Post Op 2 months 2 days... no appetite!

Robin Pike
on 6/5/11 12:15 pm - NC
Hello... my husband and I both had Gastric Bypass on 4/4/11. I do understand that both our bodies are different and our total weight loss to date is me: 45 lbs and my hubby: 46 lbs.

The doctor said that he had to make my husbands stomach bigger than mine because of scare tissue he had from a previous surgery. So, needless to say, he can eat more than me. That in of itself does not bother me at all (in the beginning it did but I have adjusted ...).

My problem is the fact that I am never hungry. I have been struggling with getting enough fluids as I am taking care of my elderly parents and the day just seems to slip away and the next thing I know I haven't drank anything in hours. I know, I know, that is really bad. My husband is constantly getting on me because if I don't take care of myself then how can I take care of my parents!! This has just been a real battle for me. Needless to say, if I am not drinking, I certainly am not eating. But I really don't ever feel hungry!!!

We go back to see our nutritionist on the 16th of this month and I am sure she is going to order for me to have my blood levels drawn. I do take my medicines (I am a diabetic... still) and my vitamins every night. The fluids just seems to be a huge problem for me. 

I have been extremely tired and I am sure some of the reason is because I am dehydrated but it is also because I am always on the go ... until around 10pm every evening and then I start to wind down. I still drink one protein drink every morning before I head out of the house but that is about all the protein I get on a daily basis. I know... very bad!!! I am only getting 23 grams a day... when I should be getting at least 55-60!!!

I look forward to hearing what you think... thanks for your responses!!


on 6/5/11 12:48 pm - MI
how about crystal light? I use the to go single packets, carry them in my purse. I use a nice meduim size thermos its stainless steel and black, from meijers for 20bucks and keeps the ice cubes good for hours.

you have to get your protien in for your healths sake. and you do not want to loose an excess amount of hair now do you? youd better lisned to your hubby and get to drinking! be

I believe your weight loss will soon stall if you keep it up and you will get ill and will not be with your parents cuz youll need to be in the hospital! god bless you and take care of yourself,ok?
on 6/5/11 12:49 pm
Oh Robinpike, I can totally relate. I am over 3 months out, and I too have these same issues. Sometimes I go all day and realize that I haven't drank an ounce of water - and then I find myself cramming in my liquids right before bed time or unfortunately foregoing them alltogether - it is bad, and something I too am working on! We do not want to get dehydrated - so I look forward to hearing what others recomend.  

I am also NEVER hungry - but from what my physician (and everyone else) says, enjoy it while it lasts, cause the time is coming where we will be hungry again. I am getting in roughly 700 calories a day and am working to gradually increase them to 900. 

I did have my first set of labs (3 months) done, and my surgeon was very pleased! Everything looks good - now I just have to keep it there. :)

Good luck, and I look forward to hearing others responses to your post!

Just wanted to say - you are not alone! 

Highest Weight - 263.2  Surgery Weight - 247.40  Current Weight - 148.5   
*Total loss includes 15.8lbs lost on surgeon required pre-op diet.   
on 6/5/11 1:27 pm - VA
 I would recommend buying Gotein. It's protein in little to go packets (like crystal light, but bigger). You can keep them in your purse and bring some bottled water with you. Then you're more likely to get your protein in because it's convenient. All you have to do is empty the packet into bottled water and shake it. I bought some samples and I like it. I have been trying to get in all my water everyday pre-op because I want to develop good habits so that it will be easier post-op. What helps me remember is that I carry a re-usable water bottle everywhere I go so that I don't forget to drink. I sip it all day and refill it often. I hope this helps. :)
on 6/5/11 10:48 pm
where do you buy it?
on 6/6/11 12:34 am - VA
You can buy it on their website: They have a sample pack you can grab to try them first. That's what I did. :)
on 6/5/11 1:31 pm - MA
7.5months and still no real hunger.  I get head hunger when other people around me eat.  But if I don't have those social Que's I completely forget.  I start my day with a 14 oz protein drink (lemonaid from Vitalady) which has 23g of protein.  After that I have a 32 ounce water bottle that I carry with me, EVERY WHERE.  At this point I've trained myself to finish the 1 bottle by 3pm, 2nd my 7pm and then apint glass while I"m home.  It helps me to know that I have to drink those quantities to meet my liquid requirments.  BUut I ceratinly didn't just jump right in...  it's something the my nut I and worked on ounce by ounce.  I had one go of being really dehydrated (4 IV bags) that really scared me into being very serious and sip sip sipping like it was my job. 

If your major on the go pack a 2nd protein shake to mak eup later in the day.  plop your serving in a blender bottle or snack sized zip-lock to shake up on the run.  Check Vitalady for some NON-choloate & Vanilla options. 

I also bought a heart rate monitor that I use as a timer.  I have different alarms set to remind me to take my Vit's which helps me remember meal times if I"m not at work.

People at my support group say they remember hunger returning around the 9month- 1yr mark.
5'6.5"  HW: 310 / SW:279.6  /GW:150               
on 6/5/11 2:52 pm
I think you answered your own question. You are putting other people ahead of your recovery. Fluid and protein are not optional. Glue a water bottle to your hand. Put some fluid with some protein in it and keep drinking. Really..this is a big deal.
Deb T.


on 6/5/11 9:35 pm
 I appreciate all the comments. I am only five days out from surgery and I already am having a problem getting my liquids down. Today I graduate to stage 2, never been so excited to be able to eat cream of wheat!! Thanks for the tips. I carry a sippy cup with me so I don't forget to sip.
on 6/5/11 11:39 pm
You can't take care of your folks unless you yourself are healthy, and if you can't start meeting your nutritional needs, you will not remain healthy for long. Primary concerns and suggestions:

Water: You need to get your water in. Extreme low calorie diets and rapid weight loss demand a lot of water for lipolysis (fat burning). If you don't have enough, you could be straining your kidneys and will eventually halt your weight loss. I'd suggest you get or make one of those bottles that are made with a strap for walking(e.g., It will be much harder to forget to drink from it if it is always strapped to your body.

Protein: Same thing. Your energy will bottom out, your weight loss will stall, and you will end up malnourished if you continue to get this little protein in the day. Get a protein powder that mixes like a fruit/sports drink (Nectar, Weider's etc), and put it in the strapped on water bottle. For other eating, it doesn't matter if you are hungry or not. If you can't remember to do it, set a timer.

Vitamins: You're not taking all of your vitamins at one time (at night), are you? iron and calcium should not be taken together, and calcium doses should be distributed over the day to ensure absorption.
Starting BMI 69 w comorbidities | 55 of the weight lost above was pre-op.    
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