviest weight! Yay me!!!

on 8/18/15 6:11 pm

If I were you I would go see Dr. Bishop at his weight clinic in Ottawa, he is the best in my opinion.  I have severe endocrine problems and he knows all about that.  You may have to be referred by your endo, they will let you know what you need.  I feel for you because I know how hard it is to lose weight, it can be excruciatingly slow, even when you are doing all the right things.  You can't change the past but you can do everything possible to be healthier in your future.  Just remember that permanent weight loss does not have a quick permanent fix, it requires permanent commitment to diet and exercise.  Maybe your centre can help you as well, that is what they are there for, to help people.  I think it takes a lot of courage to ask for help, and it sounds like you are ready.  Here is the link to Dr. Bishop:  http://www.drbishop.ca/ 

Let us know what you decide and how it goes, it sounds like you are on the right track, don't give up.  You can do it!


Karen M.
on 8/18/15 7:00 pm - Mississauga, Canada

First, welcome back. :)

I can feel your frustration and confusion in your words - you must feel so discouraged right about now. :( If you'd like some feedback on your daily menu, please do post on the "what are you eating today" thread - I'd be more than happy to have a look at it with you and see if we can't figure out what's going on (or not going on, as the case seems to be).

I hope that you're tracking your food using myfitnesspal or something? And measuring your portions? Eyeballs tend to get generous as time passes.

Let me know if I can help.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 8/18/15 7:28 pm

I am new to RNY just had mine 3 weeks ago, but the first thing I thought of when I read this is your thyroid. Has anyone checked this? Also medications? My anxiety meds slowwwwwwww down my metabolism to almost a stop! I do understand your struggle and wish you much success. Good luck and chin up.

on 8/18/15 8:03 pm - Rockland, Canada

I have a ton of nodules around and just over 1 cm. I just saw the endocrinologist. They weren't concerned and i received the you're tired because you are a mom speech. What a load of condescending tripe. no medications, but I was on a medication when I was gaining weight and I stopped using it and everything stabilized.

on 8/18/15 8:06 pm - Rockland, Canada

Congatulations. Watch out for the three week stall. if you haven't hit it, you will, but don't worry you are just adjusting and it the weight will start dropping again!

RNY 2011/07/26 HW 338; SW 301; LW 199; Starting over weight 255; CW 212; GOAL #1 lose regain back to 199 lbs!

on 8/19/15 5:30 am - Arnprior, Canada

Are you still journaling?  Food, activity and emotions?  If not, start.  It's a better view when you write down.  You may also see some trends happening that you hadn't noticed before.

I agree with the other post, go back to your clinic.  Get a full check up with them.  If the dietician you saw wasn't from there, check in with the clinic dietician.  They may be able to tweak your diet more for your current situation.  Take your journal with you.  Especially with the workouts, you may need something added to your diet.  Talk to the nurse about your fatigue and feeling awful.  I'm at 4 years out and was tired all the time.  I ended up increasing my thyroid meds (were in the normal range, but low normal) and increasing my B12 from 500 to 1000 and it helped a lot.  It's not always just the kids (my boys are 7 & 10).

It also sounds like you are stressed right now (young child, no quick weight loss, and possibly other things that you didn't mention).  Perhaps a social worker visit could help you out with that.

It is tough, but you can do it.  Sometimes it just takes the right help to get there.


