Dr Glazer apt ugh!

on 12/1/15 6:36 pm - Bradford, Canada
RNY on 02/12/16

So I had my apt with Dr Glazer today. I have no medical conditions or concerns at all other then being 100 lbs over weight. I asked my boyfriend before my apt if he noticed at all if I snore and he said no. No one has ever said I snore and my neck is only 14" round so I am completely clueless as to why the heck he has ordered a sleep test for me. He asked if I'm ever tired during the day and I said I have a 2 year old who doesn't always sleep through the night so sometimes I get tired but only if she has woken up several times during the night. I'm so annoyed this process is once again being held up. I can get in to have the sleep study don't next Friday which is great but Dr Glazer can't see me until February 3rd. This is the last thing I need to do and is holding everything up. It's frustrating because I know I don't have sleep apnea I sleep great and am well rested when my daughter doesn't wake me up. Sorry for the long post but I needed to vent. It's been a year now since I started this process and my surgeon is already booking into March.  All these delays are so discouraging.

  Referral 12/22/14 Orientation 2/27/15 Nutritionist & SW 9/25/15  Dr. Glazer 12/1/15 Nurse 12/14/1545  Opti 1/29/16  Surgery 2/12/16

HW:244.8 Ref:234.6

on 12/1/15 7:06 pm - Toronto, Canada

Obviously if you stated your neck size, you are directly under the impression that is the main sign of someone having sleep apnea. Not always the case. It is important to rule out and control all areas of your health to ensure a risk free and successful surgery. A focus on sleep apnea is so very important prior to surgery. This next statement was taken from a study done regarding the major risk factors in WLS....Four main factors seemed to increase the risk of complications, including sleep apnea, severe obesity, a history of blood clots, and an inability to walk at least 200 feet prior to surgery.

I know it is frustrating but be happy a thorough and complete work out is done before you take to surgery.

Referral - Feb/14, Orientation HRRH - September/14, Surgeon appt. & gastroscopy Dr. Hagen - October/14, Trio appts. - April/15, Dr. Glazer - April/15, Revision RNY - July 10, 2015

on 12/1/15 7:30 pm - Canada

I went into my sleep test thinking exactly the same as you. When they told me I had moderate sleep apnea, I was shocked. I know it's a pain, but they need to make sure there won't be any issues with you when you are out of surgery but still knocked out.

referral Feb.4/15,orientation hrrh Apr.24/15, sleep test May7/15 ,2nd sleep test Oct.30/15, Dr.Klein Dec.10/2015,trio appointments Feb.17/16.Apr.4/16 Dr.Glazer Dr.Klein May10/16              Surgery May 25/16


on 12/1/15 8:20 pm - Elliot Lake, Canada

I went into my sleep study thinking the exact same thing turns out i have sleep apnea but a different kind.  I never hit REM and when i do i stop breathing.  Which results in me never getting a restful sleep.  i re cycle the same 1st sleep cycle over and over all night long.  I used to joke and say i never dream its because i cannot dream unless i treat my sleep apnea.  Mine is not caused by being obese and for the first time in my life i get a decent sleep since treating my apnea.  I'll likely have my cpap for life, i'll book a new sleep study when i hit goal weight and see but the dr told me i'll likely never be cured from mine. 

Referral Feb 14 2014; Orientation July 30 2014; 1 on 1's Feb 17, 2015; Pre op May 27 2015; Surgery date June 16, 2015


on 12/2/15 3:20 am - Canada

I was close to same weight as you, and 5'2",   didn't think I had it!!!! Diagnosis ,SEVERE sleep apnea!!!!!


Orientation HRRH Jan 26/15 Meet Dr. Starr June 11/15 Sleep Study June 22/15 Trio appt Aug 12/15 Transfer to Dr. Hagen Aug 4/15, Meet Dr. Hagen Aug 13/15, Dr. Glazer Aug 14/15! Surgery Sept 14/15

on 12/2/15 4:17 pm

Hope you dont mind me piggy backing on this post a little.  I'm waiting for Humber to call me for my fist surgeon apt as I had orientation in August.  I had a sleep study in 2008 and have the results to pass along.  Does anyone think that I will need a more up to date test?  They discovered I had mild apnea and it didnt warrant treatment and that was the end of it until now.  I wonder if I should have my GP set up anew study to save time later as at this rate it will be march before they get through the backlog and Im seen

