6 weeks out, I want a bite of a hamburger and a salad

on 6/13/11 10:25 am
I am also 6 weeks out this week.  My dr. cleared me for regular foods last week.  Yesterday, I had to attend a picnic for an organization that my kids are part of & they had grilled burgers, brats, & hot dogs.  I ate about 1/2 of a thin burger w/out the bun along with some fruit and it sat fine in my pouch.  I was very careful to chew really well. I was very satisfied with only 1/2 of the burger & had no desire to eat more.   I have not yet tried salad.  Good luck!
on 6/13/11 10:27 am - Springfield, IL
Of course everyone is different, but I tried hamburger at week six and got very (VERY) sick, I've been to scared to try it agains.

However, at about week 8 I did finally have some salad (I love raw veggies and had been missing salad and such desperately) and it was okay, just remember to chew very well (& double check the sugars in your salad dressing.)
on 6/13/11 11:47 am

I'm five weeks out and have been having salads since I could chew again with no problem.  If you load them up with ham, cheese, egg, sunflower seeds, veggies, etc. you get protein and don't really don't miss the lettuce-I'd rather eat the good stuff instead of the filler-but I haven't had any trouble with lettuce.

I can also eat hamburger-just only three or four really well chewed bites. I think it just depends on what kind of eater you were before.  Eating a few bites of a cheeseburger isn't going to make me want to eat more cheeseburgers.  My problem was partly genetics and partly the fact that I cleaned my plate, which was often oversized.  I have had some carbs-especially fruit-as well.  Eating a few carbs does not make me want to go on a cookie binge.  I have not had bread, though, simply because I'm afraid it will fill me up and I won't get my protein down.  My NUT and Dr. definitely emphasize protein, but not at the cost of excluding other entire food groups. And, not to give TMI, but I am seriously needing some fiber.  My BM's have been like birthing babies lately, and that is with me taking Colace every night. (I have been dying to use that smiley!) 

So, now that I've written a book for you, just let me say everything in moderation.  :) 

on 6/13/11 12:12 pm - IA

I was cleared for salad very early out, about 3-4 weeks and it always sits great.  I also have had no problem with hamberger since about week 5-6, chicken on the other hand, still does not sit well, so everyone is different, follow your plan and if it's on there, try it, SLOWLY, CHEW CHEW CHEW.


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