giving up diet soda

on 5/19/11 4:16 am - PA
I'm addicted to diet pepsi, did anyone else have problems giving up diet soda before surgery
on 5/19/11 4:26 am
I did...I had a thing for Diet Coke and dropped it cold turkey.  But then 6 months post op when I could have soda again, I started drinking it.  I make sure it's caffeine free and I load it down with ice to get out some of the carbonation.  It's hard...I feel your pain. 
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on 5/19/11 1:03 pm - AL
My surgery is set for 6/21 and I have slowly been eliminating things and portions each day so that my system isn't so shocked when I have to do the liquid diet pre/post op.  Shocked system or not, I just want to make it easier on myself.  ha ha

I stopped cold turkey this past wk.  In fact I have one last bottle of Diet Coke sitting here and haven't even wanted it.  About an hour after taking my vitamins I feel real thirsty and drink my water and since the vitamins are spread out all day long I am drinking my water all day.  Bad side effect of vitamins but it helps me keep my water going. 

                  "When you know better, you do better." ~Maya Angelou~

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180             
on 5/19/11 4:32 am - FL
i was regular coke, had to give it up for 24 hours before my carido test i had to do...havent had one since then...this was the end of feb...i am not just 6 weeks out from far have not really missed it...but i only had 1 a day and it took me all day long to drin that one can of coke....
its best to give it up now...i drank home made lemonade when i wanted a coke...was not that bad
have a great day
Rhie P.
on 5/19/11 4:51 am

I did...and I went through the caffeine withdrawls the first few days I was in the hospital after surgery...but once that passed (the headache was the worst)'s been smooth sailing.  I tired a couple of times to drink soda after the surgery (2-3 months after) and even just small sips...the carbonation was just too much....after awhile you don't miss what you don't have.

I can sip soda every now and again.....but I don't ever *want* to drink soda like I used to.





on 5/19/11 4:52 am - Arkadelphia, AR
Much like the others here... I used to drink 5-6 diet cokes / pepsi's a day... I am a chef and therefore there is always a soda fount close by!  I just walked in one day... put a mini fridge in my office... and stocked it w/ water.  Diet coke was not a problem since...

I do know that if you can find a brand called Diet Rite Pure Zero - it has zero sodium (terrible for you, I dropped 15 lbs from water weight alone when I quit soda), zero caffiene, zero calories etc.  It is bubbly water in a can w/ splenda & color. 

Might be a good way to slowly back off of your issue!
~ Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality.        
on 5/19/11 4:54 am - Beavercreek, OH
 I was a diet Mt. Dew drinker and diet pepsi drinker.  I always had diet mt. dew in the morning as my "coffee".   I had to give it up the Friday before my Wednesday surgery.  I had the caffeine withdrawal headahces and actually had to have a little iced tea to cope with it.  But now that it's been this long, there's no way I would go back to drinking soda regularly--even if I was allowed.   You can do it!!


Michelle L.
on 5/19/11 5:05 am - Phoenix, AZ
I was a Diet Coke nut. I drank several cans a day before surgery. Now I drink G2 or water, but I'll occasionally have a sip of Diet Coke if my husband has one. A sip is all I can take because the carbonation makes me feel like I'm going to pop. But it still tastes soooo good . . .
on 5/19/11 5:33 am - WA
I drink diet pop whenever I want too. I prefer it room temperature, especially diet Dr. Pepper. Be sure to follow the rule of not drinking with meals. Take a sip, relax and enjoy your weight loss journey!
psx chelly
on 5/19/11 5:36 am

I was addicted to Coke ZERO.  I stopped drinking it about 2 months before surgery.. I weaned myself off of it.  I dont miss it at all.  Dr told me no way, cause the carbination would hurt like hell.  I seriously dont even miss or think about it.

On a side note, I gave up fast food (Mcdonalds, Burger King etc etc) in 1998, and I dont miss that either.  The smell acutally makes me sick now.  I think its the greese, not sure.

So Im just saying, it * can * be done.

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