I can't do it

on 3/14/13 12:17 pm

So I am a little over six weeks out and I just can't do it. I can't get all my fluid in, or my protein, vitamins, my pills ect and I feel like I can eat more then I should. I have been eating salad which is sitting fine but today had raw onions in it and got sick, I liked onions. There are a few things that seem to make me sick that I liked before, like mayo. I used mayo for everything, like sandwiches ect...

i do feel better since surgery which is great I did have a couple of dumplings which really made me try to be extra careful in what I eat. I don't get it because the choo ani yogurt has 19 gr of sugar nd I feel fine but with other things I get sick. It's all trial and error, which is rather annoying and could get to be embarrassing like what if I am out and eat something that I didn't know was going to make me sick land it does.

i was warned about all this but like I just didn't realize how series it is. Or also I was so desperate for help I would have done anything. Aso the plateau I'm on doesn't help and I thought the pounds would ally come off faster, but patience is not my strong point.

positive words are welcomed, negative ones can stay in your head 😊

pthank you in advance

on 3/14/13 12:51 pm - CA

You can do it even if you need to manage your time so you can get everything in.  Better yet, I think you are probably already doing a lot of it and not taking credit for it.

on 3/14/13 1:26 pm
I'm not even two weeks post and I want to cry. I drink and drink and I stay nauseous. The protein drink I use to love taste like crap now. I know my body is in starvation mode. I see it as there is no backing out now so just do what your dr says and keep on going

Or just cry lol it helps sometimes
on 3/14/13 1:39 pm - Jenison, MI

The hardest part of this seems to be fixing my head, not my stomach! Ugh

on 3/14/13 1:55 pm
RNY on 02/28/13

Has your doctor given you anti-nausea meds? I am 2 weeks out but I have been lucky that I haven't had any nausea (Praise God!) I hope that gets better for you!


"B" bears' mama from Texas
Follow my journey on youtube: "bbearsmama" 

SW: 210 CW: 123.6

on 3/15/13 12:58 am
I can totally relate to you I regretted it soo much sometimes I still do but it's gotten a little better and it's a whole life change I bet once the warm weather comes around we can occupy our time better but then there's the ice cream man lol he's already coming around
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 3/14/13 1:39 pm, edited 3/14/13 1:45 pm - OH

Warning: tough love ahead. (When you post on a public forum, unfortunately, you don't get to choose what kind of response you get, and I am not going to just pat someone's hand and tell them just to hang in there and that they are doing fine if they are not.)  I would, however, suggest that you at least consider what I have to say.  I am coming up on six years out and am maintaining a loss of 190 pounds. I have seen the patterns in the people who are successful and those who are not.

It sounds like you need to learn more about the composition of the foods you are eating so you understand which ones are more likely to cause a problem (and why).  It is still often a crapshoot, but you will do much better if you have the information. That would enable you to know that a dumpling (which is starchy, full of carbs, and has no protein whatsoever)  was a poor nutritional choice and one likely to make you ill.  (Are dumplings on your surgeon's plan at 6 weeks out?  My surgeon had a very liberal post-op eating plan which allowed us to start soft foods on Day Three and solid foods almost immediately after, but did not permit any pasta or breads for several months.)

I don't mean this to sound as harsh as I know it will, but, at 6 weeks out, why are you using valuable pouch space for salad if you are not able to get all your protein in?  That makes no sense. Salad, fruit, etc. should never be eaten unless you are already getting in enough protein.  If you were not eating salad greens and onions, you would have room to eat more protein, so I am not buying that you cannot get your protein in.  You are just choosing to eat things that don't contribute to your protein intake.  If you eat almost nothing but protein, it makes it much easier.  Down the road you will be able to eat salad, but right now you need to focus on protein.  (What are you putting on the salad as far as dressing? Hopefully something without calories...)

As far as the yogurt, much of the sugar from yogurt is from the lactose  in the milk it is made from and, unless you are lactose intolerant, the sugar in yogurt or milk generally will not cause a problem.

Also, just because you LIKED a food before does not make it a good food choice now.  If you continue trying to eat things just because you liked them before, with no regard to whether your eating plan includes them or what the nutritional value is, I am afraid that you are not going to be very successful in this journey, either short term or long term.  You MUST change the way you eat in order to be successful, and you need to take advantage of the first 6-9 months to really learn about making healthier choices. Even smaller amounts of the way you used to eat are not going to yield the results you want.  

Yes, it is a learning process, and it IS difficult to get everything in early out, but if you are not getting ANYTHING in as you should be, then you need to look at what you are doing and how you can change it to be more successful.  If you post a sample daily schedule of what you eat, how much you drink (and when), what vitamins you take and when, there are many people here who will be happy to make suggestions to help you get where you need to be.

There are LOTS of adjustments to make to adapt to the post-RNY lifestyle. It is NOT easy, and I DO remember how overwhelming it sometimes felt at first, but please work to get the additional information and guidance you need in order to give yourself the best chance at being successful in the long run.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 3/14/13 1:41 pm - Jenison, MI

......what she said! ;)

MyLady Heidi
on 3/14/13 2:16 pm

Lora is right and not enough protein=more hair loss then you would normally have after wls.

on 3/14/13 9:43 pm - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

5' 3" - HW: 244 SW:234  GW:120 LW: 107 CW:110 Made goal 3/16/13!    

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