1 year and 1/2 post op and screwing up

on 1/6/16 5:35 pm



i came here to be accountable and honest. About 8months ago I got 15lbs from my goal weight. Due to some medical issues and a major absorption problem with my depression medication, I experienced 5 months of major self loathing depression and bad eating habits

Even though I knew in my head it was not the right way to handle life, my food addiction told me it was ok to eat fries and chocolate now, as I was thinner and had a magical operation. It allowed me to forget ALL the pain and sadness food had given me in the past and how hard I worked to get to 15 lbs from my goal weight. It let me blame my bad food choices and lack of exercise on my medical issue. 

I have now got my depression medication at the right kind and liquid dose and feel myself again!!! BUT in this time it took I have gained 17 lbs 


can an any long term success members recommended how I can get back into the swing of things?

i am still fighting the food voices in my head!  I need to work on my willpower and excitement and zest for life I had the first year after this life changing operation

please give me tips on what helped you not throw it all away and go back to old habits!!!!!!!



on 1/6/16 6:05 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

You have done great. You have defeated your demons for now. HOpefully you will get help for your food issues.

Getting back to basics and kicking the bad food should help you. Dense protein and no carbs will help you get back to basics

Good luck





on 1/6/16 6:34 pm - Elliot Lake, Canada

look into finding a Craving change workshop usually held at your local doctors office.  It was very helpful for me pre op to learn about why we eat the way we eat and it helps you to change your eating habits 

Referral Feb 14 2014; Orientation July 30 2014; 1 on 1's Feb 17, 2015; Pre op May 27 2015; Surgery date June 16, 2015


Karen M.
on 1/7/16 5:46 am - Mississauga, Canada

Welcome back - it's never too late to "come home". :)

As Pat suggested, dense protein and limited carbs works best and keeps your gut satiated. Get at least 75g protein, limit carbs to 30-35g, no sugar, avoid white carbs, healthy fats (don't cut them out, no need). Drink lots of water and no-calorie drinks. You'll have to white-knuckle it for a few days - detoxing from carbs is a real *****

I've heard very positive things about the Craving Change workshops, you may want to check that out. If you haven't been following up with your bariatric centre - it's time to get back there, ASAP.

Back to basics - you can do it :)




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 1/7/16 6:28 am - Arnprior, Canada

As everyone has mentioned, go back to basics.  And I'll mention one thing that the others missed.  Start journaling again.  Journal everything, food, activity, emotions etc.  It will help you identify patterns.  The workshop will help with the cravings.  If there are any patterns in your eating, you can talk to your therapist/counselor to discus ways to overcome any issues.


Diminishing Dawn
on 1/8/16 4:41 pm - Windsor, Canada

Call your clinic. You need to see the dietician and get social work help.  Use your professionals.  Message me anytime. 

17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 1/21/16 7:56 am - Canada

You have come so far already and even though you have gained a little weight back you can do this! Coming back here for support and advice is a great start. I am almost 2 years out now and things are definitely not as easy as they used to be. Everyone's advice is also a great place to start. Just keep pushing through and you`ll get to where you want to be.

Message or email me anytime. Tara :) 

             RNY Surgery February 10th, 2014


