still have fluid build up at 4 weeks out from TT

Debra Welker
on 5/28/12 10:44 pm - Kaukauna, WI
I had my TT on May 1st and am feeling prety good but am really concerned about my right side. It has a large bulge about the size of my fist, the surgeon said its a fluid pocket but didnt think it was large enough to draw it out. I was told to put heat on it and massage it. I have been doing that at least 3 times a day for over a week and its not going away, my stomach looks deformed. I dont go to the doctor till next monday not sure if I should try to get in earlier. Any suggestions on how to get rid of the fluid? Deb
on 5/28/12 10:49 pm - Israel
No suggestions aside from asking to go in earlier and advocate for yourself and be firm in your concerns! I hope you get this resolved soon.
Mikimi in Israek
on 5/29/12 4:12 am - CA
Insist he try to aspirate the fluid.
136 pounds lost!   
on 5/29/12 4:52 am - amherst, NY
Adjustable Gastric Band on 03/03/08
i have a question...did you have drains in? i had my TT may 11th and he just took 1 drain out today and the second one was still draining too much. im hoping it comes out next week
Debra Welker
on 5/29/12 7:04 am - Kaukauna, WI
Yes I had 2 drains, he took 1 out after a week and the other after 2 weeks. I didnt want him to take the 2nd one because I thought it was still putting out to much. But he said keeping them in to long is a risk for infection. I had to keep really thick gauze on the drain hole for almost a week because it was still coming out, then the hole healed up. Dont have the 2nd one taken out unless it done draining or you will end up like me. I have an appointment tomarrow morning at 9:30 for him to look at it, I think it needs to be taken out.
on 5/29/12 8:07 am
VSG on 06/04/09 with
 2 of my drains were taken on day 8 and the last one on day 11. The one from day 11 burned coming out, I think my body was getting attached to it lol - I cant imagine them staying in for longer!! <---check out my vlog of my progress

VSG 6/4/2009: I'm 5'4",   HW 242,   SW 234,   CW 155.  Size 6 generally.

PS with Dr. Agha 5/14/2012 - LBL, Arm lift, fat transfer to (_:_) 
on 5/29/12 1:26 pm - amherst, NY
Adjustable Gastric Band on 03/03/08
okay my doctor wont take them until they drain less than 10 ml per day. i had one taken out today but the second is still draining too much and hopefully will come out next week
on 5/29/12 8:37 am
 Sorry I can't offer any advice, but just wanted to say that I hope it gets resolved soon!
on 5/29/12 8:28 pm - Clarksville , TN
You dont want to take the drains out to soon but you also cant leave them in to long. The body is healing constantly and things can adhere. :( it would be unusual because a good surgeon wouldnt let that happen. Sometimes people are going to get problems and theres only so much you can do to stop that. My surgeon took out both drains on day 7 I believe, hard to remember now but the 1 drain he took out really before he wanted to but the area was starting to look angry and I think he was afraid to leave in longer due to infection. So really its a judgement call that you hope is right.
Good luck I will be thinking about you

HW 270/ SW 255/ CW 210/GW 180

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