raw unpaturized honey...

on 11/7/15 7:13 am - Canada
RNY on 02/02/15

Just wondering if anyone uses honey for sweetener ?

Ive always used it in my tea ad would like to continue doing so in place of sweeteners etc.


on 11/7/15 9:28 am
RNY on 06/15/15

It is up to you. Your body will treat honey the same way it treats sugar, it is a high glycemic food that will spike your insulin. You will need to decide if that will make you dump, be too many carbs or calories, or otherwise take you off plan.

I avoid honey but that is my preference.

Referral: 8/14; Orientation TWH: 12/14; Nurse: 01/15; SW, Dietician, Psych: 2/15; Surgeon: 5/15; RNY: June 15/2015

on 11/7/15 11:15 am - Canada
RNY on 02/02/15

I wasnt sure as a lot of atrificial sweeteners make me sick. And id like a tea once in a while in winter.

on 11/7/15 5:29 pm - Toronto, Canada

Have you tried Stevia? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stevia

You can by it in large bags or in single serving packets. Took me a couple of days to adjust to the taste - but now I'm fine with it.

If you were ever a Breaking Bad fan - it plays a significant role!!!

on 11/8/15 4:17 am - Canada
RNY on 02/02/15

Yes, ive been using stevia but im still not used to the taste. And raw honey some benefits to it... which is mostly why in was seeking.

Never watched breaking bad


on 11/10/15 5:18 am - WI

Try a different brand of stevia.  They blend stevia with other ingredients to bulk it up and that can change the flavor. Trulia has a minty aftertaste.  Stevia In The Raw has a little bitter taste.  I would buy small packages of several brands to see if you can find one you like.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 11/10/15 9:30 am - Canada
RNY on 02/02/15

The only one i dont mind so far is a liquid one from the US. But with the canadian dollar being so poor its kind of expensive fore around $10 of bridge fare plus whats a $4 us. Bottle :(


Truvia im really not a fan of. Lol


on 11/8/15 5:32 am - OWEN SOUND, Canada

I went through TWH and they have honey on the list of sweeteners to avoid.  It's still sugar.  I get it though, it is nice in tea.  I am now onto using stevia.  Weirdly, I don't like the taste of most black teas.  Onto chai teas, especially all herbal versions.  With a little stevia, it's really good.  Splenda is another option that many like.  I keep the brown sugar version around for oatmeal. 

It's a lot of trial and error - a learning curve if you will.  Nobody is perfect, all we can do is our best.  :)

Referral: August 2014 Orientation: 28Nov14 Social Worker: 05Feb15 Nurse Practitioner: 25Feb15 Nutrition Class: 30Mar15 Dietitian: 14Apr15 Psychologist: 21Apr15 NP followup: 23Apr15 Meet Surgeon: 26June15 Start Opti/PreOp: 21July15 Surgery!: 04Aug15!! 

I keep a blog... you're welcome to read it anytime :)  https://heretoeaternity.wordpress.com/


on 11/8/15 9:48 am - Canada
RNY on 02/02/15

Yea i guess ill have to avoid it. I do like the antibacterial properties of pure raw unpasturized honey. (Not the stuff from the grocery store thats all fake and such)

Stevia is okay im still not crazy on the taste. And ive figured out that i now dont like earl grey tea... off to try orange pekoke... maube aome herbal or see if i still like peppermint.




on 11/8/15 10:02 am - OWEN SOUND, Canada

I can't do Earl Grey either.  I found Bulk Barn had a good selection of loose and bagged teas so I brought home a few things to try them out.  Stash Red Dragon Chai is my favourite so far.  The BB also has other sweetener alternatives, as do some health food stores.  Might be other natural options out there? 
