Home - Surgery complete, but without many complications

on 5/6/12 9:21 am
RNY on 05/01/12 with
I had my surgery May 1st. 

Going into the surgery, I was just like everybody.  Hoping to have this done, & everything would be the way I've been told by the dr'.s, nurses, and other people who've gone through this journey.  Certainly I KNEW this wasn't going to be a piece of cake, but I also knew that it was routine, and complications are few and far between.  I never mentally prepared myself for the "what-if's" because nothing was going to happen.  I would have my surgery, recover, loose weight and move on.  HAHAHHAHAHA   ABOUT THAT.

As I woke up from surgery I feel like crap.  DUH!  JUST HAD SURGERY, I'm going to!!  I am wheeled up to my room, and FINALLY get to see my husband.  I look at the clock, and wonder why it's almost 6PM.  My surgery was at 7:30AM and I should have been in a room HOURS ago.  I am in so much pain, but didn't really think twice.  My husband told me things didn't go as planned, but I was so "high" that when I  listened to him, I wasn't to comprehending what he was actually saying.  

The next day, I feel NOTHING like I was told I would by many.  The Dr. came  to see me and explains that it was a sucess, but there were m a n y complications.  They weren't able to get a breathing tube down my nose, or my mouth, (which explains the HUGE bruise on my nose) so a different type of anesthesia had to be used.  There was a tear in my bowel, which resulted in having to remove some of my small intestine to repair the tear.  I was under for almost 5 hours.  Becuase of the complications, they had to open me up, and wasn't able to finish the procedure laparoscopy.  I had a drain coming from one area of my stomache.  As you can imagine, THAT WAS GROSS.  I had one when I had my thryoid removed, and I remember how painful it was when removed, so now that it's in my body this is all I can focus on, THE REMOVAL OF THIS DRAIN.  

I was in the Hosptial a day longer then what was expected, and seeing what my body had just been through, I must say this isn't as bad as one would think.  The extra day bummed me out, but I knew that this was where I belonged.  

As I was being discharged the DR. says to me, and I QUOTE " this surgery is in my top 10 hardest, most complicated surgeries i've done, and this isn't a catagory that you want to be in".  This is all I can focus on now. I shouldn't, it's over and done with and now is certainly not when I should think of the "what-if" and focus on them; but I am.

I came home Friday and just being home has made me feel much better.  I'm having a problem getting my shakes down.  I am just NOT hungry, and there is NO PHYSICAL way I'm able to drink 4-6 oz of protein shake w/in an hour.  It's taking me much longer.  I know that it's not good, but the way I'm looking at it right now, is as long as i'm getting my daily intake of protein, I don't care how long it takes.  I'm trying my hardest to get the amount of fluids in too, but again..... IT'S SO HARD...

My husband goes back to work tomorrow, so I'll be alone.  Hoping to have some energy to go for a walk, and do things around the house and not just sit on the couch and feel sorry for myself.  
(deactivated member)
on 5/6/12 9:38 am - waukesha, WI
Sorry for your complications!  Unfortunately, we don't know what the surgeon is going to run into once they start.  Hopefully, this corrected something that might have been worse later on if you didn't have this surgery.  It sounds like you recover well ( considering what you went though) and did not have to stay longer than an additional day.  I don't think it matter how long it take to get the shakes in.............it is more important that you get the shakes in plus water.

I hope your recover goes fast and easy and that the weight drops off of you faster than ever seen!
(deactivated member)
on 5/6/12 9:48 am - CA
RNY on 03/22/12
 I am so sorry to read what a difficult time you had to go through. I would just like to tell you that I too had a very difficult time though not nearly to the degree you did, however the only reason I mention it is because I was not able to tolerate ANY calories in the form of protein shakes or food or just about anything for the first two entire weeks. I existed on 100-150 calories a day. BUT, I did ensure my fluid intake, no I couldn't get in the 64oz recommended, but did sip all day long. I think the two most important things for you to focus on while recovering from the rough time you have endured is stay hydrated and rest, sleep, nap, sip, sip, sip and don't rush into pressuring yourself to do everything perfectly. It will all be ok too, I am finally getting to that point everyone told me would happen which I did not believe,...it is getting so much better. Hang in there, take care of yourself, be gentle and loving to you and ask for help. 
(deactivated member)
on 5/6/12 9:54 am, edited 5/6/12 9:55 am - Round Lake, IL
RNY on 04/20/12
First, I'm SO sorry for all those complications, that has to be scary and quite frustrating.  I was told the first week after I was discharged to focus on fluids and get in as many clear liquids as I could.  The nurse didn't even want me to worry about the protein shakes until I went in for my 2 week check up.  I was doing very well at that appt so the surgeons nurse said I could try blended stuff for a day or two and if that went well I could transition right to soft foods.

I remember the first few days struggling to get those fluids in but just sip small amts throughout the day. 

Hope you feel better soon, I'm sure now that you are home you will start to heal and feel better!

Good luck with your recovery!

on 5/6/12 10:16 am
i know its hard to move forward but hopefully being at home will help.  Please don't dwell on the surgery.

Try to get up and move around 1 or 2 times/hour or the gast will trap in your body and hurt really bad.

i was given medicine cups in the hospitlal and drank the protien shakes in those.  try to keep sipping.



on 5/6/12 10:22 am
RNY on 03/26/12
Sending prayers your way.

You are strong I can tell..and we are here to support you in any way

Height: 5'9 Hw: 285 Sw: 272  Cw: 167 Surg. goal: 165

1m: -20 2m: :-18 3m:-10

4m:-12 5m:8 6m:-4 7m:-3 8m-10:-28


Melissa G.
on 5/6/12 11:29 am - Littleton, CO
RNY on 02/27/12
I am so sorry to hear about your complications.  It sounds like you are heading in the right direction.  I too couldn't get the protein shakes down that fast, I think as long as you are drinking them as much as you can, then that will be ok.  It does get better.
Also I had breast reduction surgery about 10 years ago and had 4 drains, and with my RNY I had a drain.  When I had the 4 removed for the breat reduction I remember it being very painful, but when the Dr removed the one in my belly, I didn't even feel it.  I was so scared going to the Dr that day and was so stressed out about it, then once he pulled it I was like wow no pain at all.  I hope that is the case for you.  Also once the drain was out I felt so much better!  I felt like I was finally on the road to my new life.  I know it is hard not to stress about it, but try your best.  I really think it will be way less painful then your one was before!
Good luck to you!
on 5/6/12 11:30 am - Parkton, MD
Wow - you are lucky you got through the surgery and are on the road to recovery.  I know that they warn us these things could happen but no one ever thinks it will happen to them.  I ended up having to have open as well after a try at laproscopic - apparently the intruments got tangled and they had to open me up.  Focus on fluids to prevent nausea and try and rest.  Getting in short (and I mean short) walks helps a bit.  Hope you feel better soon.
HW 357 SW 341   
on 5/6/12 11:31 am
RNY on 05/01/12 with
Thanks People!!!  I am trying to sip.  The dr. told me he'd rather see me get the protein in, then the clear liquids.  UGH.  I did just get 4 oz of chicken boullion down.  That's the MOST at 1 sitting.  I feel a little better, I know I must be dehydrated.  I will sip, walk, sip, walk and I will have to face that THIS is my full time job for the next few days!!!  SIP, WALK, SIP, WALK.     : ) 

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