update on my situation

on 9/11/11 9:03 am - South Charleston, WV
well I have so far been able to eat beans and cheese twice today and keep down some milk. the milk made me sick to my stomach but I was able to keep it.
I looked into buying the suppliments I need and right now do not have the money to get them. A very nice member sent me a form to get  my surgeon to fill out to help me get a 90  day supply.
Still no luck in being able to get a protein source (shake) I like. Once again it is a lack of funds.
I know a couple people expressed being worried about me. I am working really hard to get on the right track.

on a good note I did get outside today.
on 9/11/11 10:05 am - VA
RNY on 09/14/11 with
What is your follow up plan like with your doctor's office? Do they offer a support group.  They should.   I don't mean to frighten you, but you can't afford NOT to take your supplements.  A poster was on here a few weeks ago with a warning about that.  She is permanantly disabled and has some brain damage also. 

At the very least you need to get those b vitamins in first.  They are all important, but get the b vitamins tomorrow and don't wait.    I'm sure your doctor must have given you a list of the different types you need.  I was able to pick up some that weren't too expensive.  This is something you have no choice but to budget for.  It's your life on the line. 

You might want to buy some unsweetened almond milk for your shakes and see if they taste any better.  It has a richer, thicker flavor than skimmed milk.

Good luck.

HW: 218, SW: 204, CW: 139 GW: 112-119

on 9/11/11 8:52 pm - South Charleston, WV
The thing that ha**** us hard is my son has to go to an alternative school for a few weeks and we have to pay for it out of pocket. My husband has been waiting for my Dr. to say when I start the suppliments which is why I havent gotten them. I have tried to tell him that in my paperwork it said to take them.
I will see about getting the almond milk. The whey protein is somewhat tolerable with regular (skim) milk hopefully the change will help.
on 9/11/11 11:17 am - OH
Stacey, I'm a little concerned about you.  I understand what it's like to be short on money, I really do.  I mean, I've gotten my fair share of food from the food pantry and that kind of thing.  And I know things in life don't always go as planned.

When you had surgery, what was your plan for buying your vitamins and protein supplements?  I'm glad you're going to be able to get the 90 day supply of stuff, I'm assuming that's from Bariatric Advantage.  Have you had your doc fill out the form yet?  Have you been taking any vitamins in the meantime?  How much protein are you getting in on an average day now?

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 9/11/11 9:00 pm - South Charleston, WV
My plan was to just simply buy them. when I need things usually we can budget for them. my son was recently expelled from school and must go to an alternative school for a few weeks before he can go back. We must pay for this out of pocket. Thats $200 a week we really didn't plan on.
I just got the form over the weekend, I plan to print it out and take it to him today. I have no vitimins as of right now. my husband has ben waiting on a list from the Dr. I know I have it in my paperwork somewhere but have yet to find it. He's very wary of buying stuff I don't need.
I am unsure how much protein I actually get because so far maybe 2 meals have stayed down a day. I get a lot of sinus drainage and it seems to irritate my stomach. One cough and it's over.
on 9/11/11 1:20 pm - WI
Hi, I haven't had surgery yet, (next week) but I have stocked up on my vits and supplements.  If you shop around, you can sometimes get them BOGO free or half price.  I just seen in todays paper that Walgreens has BOGO free plus there is a coupon in the paper for vitamins.  You can use 2 coupons on BOGO so you could end up paying little to nothing for you vitamins.  From what I researched, vits and supplements are the last thing you want to skimp on.  Maybe for now, you have to get rid of other stuff, ex cable or interet.  Good luck and keep your eyes open for deals.
on 9/11/11 9:06 pm - South Charleston, WV
believe me I tried to stock up. My husband is very reluctant to buy things ahead of time.He's already mad at me for not liking the taste of not only my whey protein but also the flavored water I was supposed to be drinking. anyting with artificial sweetners tastes terrible to me.
I know what I need, and understand the importance of them. it's very frustrating that I seem like an unprepared person on such an important thing. I did ears of research on this surgery and knew what I was getting into. But when I don't personally make any of the money for the house, it's hard for me to spend it.
on 9/12/11 12:25 am - VA
RNY on 09/14/11 with
You will have to explain to your husband that by not having the vitamins supplements, your health is in danger. It will cost him a lot more in the long run if you are back in the hospital or end up needing around the clock care because of the damage caused by not taking your vits. Have him call the doctor to confirm this if he is still reluctant.

I'd be freaking out if I was a month out and hadn't started my vits. regimen.  Does your doctor know you haven't started taking them yet?  You must be more assertive when your life is on the line.

On a side note, I am sorry about your son that must add to the strain.

HW: 218, SW: 204, CW: 139 GW: 112-119

on 9/12/11 1:46 am - Joppa, MD
Ok, you are taking some hits here so I don't want to beat up on you anymore.  I understand you did your research and that is was an unplanned event that has caused a financial strain.  It happens to all of us.  I had to work out a payment plan with the hospital to pay for my labs because my insurance doesn't pay for them and I have sold off some items to pay for some vitamins I needed due to another unexpected expense.  I couldn't predict that someone would get drunk and crash into my husband's car anymore than you could predict your son's expulsion.   Life goes on.  Big hug. 

But I would like to address your thoughts on "when I don't personally make any of the money for the house, it's hard for me to spend it."   Have you considered what your husband would have to pay a housekeeper, nanny, cook, someone to run errands...etc.  All those things you do as part of your job?  I think it is very important, especially on this journey you have started, to recognize your importance to others and your own self-worth.  And to learn how to stand up for yourself more.  I'm not attacking your husband. He may have no idea you feel this way.  However, if he does and accepts this line of thinking then you are going to have to have talk.  And soon.  Someone may have to do without something for a few months. 

You are feeling fine now.  But some of those vitamin levels can tank on you quite quickly.  If that happens you won't be able to take a normal (RNY normal) amount to catch back up. This can involve infusions or shots or just having to buy higher dosage supplments all of which can add up in the $ department.

Also since it is time for most companies to be addressing benefit enrollments and changes, does your husband have access to a flexible spending account?  It can be very useful for paying for co-pays, labs and other medical charges.  (I just didn't put enough $ into mine this year to cover everything) It doesn't pay for OTC things like vitamins but if you get documentation from your doctor that you have a medical need to take these for life you can use the $ for them.  I got a letter from my doctor and they have put it on file for me at the company that handles our flex spending account.  The reason I mention it is the money comes out of the paycheck before income taxes so that his pay would not decrease by much...if at all.  I put in $60 every 2 weeks but my paycheck decreased by just a little over $5.  So that's a win.  Just a thought because it can be very helpful. 

I wish I had more to offer on getting in your fluids and protein.  Just keep trying the best you can.  Pu**** 

And another hug. 
on 9/12/11 1:59 am - South Charleston, WV
Our financial situation is a big stress to al the adults in the house. My husband just kind of over looks things. It's easy to forget me when we have no car insurance. There has been a need for a second job for both the males in this house for a while, I tried working but was too heavy and fractured my foot. I spent months telling people I would need things after my surgery, they just kept getting put off. much like I tend to only get money for our bills when we get a shut off notice. I hate to think he will need a shut off notice for me.
we do have a spending account but they are disputing a charge from my gyno and we have yet to get the proper itemized statment (putting off again). so thats money we should be able to use but can't.
I asked my mom for money for vitimens today and she is making hubby take me to get the ones I need.
I'm beginning to realize just how little he and I comunicate on things, or how much he really listens to me. sure we get along, but mostly thats because he ignores a lot of things.
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