What's everyone having today?

on 7/10/11 7:59 pm - Lexington, KY
I like to read posts like this once in a while to get new ideas.  I'm enjoying this summer since my surgery was last summer and I didn't really get the fresh fruits and veggies that I so much enjoy....
Today my menu will be:

B-Egg/cheese/100 cal multigrain bun

L-Nectar protien shake w/extra shot of protein (33 g)

Snack -Yogurt/whole grain cheezits

Dinner-Taco salad

I plan on swimming this morning and walking later this evening after dark...

What's everyone else doing today?
Cindy    *number on ticker includes 14.5 lbs lost prior to surgery                                                                                
on 7/10/11 10:43 pm - LA
I am starting protien today!!
I'm Ready!
on 7/10/11 11:43 pm
I am having Special K crackers multigrain-8 of them, then I have 2 ham slices (land o frost cooked ham, it has no ring around the edge so it's easier to chew) then  a slice of swiss.

For lunch, I am having watermelon, a slice of cheese and 1/2 a banana with 1 TBS. peanut butter

For dinner, taco salad with chicken, lettuce, tomato and cheese. (my first time with lettuce, wish me luck!)

Evening will be a protein shake.
(deactivated member)
on 7/11/11 12:24 am - NY
for breakfast I attempted to eat a piece of chicken from my dinner last night, didn't seem to like to well, so instead I had sf cool whip with frozen raspberries.

lunch, I guess either a granola bar or I have a lean cuisine shrimp thingy.

dinner, all ready in the crockpot, Im making chicken soft taco's. I bought myself lettuce cups and the rest of the family torillas.
on 7/11/11 12:34 am - NC
 I am drinking "Metro Mint" orange min****er (it's expensive but it really is refreshing) and decaf tea.  
Just started the mushy foods so for breakfast I had 1/4 cup cheese grits cooked in skim milk and seasoned with country ham.

lunch I will have squash casserole cooked with cream cheese and spinach and some more grits

dinner... ummmm eggs?  I dunno.  

2 snacks of 1/4 cup vanilla greek yogurt with 1 tbls of peanut butter and 1/2 a scoop of chocolate protein mix.  I may even make it into a shake... I dunno yet...

I walked a little over a mile this morning and I'm still kinda shaky.  

I like the way everyone on here plans out their meals for the day.  I think I am going to have to start doing that.  It seems as though it makes life a lot easier.

I know I'm not quite at the right spot yet, but I'm learning :)
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