Help! I want chips!

on 2/8/12 8:53 am - Graham, WA
Some one please talk me down!  I am craving potatoe chips so bad and I am at work surrounded by them.  I know I can't eat them I am only 7 weeks out.  But the devil on my left shoulder is saying go ahead.
on 2/8/12 8:56 am - Eugene, OR
Don't you hate that? For some reason the toast in the break room this morning was sending me in fits. It's crazy.

I just filled up my water bottle and went for a walk upstairs. Can't eat and drink at the same time, so it helps my mental block!

You can do it!
HW:  255  SW:  225.7  CW:  156.3

on 2/8/12 9:26 am - Graham, WA
There is always so much food around here!  It's so much harder than at home.  I do ok most of the time but wow, those chips today, I was practicaly drooling.  And I'm so used to grabbing something when the day gets to stressful.
on 2/8/12 8:57 am - MD
 Think about all you have been through, do you really wanna eat chips?  I am going on 6 months out and have had 3 chips, 3.  They don't even taste the same.  I say take two and tell yourself that is all you will have. They may not taste that good anymore.  I do not deprive myself of anything.  I just taste things now instead of eating a lot of it.  
 "Patience is bitter, but the fruit can be sweet."                            
on 2/8/12 9:10 am, edited 2/8/12 9:10 am - NJ
What you might want to try is to take shredded cheese - any kind - and put it in a frying pan.  Let it coo****il it gets nice and crispy and boy is it ever YUMMY.  There's that little bit of crunch that I crave too....
on 2/8/12 9:24 am - Graham, WA
Sounds yummy, am going to try as soon as I get home!
on 2/8/12 9:24 am - Graham, WA
I hope when I do try them, they taste horrible!  I just miss crunchy salty so much.  I don't know if I could just eat 3. 
on 2/8/12 9:11 am - OH
Tell that little devil that you will get to eat chips again in the future, if you want to.  You are too early out now.  Your digestive organs are still healing.  Tell that devil he has waited seven weeks, he can wait a little longer.

If you can, get away from the chips.  Even if it's just for a few minutes.  Go take a walk around the building or the parking lot, if you can.  Ask your coworkers to move the chips so they aren't so close to you.  Just do what you can to get a little distance.

Get something to drink and start drinking.  You can't eat while you're drinking, remember?

Or, if you can, eat something yummy with protein.

And good for you for coming here and asking for help.  I'm sure in the past you would have just given in to the devil and eating some chips.  This is new, and any time we start learning to do something new, it's hard at first and feels awkward at first.  So just remember, you're learning and it's OK if it feels uncomfortable.  You went through major surgery, you can tolerate a little discomfort.  And think how happy you'll feel in the morning that you did not give in!

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 2/8/12 9:22 am - Graham, WA
Thank you Kelly!  Most of the time I do ok.  I was just overwelmed.  Thank you for being nice.  I thought I was going to get negative comments, but I figured even those would help me get over it.  Your response helped so much! 
on 2/8/12 9:40 am - OH
I certainly hope you would not get negative comments!  I'm not sure I would believe anyone that was seven weeks out or more that said they had not once been tempted by something they really didn't want to give in to.  Success is not about never being tempted, it's about learning what to do when we are tempted.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


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