Tortuous Esophagus???

laura S.
on 4/20/11 4:23 am - London, Canada
I normally post in the Ontario, Canada forum, but haven't found anyone else who has had this issue.  If you have, please message me and let me know what happened, how they fixed it, if they even needed to fix it, and how long that delayed surgery. 

I had an upper GI a few months back and the report said that there are a few narrow spots and that I have a 'tortuous esophagus' at the bottom where it joins to my stomach.  I spoke to the nurse at our bariatric centre and she said that she would not order a scope yet, as the surgeon would most likely want to perform the scope himself/herself, if necessary.  

Just wondering if anyone else has had this issue?  Did it delay surgery?  Audrey mentioned something about possibly having to have a mini-surgery if it needed repairing or adjusting prior to surgery?  I know I'm in great hands and am willing to do whatever it takes, but any information would be appreciated!


(deactivated member)
on 4/20/11 4:31 am - Charlotte, NC
I have not HAD tortuous esoph. but I do know you need to stay right on top of it. The office person you spoke with was doing a good job of not just ordering the test by anyone. YOUR SURGEON, and or someone HE knows about and either works with or designates needs to do the needed test at the time...and the repair IF that is needed.
Not to scare, but if the event happens that you have chest pains, severe pain in the stomach area, can't get food and or liquid down, call your surgeon and meet him at the hospital for examination. Torsions of all kinds>>testicles, intestines, hernias and esoph. are all MEDICAL EMERGENCIES when they are torsed (twisted). Don't let anyone in an ER or office wave you happens.
If I can help, find me here.
laura S.
on 4/20/11 5:56 am - London, Canada
Thanks for the reply.  I will definitely be watchful and get treatment if I have any pains.  Unfortunately (LOL) I have NO problem getting food down!  Which is why I'm looking to have RNY!  I mostly just want to know how it is fixed and how much it will delay my surgery really.

Thanks for taking the time to let me know this  :)

(deactivated member)
on 4/20/11 6:00 am - Charlotte, NC
I thought you'd HAD your surgery already, but either way that needs to be addressed..either before or at the time of your surgery.
I wish you the BEST outcome, only!
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