Make Room!

on 4/10/16 1:33 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Surgery is tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. at TWH.

I've lost 17 lbs on the pre-op diet as of this morning (one more weigh in tomorrow).  The first 12 lbs just dropped off in the first week and then came to a grinding halt for a couple of days.  The scale started a slow descent again on Wednesday and I'm happy with where it has landed, brought me under the 250 mark! .

I'm certainly ready for the next stage! Something to complement the shakes, even if it is just soup, mmmm mmm sounds real good to me!

I can't say there were any real issues in the past two weeks.  Some days I was hungrier than others, oh, and I did cheat last Sunday...I had cucumber!  I had one in the fridge that I didn't want to throw in the garbage and I know that other centers allow it.  I guess that's an excuse but its far better than what I could have put in my mouth! 

Have to say thanks to Monica9811 for becoming my mentor!  We are so much alike its scary!

As long the snow stops overnight it should be smooth sailing tomorrow.

Will check in when I'm able.


on 4/10/16 2:15 pm
RNY on 02/19/16

Hi I had my surgery on Feb 19/16. I lost about 12 lbs on Optifast. Did have any problems. I didn't have much pain from the surgery which made me very happy. I personally feel the sooner you get out of the hospital the better. Barring any complications. Mix your water with apple juice and start sipping as soon as your nurse says. To date I am not having any real problems except some constipation. Wishing you the best of luck and maybe we can chat after you surgery.



on 4/10/16 2:37 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/17/15

Good luck tomorrow! Before you know it, you won't recognize yourself in the mirror! :)

Referral made Sept 2014 / RNY @ TWH Nov 17, 2015 - Dr T Jackson

Height: 5' 10" | Born: 1966

Lost on 2 weeks Opti - 14.4

Post Surgery - M1 - 16.4| M2 - 16 | M3 - 16.2 | M4 - 10 | M5 - 10 | M6 - 6.2 | M7 - 6.2 | M8 - 1.6 | M9 - 3.6 | M10 - 2.4


on 4/10/16 2:55 pm - Canada

Just want to wish u speedy recovery welcome to the bench!! I am also having my surgery tomorrow 10am at Humber.. 

Referral received at hrrh Nov6/14, orientation March23/15, surgery April 11/16

on 4/10/16 3:09 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Thanks and good luck to you as well! See you on the other side! 

on 4/10/16 3:54 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/17/15

Good Luck!

Referral made Sept 2014 / RNY @ TWH Nov 17, 2015 - Dr T Jackson

Height: 5' 10" | Born: 1966

Lost on 2 weeks Opti - 14.4

Post Surgery - M1 - 16.4| M2 - 16 | M3 - 16.2 | M4 - 10 | M5 - 10 | M6 - 6.2 | M7 - 6.2 | M8 - 1.6 | M9 - 3.6 | M10 - 2.4


on 4/10/16 4:47 pm - Canada

Happy thoughts sent your way for tomorrow! !!!!   Happy healing !! 

  SW- 260    GW- 150    CW -138    Height - 5'5      RNY- St Josephs Hamilton July 17/2015  

T. drouillard
on 4/10/16 6:22 pm - windsor, Canada

Good luck ! I would love to hear about ur experience at twh as I am expecting to have surgery soon there as well !! Congrats on making it to the losers bench 

on 4/10/16 9:43 pm - Durham region,Ontario

Good luck on your surgery and hope all goes well.  I am having mine at TWH April 29th so would love to know how u found it.

on 4/11/16 2:19 am

Congratulations! Sending you positivity!  Wishing you a speedy recovery. 

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