HW 288 Orientation Humber River 8/15

on 12/2/15 4:35 pm - Canada

I think that'[s a very good idea, Dr. Glazier held up my surgery for almost 3 years even the nurse at TWH wondered about that.

on 12/3/15 12:21 pm - Bradford, Canada
RNY on 02/12/16

That's what I'm worried about is having this process held up again. I know obviously if I have it then it's best to know but I sleep like a baby and I would think in the three years we've sleept in bed together my boyfriend who is a very light sleeper would have noticed if I was struggling to breath or snoring. I don't mind having the test done since I am able to get in quickly it's the fact that he can't see me to give me results until February 3rd  and refuses to do it over the phone or over Skype. I don't drive and have a two year old plus all of my appointments have been on separate dates so far which means my boyfriend and myself have now had to take 5 days off work. I'm aware it's essential to find out if I have it but I would think he could at least give me results and discuss what's next over Skype or the phone sooner then February 3rd. I really hope I don't have sleep apnea since I don't have coverage and those CPAP machines are so expensive. It's just discouraging to be working so hard on making good choices and doing what I need to do and be in great health other then my weight and sill have so many delays. They've booked me with the wrong surgeon so my surgeons apt got rescheduled, the nurse apt got rescheduled 2 months later because the one they had left, and the orientation date they had sent me was wrong so that was rescheduled. I know everyone is human and mistakes happen especially when a big move is happening but man these delays are getting out of hand. Don't get me wrong I am totally grateful to even have this option covered by OHIP and I don't mean to sound ungrateful it's just getting frustrating. Rant over and thanks for giving me a place to get it all out lol.

  Referral 12/22/14 Orientation 2/27/15 Nutritionist & SW 9/25/15  Dr. Glazer 12/1/15 Nurse 12/14/1545  Opti 1/29/16  Surgery 2/12/16

HW:244.8 Ref:234.6

on 12/5/15 8:03 am, edited 12/5/15 3:18 pm - Canada

This is a huge delay. I had the exact same thing happen to me.  I had my appt and was told to get a sleep test. They want to ensure you don't have sleep apnea. I told my dr. That I only sleep 5-6 hour nightly because I work long hours but that's my choice. 

I was asked to then go do a sleep study and it's very lengthy. By the time my sleep study was done 5 months had passed. I was livid at this as it was the only issue I had. 

It consists of overnight testing that I did twice. Once to tell me that I had MILD sleep apnea and then to determine what level I should have my cpap machine at. I didn't  even use it. As the first machine was a loaner and never fit me  and did not do well till I got my own that was fitted for me properly. 

The cost is 1300$ for the machine and mask and luckily for me my insurance covered it 100% with no private insurance it's 75% covered by ohip 

If by chance you even have mild sleep apnea ( which a lot of overweight people do) they will put you though the study and see if you require a cpap machine post op surgery. 

Im so sorry to hear that as I went though the exact thing. The study takes a long time and I was always on a cancellation list or it would have been 6 months.

I completed the entire program in 4 months and 5 months to do the  sleep study and thankful for that because I sleep a lot better with my cpap machine. So look at your health first 

But ive completed it and seeing my surgeon for a surgery date next week. 

Go on any cancellation list you can that can speed it up. But the overnight stay in the sleep lab  was bull**** They wire you up and do there testing. 

PS there is no way around this. They won't take the chance that you have sleep apnea. 

Good luck in your journey and don't give up. It' all up to you.

If you don't have sleep apnea in your first test then the delay is much shorter. I was not that lucky.

Keep going forward.  Good luck !!!!!!


S Fayad  

(deactivated member)
on 12/5/15 10:09 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

You may want to rethink not using your cpap.  They can tell how much it's been used and if you are deemed non-compliant, they will cancel your surgery and they will also contact MTO to pull your licence.  Once you are diagnosed, if you are non-compliant, they don't think twice about reporting it. You think you are sleeping okay but obviously you have sleep apnea, mild or not, it was still high enough that you required a machine.  Don't mess around with not using it, there is a member here that didn't know she had it and had a heart attack.
