Reinventing myself through plastic surgery after massive weight loss

on 3/22/14 4:02 pm

Thank you, Annette! 


Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


on 3/23/14 12:24 pm - Cleveland, OH

Rock on!  So good to "see" you.  I have my consult with Dr. Capella on 4/14.  I'm flying in for the day.  I am going to talk to him about revising my thighs, BL/BA and addressing the droopy skin around my inner armpits/bra line with an arm lift.  I CRINGE at the idea of being idle again for 6 weeks after remember how difficult that was for me!  I will be anxious to see what he realistically thinks he can do for me.   

          "We live in a society where it's more socially acceptable to be a junkie than it is to be overweight."     --CC Deville, guitarist for Poison    
on 3/23/14 12:33 pm

It was impossible for me to stay still for recovery and I grew depressed so Dr. Capella released me to go to the gym at 4 weeks. He said it would take longer for my arm to heal as a result but he thought it was best for me. So ask him about returning after 4 weeks. He have me some restrictions on lifting anything over my head. 

I am sure he will be able to help you. I have my last surgery with him on May 29th. If you schedule yours for that day then we can share the hotel room and keep each other company. 

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


on 3/23/14 12:26 pm - Cleveland, OH

BTW what was it like having your arms done with your LBL?  And yes, no plication/muscle tightening if he would revise my LBL.  I remember how much I relied on my arms during my LBL so I cannot imagine having my arms and thighs done at the same time...but how was it for you?

          "We live in a society where it's more socially acceptable to be a junkie than it is to be overweight."     --CC Deville, guitarist for Poison    
on 3/23/14 12:46 pm

I had four procedures done and it was a pretty easy recovery all in all - it was far easier than the tummy tuck. But I did have a complication with my arms and they were by far the worst of my recovery. It seems the only patients who have no complications are those who do not use their arms at all for weeks. That was not possible for me as I was alone for two weeks. I don't know that I could sit incapacitated for several weeks at a clip even if I did have someone to care for me. Once I came home my husband took care of everything - he was terrific. 

Also, Dr. Capella said I could play it by ear as far as sex. So I had not seen my husband for three or four weeks and we played it by ear the night I came home, and again the next morning. I was two weeks out. Then my groin got a small opening after that and my arm got this very strange opening that was rare, but Dr. Capella says he does not believe any of it was from having sex. Just thought I'd pass that along. 

Even now, after my z-plasty in his office, I have an opening in my armpit. It is not his fault. I did a lot of clothing changes over the head for the photo shoot. Then I had to lug my 52 pound suitcase around some bus depot in Newark NJ because the train I was on was not allowed to stop at Newark Airport that day owing to some explosion. The terminal was huge and I had to lug it up stairs and down stairs and it sucked! Now it will take weeks for my arm to close. 

During my last surgery, which really was for implants only, Dr. Capella is tweaking some of the work he has already done on me. Thank God it is not my arms. They look perfect and even if they were not I would not do them again. 

Keep me posted on your consult and good luck!

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


on 3/27/14 5:50 am, edited 3/27/14 5:51 pm

Just wanted to share a few more pix of what is possible from plastic surgery after massive weight loss. Wow, these surgeons are talented (Dr. Joseph F. Capella and Dr. Catherine Winslow). Never did I dream I could look like this at 50yo. I look better than I have looked in decades SUPER EXCITED.

My Bariatric Life  5-mos post brachioplasty with Dr. Joseph F. Capella   My Bariatric Life  5-mos post brachioplasty with Dr. Joseph F. Capella   My Bariatric Life  5-mos post brachioplasty with Dr. Joseph F. Capella  My Bariatric Life  5-mos post brachioplasty with Dr. Joseph F. Capella   My Bariatric Life  5-mos post brachioplasty with Dr. Joseph F. Capella

My Bariatric Life 3-mos post facial plastics with Dr. Catherine Winslow   My Bariatric Life 3-mos post facial plastics with Dr. Catherine Winslow   My Bariatric Life 3-mos post facial plastics with Dr. Catherine Winslow   My Bariatric Life. Thanks to Dr. Catherine Winslow and Dr. Joseph F. Capella, I look like I just turned 30 not 50!   My Bariatric Life 5-mos post body contouring after WLS and 3-mos post face lift - Dr. Joseph F. Capella and Dr. Catherine Winslow

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


on 3/30/14 2:08 am
VSG on 04/23/12

Happy belated birthday! You look absolutely amazing. Wow. I think it's time to change that profile pic, lol. Congratulations on getting to where you want to be--I am so happy for you! Maybe by my 50th, I'll be able to post a similar story. My first plastics procedure (extended abdominoplasty) is coming up in May and I'm hoping to do arms and breasts next year. Not sure I'll ever have the nerve (or budget) to do any facial stuff but never say never, lol. I already feel and look better than I have since my teenage to get all that loose, flabby skin fixed up because it really does mess with my mind. I SEE myself much differently in clothes than what I saw in the surgeon's pics. Most of the same rolls were still there--the ones that were there 100 lbs ago. They are a lot smaller now, but 25+ years of being obese take their toll on skin and fluorescent lighting doesn't do much to show the muscles that are now building underneath the loose skin. This year I'm running a 5k, doing a MuckFest, and if I recover from surgery in time to train for it, I'll be doing the Spartan race at Fenway Park in November. Those are things I would never have even considered 10, 15, 20 years ago. But now, approaching my 48th birthday, I'm doing things I could never have imagined myself doing and I am so grateful for my sleeve, my new mindset, and the people in my life who are helping and encouraging me to keep pushing myself. I love what I'm doing and how I feel. Heck, I'm addicted to endorphins now, lol. And I absolutely love reading what you've written and seeing your pics, and that you are so happy. *beam*

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

5/27/14 - Extended abdominoplasty with hernia and diastasis recti repair

12/20/14 - Breast reduction/mastopexy with bra line back lift


on 3/31/14 6:51 am

Thank you! I love your positive energy and outlook on life! So glad to see the difference that you have made in your life since losing the excess weight. You are living large!!!! I love it that you are running and the Spartan race would be awesome! I am working to build my endurance. I do sprinting and walking intervals. I would love to get to the point where I can go the distance. 

My tummy tuck was what started my plastic surgery journey. I loved my results and plunged head on to get everything done. I know that if I waited that I would never do it. For goodness sake it took me years after my consult to actually have dr. Capella do my tummy tuck. I am so glad that I did "all of me." So, do not be surprised if you end up dong all of you at some point! I had to do my face. I looked like someone grafted the head of a 50yo onto the body of a 20 yo... LOL!

keep up the awesome life you are now leading and good luck with the surgery! I will be looking for your update!

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


(deactivated member)
on 3/31/14 2:44 am

Congratulations on completing your personal journey and looking fabulous! Your plastic surgeon did a great job.

on 3/31/14 3:11 am

Thank you! Both of my plastic surgeons - Dr. Capella and Dr. Winslow - are delighted with my results, and of course, I am over the moon!

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


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