Working out = hungry?

on 5/3/11 7:31 am - CA
I started stepping up my work out routine from mainly walking and about 10 minutes of weights to 45-60 minutes of Zumba in the mornings and walking at night. I currently eat about 750-850 calories a day averaging at 800 most days. I have noticed the last two days specifically that I want to eat more often. Is this normal? One of my friends said that maybe I need to step up my calories since I stepped up my workout. With my added Zumba I am burning about 350-500 more calories a day. My hunger is not going away with just drinking.
RNY- 2/18/2011

on 5/3/11 7:44 am
 during my workout I drink a 32oz of a type of nectar protein mixed with some crystal light so I don't get as hungry after.
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 5/3/11 8:27 am - OH
Yes, it is normal.  The hunger is your body's way of telling you that, because you are burning more calories, it wants more nutrition!


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