Really Struggling today:(

on 9/26/11 4:31 am - Bowling Green, KY
I am on my 6th day of my pre-op diet and i am so freaking hungry my dog is looking pretty tasty (just kidding of course).  I have lost 7 pounds so far on this liquid torture which makes me really happy, but the fact that I am so hungry makes me crazy.  Not to mention that when I came home for lunch (protein shake), I flipped on the TV... my God the commercials are crazy and all about FOOD, most of which pure garbage!  It is no wonder we have an epidemic of obesity in this country!  Oh and did I mention, I quit smoking and would fight a bear for a smoke  Shew I sure feel better.  I think I'll go on a quick walk before I go back to work!
on 9/26/11 4:35 am - TX
Just think that after your surgery, those same commericals that made you hungry before will now make you Nauseous. I never noticed before how many commercial about food were on TV until after my surgery and it would gross me out. I had to mute the TV, it was so bad. So hang in and that is so great about the smoking. You are very impressive.

HW: 328   GW: 164  CW: 159  Height - 5' 8"  
GOAL REACHED 12/15/2012!!!!!!!!!

RNY Surgery Date:  6/21/11  
LBL/BL  - 11/6/2012 Arm Lift with Abdominal Lipo - 12/11/2012 - Dr. Paul PIn
Love me without restriction, trust me without fear, want me without demand and accept me for who I am.         - unknown - 



on 9/26/11 4:44 am - MN
 when is your plan taking you off of liquids?  should be pretty shortly i would think and are you on a liquid diet or a full liquid diet where at least you can have some cream soup or yogurt? 

I remember the commercials on tv driving me mad now i just jug water and that keeps me full between meals.  

Good job quitting smoking also.  I know that part is horrible but it will get better.  work through the craving with keeping yourself busy.  A craving lasts about 5 minutes or less and it will go away.  keep that in mind.  And they become farther and farther apart as time goes on.  

Laurie says:  Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind  ~~~ dr. suess

on 9/26/11 4:53 am - Bowling Green, KY
I am on the 14 day pre-op... then after the surgery i go to clear then full liquids, this will be another 2-3 weeks.  My doc only allows 1 container of yogurt per day, 1/2 c low fat cottage cheese, and up to 1 cup of skim milk during the pre-op liquids, after surgery, the only difference in the clear and full liquids is I can have chocolate protein... NO CREAM SOUPS LOL.  Plus my protein shakes and broth... boy I sure wish i had taken the time to make homemade beef broth like the chicken broth I made! 
on 9/26/11 4:57 am - Marion, AR
The pre-op diet was the worst part.  What kept me going was remembering that the purpose was to shrink my liver so the surgery would be safer.  Every time I'd get tempted, I'd keep that in mind!
on 9/26/11 9:52 am - WI
Wow, that sounds crazy!!  That's a long time to be on a liquid diet!  I am so thankful that my surgeon does not require a liquid diet at all.  I have to be on a preop diet that consists of 3 oz protein, I cup fruit, 1 cup veggies 3x day.  He actually told me there is no scientific reason for the liquid diet. He said the preop diet shrinks your liver as much as a liquid diet.  Good luck, I really feel for you.
on 9/26/11 4:57 am - New Carrollton, MD
RNY on 08/22/11 with
During my liquid pre-op diet...the hardest thing for me was coming off of the sugar and carbs,  OMG the headaches were a BEAST.  For me, I wasn't physical hunger...but it was a mental hunger.  I actually stopped watching TV and DVRd everything so I could FF through the commercials because my mouth would salivate at the food commercials and I would have to literally fight to not get in the car and go to Wendy's for a frosty!

What helped me were planned joke.  I cheated on my pre-op diet...but I tried to be very strategic about it.  For instance I knew the diet was low in sugar and carbs and high in protein, so i made sure my "cheats" were within those ranges.  For instance I ate some chicken one night.  Just a piece of baked sauce, a few herbs and seasonings...nothing else.  That was the BEST piece of chicken I'd ever eaten before in my whole entire life (at least that what it felt like).  For me, it was important that I was OK with giving in and eating just that chicken so that I was able to fight the urges for things like cheesecake, cookies, and other not so bad things.  I did that a few times during my two week liquid diet and I still lost 20 pounds.
HW & SW: 363     Surgery date: 8/22/11    
on 9/26/11 6:02 am - MN
 oh i read you wrong i read POST op and your on PRE op.  That is the worst part of the whole ordeal so far.  lol  so at least you get cottage cheese and yogurt i was only allowed broth (the thought makes me want to hurl), SF jello, milk, carnation instant breakfast and water.  I once had about 10 cheerios..i think i did that twice because i needed the crunch.  And about 3 days before surgery i couldn't take it anymore and had went to a baseball game and had a cuban sandwich.  Those were my cheats.  I knew the last day before surgery was a "clean up" day with mag. citrate so i wasn't worried about eating that.  lol   i shouldn't have cheated but on here i was reading most people say they were eating a meal a day..a lean cuisine a day or not even on a prediet at all so i said to heck with it  i am going to have a sandwich. lol  Otherwise i did pretty good and it helped for after surgery also.  my body was already in liquid mode.  it gets better after surgery.. keep looking forward....

Laurie says:  Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind  ~~~ dr. suess

Brandi S.
on 9/26/11 6:05 am - TX
My dr started my liquid pre op diet a few days early because he wants me to lose 20 lbs before surgery so, I'm on day 4 of the diet. It hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be being home alone today. I thought I would be tempted to cheat but I haven't. I already hate the protein shakes.. I hurry and get them down and reward myself with either chicken broth or a sugar free pop. I'm just happy I work so 5 days out of the week I'll be super busy and won't have time to think about food. Crossing my fingers I lose the 20 lbs before surgery so it isn't postponed...

Remember, you aren't alone, we are struggling through it too but keep your eye on the prize!
Sara L.
on 9/26/11 9:27 am
Good job with the 7 lb loss! I'm sorry to hear you're having such a time with the liquids! I start mine a week from tomorrow. I quit caffeine last Friday and I still have a headache!!
Make sure you drink lots of water, it should help with hunger.
My surgeon doesn't do the bowel cleanse because we aren't eating anything for seven days prior anyway. He says that the cleanse would dehydrate us too much before surgery.
Good luck with the rest of your liquids!
Sara in Maui
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