on 12/16/11 5:09 am
 HI Everyone,
I have a failed sleeve and am scheduled for a revision in January.    My  revision surgeon can do a  Bypass  or a DS.    Would you choose  the bypass  over the DS?  Why or why not?   Any advice is greatly appreciated. 

on 12/16/11 5:36 am - WI
I think it all comes down to how much you need to lose and to weigh the 2 different surgeries with your surgeon.

You are on the bypass board, so you are going to get information on that.  Over on the DS board they would be able to give you more insight to that surgery.

on 12/16/11 11:21 am
 Thanks, this is what  I will do to get both  sides. 

on 12/16/11 5:47 am, edited 1/10/12 9:50 pm
Please ask the specifics of the RNY if that is your choice. I have heard of bypasses 40 cm to 250 cm. I have heard of pouches 1/2 oz to 4 oz. They can make the stoma with different size punches creating more or less resistance. I think the more you have to lose the more limiting the RNY you are given. Over the years the heavier people generally do better than lightweights, although they need more supplements. I was surprised to hear that 30% of people regain a substantial amount of weight after RNYs. Good luck to you. Tri
on 12/16/11 11:21 am
 Thanks, I had not idea. 

on 12/16/11 7:25 am
Since you already have the sleeve the logical next step would be a DS.  There are a lot of positives in having it.  Statistics for better weight loss and maintenance, better resolution of comorbidities, better post op eating.
There are some negatives, too.  First and most important you need to be religious about supplements.  The malabsorption can be very dangerous if you aren't careful.  Vitalady has a package for DS patients that is probably the best start you can have but you need to have labs done regularly to see if you need to make changes.  You need to be very educated about what was done to your body because the DS is not common and you may find yourself explaining your configuration to many health professionals who assume that is it the same as a bypass.  You need to be a strong advocate for your healthcare because you may find it hard to find doctors to treat you or who have the knowledge to treat you.  You still have to watch what you eat as far as simple carbs go.  They are absorbed 100% so you can still gain weight in spite of malabsorption.  Also, some people have side effects such as smelly gas, bloating and diarrhea.  It is mainly connected to your diet, mostly white carbs.  You could become lactose intolerant, too.  Because your intestines are shortened you may become prone to bacterial overgrowth.  Probiotics can help but the probiotics, as well as the vitamins and protein supplements you may need are  pretty expensive you so you need to know that you will always be able to afford to take care of yourself and your insurance situation is pretty secure because you may need frequent lab testing to correct problems.  You need at least 100 grams of protein a day so you may need supplements for a while and because your diet is high protein you may find yourself spending more on groceries for meat.  
All of these things can apply to the RNY, too, but to a lesser degree because the malabsorption is a lot less.  But that is the reason some people regain because after a while you lose the malabsorption and absorb every calorie you take in.  You could also find yourself dumping, which may or may not be a good thing, depending on your prospective.
I hope your surgeon has thoroughly educated you about the requirements for both surgeries.  If not you need to really research and talk to people so you know what you are getting into.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 12/16/11 11:24 am
 Thanks for your response, I do have a hard time understanding the DS and what it done.   I will continue to  read and read. 

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