WW and WLS--a good match?

on 1/23/12 10:37 am - LA
I am down to about  15-20 pounds to lose. I was wondering if anyone here has ever tried Weigh****chers as a way to finish off those last few pounds and for maintenance.  I have lost on Weigh watchers in the past and I think they have a mindset just like WLS patients need to an extent:  proper portion control.  Now I know that there are some foods that will be off limits due to the restrictions of the pouch, but in general, I get the impression that portion control is always the key.  So, anyone out there that has tried WW post surgery?  What has been your experience?

Thanks in advance!
I'm Ready!
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 1/23/12 10:58 am, edited 1/23/12 10:59 am - OH
If you are looking at using their "points" system, beware that there are many items that are zero points but still have carbs, so you would need to be aware of that.

Personally, I think that things like WW can be good for some people, but for many of us (if not most) it just perpetuates the old (failed) dieting mindset that often leads to feelings of deprivation and then food rebellion (usually followed by weight gain). I had surgery so I would be DONE with dieting... and, at 4.5 years post-op, the protein-heavy, limited carb post-op eating plan has proven to work... so I see no need for things like WW.  It is about what it takes for YOU to be successful long term, though, not what works for anyone else.


p.s. What foods would be off-limits because of "the restrictions of the pouch"?

14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 1/23/12 3:04 pm
 For me the gift of Rny is that I never have to set foot in a WW meeting again.
Deb T.


on 1/23/12 9:47 pm - LA
I truly appreciate both of you taking time out to respond. I respect that neither of you feel the need for more support and that you are succeeding. Congrats!!

But,  I am looking to hear from people who DID go back or go for the first time to WW following WLS-not those who don't believe it is a good idea. If you went and had a good or bad experience, did it work or was it a waste of time and money?  THOSE people, please respond.

I am also going to check the WW site itself. I am simply investigating all angles,.

I'm Ready!
Jamie B.
on 1/23/12 10:57 pm - MI
Hi Shannon!!

I had thoughts of returing to WW once I am in maintenance. Just another way to be accountable. I also enjoyed their support, recipes and the relationships I made.

I have a friend here at work (she doesn't do the boards) but she uses WW to maintain her weight...and its working beautifully. She has a personal 10 lb restriction, once she gets 10 lbs above goal she uses the WW plan to get the 10 lbs back off again! 

I hope you get some responses, but I'm thinking there are so few on the boards that are in maintenance, the replies will be few! 

Good luck! 
Lisa K.
on 1/24/12 1:39 am - Dallas, TX
Hello!  I am 3.5 years past surgery and have been doing great until the last few months.  I think it's stress but I've put on about 10-15 pounds and it's freaking me out.  So I was thinking of joining WW just to get back on track eating the RIGHT foods and have a support group.
on 1/24/12 2:25 am
I did WW off an on for years.  I thought about starting again when I have about 10 pounds to lose so I can achieve lifetime.  Then I can go for accountability.  Currently I would rather spend the $40 a month on the gym. 

I think it depends on the leader.  I did my 6 months of nutritional visits through them.  I didn't feel like my leader understood my struggle with weight loss.  She had only lost about 15 pounds post baby.  She had a huge addiction to chocolate and admitted to eating a tiny snickers every day.  She also didn't have a problem going to krispy Kream once a week.  That portion control worked great for her, but she was young and had a good metabolism.  I can't do that.  One visit to Krispy Kream and I would be up several pounds.   After a while I felt like I knew everything they talked about.  One meeting even turned into a WLS bash session.  (We are doing it the right way....  If they would only do WW they wouldn't need surgery.)  On the other hand, I loved the support and accountability.  I have also had other leaders in the past that were great.  I like the points plus system they came out with last year.  It talked a little more about the quality of food than they had in the past.  I think you can try out several meetings before joining.  Give it a try and see if it helps.
on 1/24/12 4:44 am - Highland, IN
Joined WW a few months ago thru work after gaining 35 lbs and found out after a few weeks that, although it's a great program, it's not a good one after having WLS (especially RNY).  Much of the WW foods they they promote are not RNY friendly (lots of carbs - not so much protein).  With the new program they are trying to push more protein but a lot of the WW foods are high carb, high sugar so in the end I stopped going.  I realized that it is much better to pull out my original food plan from after my surgery and follow along with that. Hope this info helps you decide.
on 1/24/12 5:45 am - LA
Thanks y'all/  See I am blessed, I have a weekly support group through my surgeon's office. I guess I am just thinking of managing my eating--you know when my pouch grows a little more and can tolerate everything.  the last lady made a very good point--if that time were to come where I would gain some back, then pulling out the post op eating plan and following that should do the trick.  I was actually just thinking of getting the app for my kindle that would let me track points since I do have the support group.  c currently I am using fitness pal and that tells me every day I am not getting enough carbs but too much protein!! I had figured that maybe the WW would just tell me points and I could just use my points for high protein low carb foods. So, for now, I will table the idea. Thanks again!!

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