do I have to give up coffee in the morning?

on 4/24/12 10:21 pm - NY
Having to give up diet Pepsi has been so hard for me. I am wondering if I will have to give up coffee too after surgery...
on 4/24/12 11:31 pm - Bloomington, MN
 Some doctors will say no caffeine, but I am back to my three cups a day.  

Kat Kat
on 4/24/12 11:44 pm - AZ
I did for a little while before and after surgery. Now drink at least 2 cups a day. I add some sf French Vanilla Creamer and NuStevia. I don't know how I'd make it through some days without it.
A former Pepsiholic


(deactivated member)
on 4/24/12 11:56 pm
My doctor is one that says no caffeine but I drink a cup a day, I start each day with a protein coffee. So far, no problems.
on 4/24/12 11:59 pm
I avoided for the first 2 months after sugery but that was it.
Lisa T.
on 4/25/12 12:07 am - Indianapolis, IN
RNY on 06/07/12
Getting off the Coke(red can, not white powder)was really hard. I still haven't kicked coffee completely, but my NUT was a bit happier when I said I switched to half-caff. I'm glad to hear many can still drink coffee post-op.

Height 4'11"  HW:  235  SW:  230  GW:  130   RNY 6/7/12   




on 4/25/12 12:20 am
Decaf. should be o.k.


Larry Wassmann
on 4/25/12 12:24 am - Lacey, WA
RNY on 05/09/12
 I have heard and my NUT recommends that I should not have coffee. It is not the caffeine so much as the acids that come along with it. We don't have that big stomach anymore to compensate for it. The danger as I understand it is that we could develop and ulcer any time after the surgery. I understand that is a very bad thing, much worse than before surgery. If giving up coffee and soda is going be to much, how about cream puffs, doughnuts, cookies, candy, pie, cake, pizza, tacos, sex, ice cream, french fries, potato chips, and all the other stuff that got us in this fix in the first place. Oh! I just put sex in the list to see if you are reading. Ha Ha

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on 4/25/12 1:01 am - PA
RNY on 01/03/12
 This made me LOL
on 4/25/12 12:54 pm - New Berlin, NY
OMG that was freakin funny!!!!!
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