Let your adult self take charge.

on 12/14/18 6:39 am
RNY on 01/11/12

Who are you going to bring with you as you move from holiday event to holiday event? Are you going to bring the little child inside who hates being deprived? Or, are you bringing with you the satisfied and goal-oriented adult who will take care of your true needs? When your inner child is in charge, you are more at risk for making unhealthy choices. The inner child may be rebellious, choosing to eat the things that are "forbidden." Your inner adult is better at delaying gratification and thinking through the consequences of a choice. When you are going into a challenging situation, your adult self will be your best friend. That part of you will say, "no," and will guide you onto an exciting new path of success. Pay attention to the voices inside your head that help you make choices as you go through your day. Identify your inner child's influence, acknowledge it, and then gently allow your inner adult to have the final say.

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