Hotel friendly breakfast foods?

on 4/17/11 12:47 pm - CA
So, in a couple of weeks I will be on a relaxing girls trip to Las Vegas (unfortunately not for meet and greet). I would like to know if anyone has an idea for in room breakfast choices. maybe a fridge, no micro. my breakfast is usually an eggwhite omelet so not quite sure what to do. Thanks
on 4/17/11 1:00 pm
I usually do protein decaf for breakfast. When I was in the hospital I brought baggies with a scoop of protein powder in them and I brought my blender bottle and mixed up some skim milk with the protein powder and some sugar free syrup and added it to the decaf coffee they had.
Amy R.
on 4/17/11 2:13 pm
If your hotel has room service you can still do your eggs =)

Otherwise, I usually just bring some fresh fruit and some dry whole grain cereal when I'm gonna be in a hotel.

Also, lots of hotels now have free continental breakfasts so you might want to check. Sometimes they have eggs there, and they usually always have fruit and yogurt.

Good luck finding what works for you - and enjoy your trip!
on 4/17/11 2:57 pm - CA
 Okay, so most Vegas hotels will not offer a fridge, but if you tell them you need one for medical reasons, they'll probably be able to help you out- especially if you tell them in advance. (I used to live and work in Vegas, so  I have some experience here)

Since it you're used to have a protein-heavy breakfast, I'd pick up some string cheese (low-fat high in protein- but ready the labels because some string cheese has 4g of protein a stick, and other have more like 7g- and the fat and calorie difference isn't that much), and some greek yogurt.  It's a little less breakfasty- I nibble on lunch meat in the morning sometimes. 

These should all work for you in a small cooler with ice too. 
on 4/17/11 11:06 pm
your protein shakes

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