Is there a good beef/turkey jerky?

on 1/23/13 12:12 am - MD
RNY on 11/13/12

I was thinking that sometimes I am on the road a lot because of work and jerky would be good to have on hand.


    SW 238 CW 189 GW 135



on 1/23/13 12:31 am

Im curious to see what the Vets say about this...because I thought the same thing....It would have to be some time down the road of course.


on 1/23/13 12:36 am
I buy the ostrim jerky... It's a beef and ostrich jerky stick.. I but them from Monarch.. But I believe you can get them online somewhere or on Monarch website... They have 14 grand protein and only 80 calories...:)
on 1/23/13 12:45 am

How many weeks or months out before you can have them?

on 1/23/13 12:26 pm
I eat them now, and I had my surgery in September... But I should be more specific, they are more of a pepperoni stick, not jerky... Hope that helps
on 1/23/13 1:04 am - TX
RNY on 01/13/12 with

I love Perky Turkey Jerky, its not dry and really good. I have only found it at a few gas stations and target....






on 1/23/13 2:05 am - OH

I love teriyaki beef jerky but I only buy Clover Valley it's very tender and soft not tough like typical jerky.  You can buy it at the Dollar General Store.

Oxford Comma Hag
on 1/23/13 2:10 am

I like Tillamook jerky, but it may be available only on the west coast. We also have a local butcher who does a great no sugar jerky that is delightfully tender. You might check your local butcher shop.

I also second the poster who said Ostrim jerky. You can get it at Vitamin Shoppe and Super Supplements and it is really good.

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

on 1/23/13 6:51 am - Zebulon, NC
RNY on 01/18/12 with

I'll eat about any kind of jerky if it doesn't have too much sugar/net carbs. My new favorite is Jack Link's Reduced Sodium Beef Jerky as too much sodium is my main concern with Jerky. 

I loved the Ostrim sticks when I was earlier out. They are softer and easier to chew to mush. But now it doesn't matter so much. Jerky is a go to food for me when traveling.. that and Quest bars. 

~Kitteh~   Start 363 / Surgery 346 / Current 204.1 / Goal 150


on 1/23/13 8:37 am - GA

Perky Jerky is good! If you go to their website and request a sample they will send you some for free.

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