72 million reasons

on 10/22/15 8:03 am - Toronto, Canada

I just posted this on my FB page and thought I would share...


Being a person of size, I have watched Oprah Winfrey with interest over the years. She did Optifast, I did it multiple times, + many other diets. While on the Dr. Bernstein diet I became seriously ill, spent a lot of time in hospital and lost 6 months work.

I have wondered with all of Ms Winfrey's money - why she has not found a solution to her weight problems? Heck, if the all powerful Oppie can't do it, how do I stand a chance? I'm not a big Winfrey fan - always felt that money was at the heart of what she promoted. That doesn't mean it was all bad and Ms Winfrey has certainly done a lot of good with her money.

Statics show that gastric bypass surgery has a 70% long term success rate, diets have a 5% long term success rate. So it was with great interest that I read about Winfrey's recent share acquisition and endorsement of Weigh****chers. In ONE DAY Ms Winfrey has had success with the Weigh****chers program - to the tune of $72 million. Hmmm - follow the money. Bet Martha wish she had the inside scoop on that deal!

I have a friend who has been in Weigh****chers off and on for years, it works for her and I am pleased that it does. For those of you who aren't aware, I had gastric bypass surgery ten weeks ago via the University Health Network Bariatric program which is covered by OHIP. It wasn't an easy choice to make and for those who think it is the easy way out - I suggest you do some homework. Even if it was "easy" -- why would that be wrong? Not punitive enough for those who believe we deserve punishment for being fat. There is no other medical condition that is so readily scorned, no other life saving surgery that you have to put in a year's work before you qualify.

End of babble.

on 10/22/15 12:06 pm - Cobourg, Canada
VSG on 04/12/13

Yeah...I'm with you on the Oprah question or Kirstey Allie (sp). Why have they not gone for a more viable solution? As for Ms. Winfrey's savey investment it just shows you the only ones who gain from the diet industry is the diet industry...glad to be off that treadmill.
