Food getting stuck

on 8/3/12 6:46 am - Saint Louis, MO
I am 10 week out from RNY.  I notice that I get food stuck even if I take little bites.  I am eating slowly.  please help I am miserable. 
(deactivated member)
on 8/3/12 6:53 am
Are you blending your food ?
you have to  with this the first 3 months im told are the hardest
I have the stuck peas they bottle necked It was painful for 2 hours and then i went to sleep PEAS are EVIL lol
Even so, the months after gastric bypass can be extremely frustrating as you are forced to make new habits. In many ways it can feel like an addict learning to live without his favorite drug.
I am learning to blend all up and I eat sprouts baby food
and make my own alot  and sometimes that even still hurts and i yakk it up too
chew chew and when you think you have chewed enough chew more you have to for life

good luck

on 8/3/12 6:58 am - Saint Louis, MO
I am not blending my food.  I wll try that for sure.  Thanks for the input.
on 8/3/12 1:20 pm, edited 8/3/12 1:21 am
You should not need to blend your food at 10 weeks.

If you are getting stuck, you are not chewing well enough, or not eating mindfully. Even one mindless bite can get you stuck... often it is only one bite.

Take little tiny bites, chew chew chew and when you think you are done, chew another 20 times... run your tongue over the food, and make sure there is no big lumps before you swallow.

Also, some foods might stick you worse than others. I too had problems with evil peas, and with broccoli, dry foods like bread and rice or popcorn swell up solid inside the pouch and makes it difficult to drain. Broccoli has to be like mush for me or I don't try.

Oh, and you may find that you ste stuck on re-heated food, especially out of the microwave. re-heating dries food, add a bit of water to anything you re-heat until you get the swing of things.

Best of luck!
Starting BMI 69 w comorbidities | 55 of the weight lost above was pre-op.    
on 8/3/12 11:11 pm - Saint Louis, MO
I will try and chew better.  Thanks for the input.  I love this site its so informative and supportive.
on 8/4/12 2:03 am
 No prob, if you ever have ??'s feel free to pm too. :)
Starting BMI 69 w comorbidities | 55 of the weight lost above was pre-op.    
on 8/3/12 11:53 am
RNY on 02/24/12
At ten weeks my food had to be extremely moist.  I was able to eat a few bites of taco meat and chili type foods.  Now I can eat about 2 oz of most meats so have to get my protein in with one protein drink a day and other foods such as cottege cheese, hard cheese, yogurt, etc.  It truly does get easier as you get further out. 

Banded  Oct 2008:  290       
RNY Feb 2012:        245    
Dr's set goal:            170 reached Oct 11, 2012
My goal:                     160  reached Dec 1, 2012
Today :                       145-150

I am half the person I was in 2008.

on 8/3/12 12:50 pm
I am new and havent had surgery yet but what does it feel like if food gets stuck and how do you get it to go down? thanks
on 8/3/12 1:25 pm
 Very very unpleasant. 

For me there is discomfort in the pouch, and you start to get overfull, even if you don't eat anymore, because you swallow saliva. You can hyper-salivate if it is bad enough, and occasionally puke up. When it happens I get to dreaming up designs for a plunger I could use to put over my face and unstick. ;)

Mostly, you wait it out. If it's meat based something like papaya enzyme can help. Occasionally if you are just minorly stuck, a hot drink sipped will help it move, but if you are very stuck that will make it worse. Sometimes you can be stuck for hours and hours. Sometimes you might have to puke to get things moving.

Not fun. Lucky it's pretty rare if you can manage a mindful practice of eating.
Starting BMI 69 w comorbidities | 55 of the weight lost above was pre-op.    
on 8/3/12 11:12 pm - Saint Louis, MO
I do find myself with extra salivea and puking up slimmy stuff.  Then all of a sudden poof not stuck anymore.

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