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on 4/29/12 8:31 pm - OH
Hello, I am just starting the process for the RNY Surgery.  I see my surgeon on May 16th.  I am attempting to get as much done prior to the first appointment as I can.  I already see a psychologist so I asked him to fax a letter to the surgeon saying I was stable enough to have the surgery.  I hope this elements one process I have to go through.  I feel the sooner I can get this done the better off I will be. 

A little about me, I am married to a wonderful wife, have three boys and four lovely grandkids.  My BMI is 53.  I have been obese for the past 8 years, morbily obese for the past 7 years.  This was not brought on by emtional eating or just plain eating to much.  This was brought on from being put on disability after working for 14 years at the same job, depression, isolating myself, weight gain from medication.  Several years ago I attemtped to gain control of the weight gain by going to the gyn with no resutls.  Since then I have tried everything I could think of and could afford to lose weight and keep it off.  Like many, I was able to drop pounds but it wasn't long before the pounds would start going up again.  I lost 50lbs one time on a product from GNC but as soon as I quit the product I regained the pounds I lost and some.  I have high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and a few other obese related health issues.  My soul purpose for doing this surgery is for myself.  To become as healthy as I can.  It then slides down for my wife, my boys and my grandkids.  I am tired of sitting on the side lines of life and watch it pass me by.  I am unable to get out do the things I enjoy to do because of losing my breath, pain and inability to move.  Just recently I had to start hiring someone to mow my own yard.  This basically the straw that broke the camels back.  It really opened my eyes and made me realize that I have wasted the past 8 years. 

Through my research, I feel I have picked the best option for me.  I am mentally, physically and spiritually ready for this procedure and life change.  I will follow the doctor's orders to a tee and hope this is as successful for me as it is others.  As in all surgeries there are risks.  Havening an elective surgery isn't something I am found of but I don't know what else to do.  I am motivated, positive and goal oriented to start and finish this process.  I will call my surgeion's office today and see if I can see what procedures I can do prior to my first visit with the surgeon.  That way I can have the surgery as soon as possible. 

I look forward to all the support I will receive here and will be than supportive to others.  While my wife is best friend and buddy, she just doesn't see things through my eyes all the time.  With this in mind I hope I can find the needed support here and with friends who have had the procedure.  Any advice on preparing and going through the process would be greatly apprecitaed.  Thank you and God Bless.

on 4/30/12 12:29 am - Chicago, IL
RNY on 05/07/12
We are in the same boat. I have done every diet ther is and then some only to lose the weight and gain back more than i have lost.My initinal goal in all this is purely for my self,i can' ' walk long play with my grandkids. My god i even had to leave my daughters graduation from the Navy early because the seats where not meant for a 350 pd person. She was mad at me for weeks but i think she understands now since my surgery is just a week away..
 Your Dr will probable want you to see a pulmioligist,a cardiologist and your psyciatrist. I had to do all that and when the actual date getscloser you will have to go to the hospital for blood work and some other pre op testing.
I understand how you can say that your spouse does not see this through your eyes. W hile mine is willing to take the day off to take me to the surgery he has done nothing else to help me prepare for it.I am trying to get his meals and stuff made and frozen but i am on a protien shake diet so i need him to taste test every thing. i should just let him feind for himself that week.
Good luck with you journey. Hope to see you where you want to be.
on 4/30/12 1:07 am - OH
Thank you so much for your reply.  The good thing is I am seeing a pulmiologist right now.  I am scheduled for a lung function test tomorrow and another sleep study with my CPAP Wednesday night since I have gained so much weight since my last test.  I am attempting to schedule the psychological as we speak.  I am awaiting the call back from one of the allowed doctors.  I will also be cooking for my wife while I am in recovery and just on a liquid diet.  My wife works 10 hour days four days a week and an 8 hour day on Friday.  I don't mind still cooking for her I just hope I am able to.  I was told today that the out of pocket costs are going to be a lot less than I expected and since I have a certain insurance, it can't be billed until after the procedure is done.  I was worring the out of pocket expenses would put us in a bind but that's not the case now. 

Gooe luck with your life change and I look forward to seeing your posts in the future.

on 4/30/12 6:32 am
It sounds like you are REALLY doing your best to prepare for the surgery ! I wish you much success. Don't get discouraged if you find out the insurance company or the surgeon puts you through some "hoop jumping". Hopefully you can use the time to get used to what you have to do after the surgery--no drinking with your meals, using kids spoons and forks to get use to small bites, chewing food until it's mush, weighing and measuring your food, and getting in some exercise. Good luck on your journey--this is a really good place to come for information, ask questions or just get things off your chest.
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