So embarassing! Help!

on 2/1/12 10:46 am
Hey all! Ok this is totally embarassing! I just started going to a gym, signed up like 2-3 weeks ago. I go twice a week for a 1 hr zumba class. Love it but it's rough! I am 2 1/2 yrs post op but gained back alot of weight and now need to lose about 100!!! sob..sob.. So anyway I was in class tonight and I was super gassy!!! I kept tooting and nobody can hear it as the music is super loud but honestly they are pretty bad!!! I tried to add more fruit to my diet lately and don't think this is helping. I am active at work as far as walking though I also sit alot too, I work as a medical assistant. So when I go to this class and move alot I guess it's natural. But this is so embarassing! I tooted and the lady next to me was like waving a tissue in disgust, I had to pretend it wasn't me!! Does anyone else have this issue? I burp alot too! Is this just a normal post op thing?? I even burp when I drink water! Anyone??
Price S.
on 2/1/12 10:54 am - Mills River, NC
I toot too.  Luckily, I work at home so it usually isn't an issue but it does happen more when I am active.  Sometimes going to the bathroom and getting as much out as possible at least lets me get through my shopping trip or whatever. 
I tried digestive enzimes, didn't do any good.  I have found some food are worse than others for causing gas.  I can't do soymilk without clearing a room.  However, beans which folks complain about, cause me no problems.
burping, only if I drink too fast or something too cold, including water.

    LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat  66 yrs young, 4'11"  hw  220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance

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on 2/1/12 11:03 am - Parkton, MD
Could you try doing warm up exercises before you go to the gym.  Maybe some streches will work out most of the 'internal air'.  When it happens to me - I just get a shocked look on my face - turn to face my husband and say "John!!!  Really!!!"  You could do that too to the person next to you.  He-he-he
HW 357 SW 341   
on 2/1/12 11:48 am
Write down what you're eating. I'm betting you'll find the culprit, or
culprits. I can eat beans without problems like there's no tomorrow,
but chickpeas...look out!  Milk gives me problems, but cultured
dairy like cheese and worries. I can have some soy
but if I have it every day it gasses me up, so i limit my soy
to 3x a week.  I find new food "challenges" crop up from
time to time, so it may be something that you tolerated until
recently.  Good luck!

on 2/1/12 1:21 pm
I can relate to your delima LOL My doctor is starting me on Devron which is chewable. This has helped many patients and they swear by it. I also carry Ozium spray in my bag and it kills that awful smell quickly!!! LOL

Good luck! 
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