Problems, and cant get any answers from doctors

on 6/22/11 5:37 am, edited 6/22/11 5:47 am

First off lets start by saying I'll be 5 years post op in August. My surgeon is no longer performing surgeries as I was told anyway. I've been maintaining my weight, but I've had troubles with vitamin deficiencies. My D vitamin level has been very low and was first noticed last summer. I also have a lot of light headed spells, and abdominal pains that all doctors want to diagnose as gas. These pains started about 2 years ago, and they would come and go but lately they are very persistant. Mainly on my left side above my hip area but below rib cage. Is anyone else experiencing this? Also I get very nausious with these "attacks". One doctor went as far as to tell me it's my gall bladder, funny thing is I had my gall bladder removed back when I was 14!! I'm 29 now, so there is no way it's my gall bladder. My husband is military, and we've done alot of moving the last couple of years, so that on top of everything has made it hard to find a doctor who will really look into things and take me seriously. 

So sorry for all this ranting, it's just making my every day life extreemly hard. I'm tired all the time, and my mood is affected by all of this. I have a 2 year old to take care of, and this increasing pain is affecting my daily quality of life.

on 6/22/11 5:53 am
 What are you taking for your D?  If it is the prescription then it won't help.  That is D2 and we need D3.  The best I have seen is from  Get the dry D3 50,000 iu.  Depending on how low your D is you should take it daily for about 3 months and then retest.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 6/22/11 6:03 am
I am taking D-3 , I was taking Natures Bounty (as d3 cholecalciferol) in the 1000 IU, but a few days ago I found a gummy form of D 3  (also as cholecalciferol) that offers 2000 IU so I'm going to try this and see if it helps. The Doctor just hasnt been very helpful as to the ammount I need to be taking, all I was told is if I cant get it up I'll need injections. Also, I use to take Nexium but the doctor said there is no need for me to take Nexium and wouldnt write me a prescription for it. I swear the primary doctors have no clue when it comes to gastric bypass. I also am wondering if I may have an ulcer because my stomach hurts at times and sometimes I feel I have a stomach full of air.
on 6/22/11 6:05 am
almost forgot. As far as the Nexium goes it was my actual surgeon that told me to take Nexium and he prescribed it. My old primary would too, but when we moved the new one wouldnt.
on 6/22/11 6:06 am
 2,000 iu won't do a thing depending on how low your D is.  Go on and order the 50,000 iu and take it daily and retest in 3 months.  I had a D level that was barely detectable at one point and it took years to get it where it is now, 72 and I still want it higher, around 100.  You need the big guns to get that level up.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 6/22/11 6:08 am
Thank you so much for your help. I have been at wits end just not knowing what to do. Could this also be a cause of my pains?
on 6/22/11 9:43 am - Canada
Hi, You should definitly see another surgeon and team. I am on another site as well and a woman just died five years out as no one listened to her about pain. It was a bowel blockage, they can go on for quite a while then just shut down, or kill part of your bowel. Go now! Just look up one in your area and get into the hospital they practice in. Don't put it off. You are right gps just dont to it now.

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 6/22/11 6:13 am - OH
I'll be 4 years out in August.  My D was extremely low (single digit) after my surgery, and after messing around with small dose increases, I started taking the 50,000 unit capsules (they are surprisingly tiny!) from Vitalady 3 times a week and my levels were back up in just a few months.  I still take the 50,000 unit twice a week to keep my levels up. (Taking 10,000 units a day every day would probably do the same thing, but it's hard to find pills in between 5000 and 50000!)

As fas as the pain, I have been struggling for over a year with a low level constant tightness/achy pain that turns into very sharp pain intermittently.  It is in roughly the same area you are describing (mine is more towards the center, though).  There are times that I can go several weeks without the severe pain, and then there are times that it is only days between "attacks".  Occasionally I have nausea, but I think the nausea is FROM the pain itself.  I had three open surgeries  (open RNY, open hernia repair, and then a tummy tuck) plus a lap gallbladder removal within 3 years, and all of the tests  (multiple CT scans both with and without contrast, an EGD, and two ultrasounds) have shown nothing, so we are pretty sure it is from adhesions.  My RNY surgeon does not remove adhesions (she says the incidence of them recurring is too high), so I am in the process of working with another surgeon because I cannot continue to miss work, etc. when the pain gets really bad (as it has been this week).  I am having an upper GI and something else tomorrow morning and then will talk with him about surgery (since no one expects the test to show anything).

Sorry that I can't say "have a doctor check for xxx....", btu wanted you to know that you are not the only one several years out with mysterious pain that is not related to eating.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 6/22/11 6:19 am
I have not had any hernia operations, or tummy tucks but I did have a c-section in September 2008 and I can say it was a few months after that  is when this all started.  I had open surgery for my RNY, and when I had my gall bladder removed years ago that was done laproscopic.  I guess I'll just have to hound Tricare until I am sent to a doctor who will figure something out. I going to try the vitamin d in a much higher dosage.  Thank you for the help
Cassandra Gordon
on 6/22/11 6:22 am - Woodbridge, VA
RNY on 03/29/11 with
My husband is also military and I have been having some of thesame probs as you. I had my gall blatter taken out 1999 and bypass done March 29th and since then Bethesda Naval hospital did a MRCP (this is a type of MRI) and Monday they told me I had a gall stone in a common duct that they were not able to see with just a CAT SCAN. If you would like to chat more mesage me and I can tell you what I have had to do with the military and Tricare.
[email protected]

Cassandra Gordon

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