To all you vets I need your words of wisdom- Stalled!

on 1/15/12 11:24 pm
OK y'all I am 5 months out next month on the 3rd I  hit my 6 months post op. I am down 75lbs. Which I should be thrilled right? I am at a dreaded stall.  I have been stuck for a while now. When I went in for my 3 mo. check up I was at 204lbs I am now sitting at 187lbs and stuck. What gives? I take in my protein, I could do better w/ the water intake. I drink a lot of it but not 3 litters are required by my Dr. Also, I workout hard. I do Zumba and so I am not understand what am I doing worng here? Why am I not shedding weight? Then I get on the scale at times and says I'm up to 190lbs or 191lbs I am so frustrated. I don't know where else to ask but to you guys who've gone thorugh this and know my frustration.

Thanks in advance.
on 1/15/12 11:27 pm - PA
 HUn this is so normal. Your body is just readjusting to the loss is all. everyoe goes thru stalls. its part of the journey not anything you are doing wrong.
 Come visit me on my blog 
  Start weight 282, Surgery weight 265, Current weight 131, Goal weight 140 

  A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.  Eleanor Roosevelt

on 1/15/12 11:39 pm
Thank you! I just seriously feel like I could do better. My scale goes up and then down and then up. I go in on the 2nd of Feb. for my 6 month check up and my surgeon was SO sure I'd be at 150lbs when I got to 6 months. How dissapointing to be sitting at 187lbs :-( OYE.
Mellissa L.
on 1/15/12 11:50 pm - Southgate, MI
I just hit 100lbs lost and am in a stall.  I remember a mini stall around 75lbs as well.  So I think it's like everyone said.  Your body has to readjust before it starts losing again.  As long as you are following the program, you'll be good.

I know my plan is to step up my exercise to get past the stall so hopefully next week i'll see the scale start moving down.  I'm about 40lbs away from goal and floating between 199- 201 right now.  Which I think everyone has a stall around onederland.    So i'll be happy once I get in the mid 190's and get away from the 200.. lol. 

on 1/16/12 12:55 am - Royal Oak, MI
I know for me it's incredibly easy to get hung up on whether or not the scale has moved in the past week. Last January I was stuffing my face, depressed, and completely embarassed to go out in public places over how I looked. I mean, I'm sitting here at work trying to figure a way to keep my chair from rolling backwards into the divits I created in the floor 113 pounds ago.

If you think about it, when in our lives of being overweight did we rejoice over losing this much weight? To have such a new outlook for a new year? Would any of us ever have freaked over a scale not moving DOWN in a week? 

I wouldn't have. Before surgery I knew the minute I lost 20 pounds I'd gain it back in a matter of weeks. 

Celebrate the new you - you've all done a great job - from what I've seen on the boards here, it just gets better and better.

Catch me on FB 

Twitter @spdiaries | Web: | email: [email protected]


on 1/16/12 1:42 am
Here I sit with the same frustrating problem. 4 1/2 months and had several stalls since surgery but down 5 lbs all of a sudden and not trusting it to last. It isn't recommended but I'm considering going on a liquid diet for two or three days to jump start the loss again. I need the encouragement that I see when the scales drop a pound or two. I am at the gym 4 days a week ( at least), trying to get the protein down, and drink lots.

It is part of the journey. For pre-op people...don't think that weight loss is going to be easy, it is still dieting forever.
on 1/16/12 4:01 am - Canton, GA
I'm there too. I'm almost 8 months out and the scale has certainly slowed to a crawl over the past few months. I figure it's because I have less to lose now. I've lost 88 pounds so far, but I had lost 66 pounds by mid-September. So I've only lost 22 pounds in the past 4 months.

In fact, the scale hadn't moved for about a month and then suddenly last week I dropped a pound, then 2 more a couple days later, only to have those 3 pounds show back up on day 5. Grr.

It's annoying, but I just keep telling myself that this is journey and I'm in it for the long haul. I am healthier and happier and 88 pounds lighter than I was 7.5 months ago!
Jenny         HW: 268 / SW: 254 / CW: 180 / GW: 140
First 5K: 4.21.2012 - Time: 34:45 - 2nd Place in age group
Second 5K: 6.2.2012 - Time 37:09
on 1/16/12 5:01 am - TX
I think if I were at a stall, I woul;d return to a protein shake diet {at least for breakfast and lunch} and then perhpas a small dinner with no in between meal snacking. The snacking can keep you from losing. Once the scale moves, it can motivate you to continue.
on 1/16/12 8:33 am
It is very normal to stall.  You do need to ensure that your getting enough calories though.  If your excercising a lot you may need to eat more.  Change things up a bit.  And get your liquids in. 
on 1/16/12 7:06 pm
Jenny I remember you. You are doing fantastic!!! And thank you all for the words of wisdom. This is not easy by ANY MEANS whoever thinks surgery is just an easy way out you need to make an educated decision. This has been the hardest thing I've ever had to do. You have to get in protein daily and you can't forget- you do and you feel like crapola all day. I will update y'all when I break this dreaded stall. For now XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO. Let's do this!
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