I hate acting like an ass but sometimes it's the only way to get things done!

on 4/5/13 6:13 am - OH
RNY on 03/12/13
So as u all know I have been posting that my wife had RNY yesterday. When I left last night she was pretty loopy and nauseated. I was worried about her.

Well, here at this hospital they have a nice Bariatric floor with private rooms. They have bigger chairs and larger bathrooms. I wanted her to go there of course and she was suppose to but they were full so we had to go to an off service floor. It's tiny and she has a roommate who is taking up a lot of the room!!! I told them that I wanted her to be transferred as soon as something comes available on that floor. Well, a bed opened up a couple hours after she got there but they transferred another patient down there. So this is where all the problems start.

I got here today to find her still in bed. They never got her up last night and they only got her up once this morning for a few steps. There is NOWHERE for her to sit up in her room. The only chair that they have available is too narrow for her hips plus it kept rubbing against her drain. They told her that if she wanted to sit up she could do it in bed. REALLY?

So then I walked her to the bathroom and it is so small that she can barely get the IV pole in there with her. She almost fell over trying to maneuver around just to sit on the toilet. She's already having alot of dizziness.

I went to go talk with them again and they blew me off so I turned into a ***** I HATE being that person but come on!!! I told them that this is ridiculous . How is she suppose to recover from this surgery if she can't even sit up in a chair? She can't even use the bathroom? They said they have no space. I said that is not my problem. If this is going to be a Bariatric overflow floor then they need to be able to accommodate their Bariatric patients. I told them that I work here and I know that there is a policy that if a patient has a BMI of greater than 50 then they are required to be in a private room. It's policy and they need to adhere to their policy. I didn't back down and they are bumping someone who was suppose to go to the Bariatric floor and putting my wife down there instead because claribel's BMI is higher. I thanked them and we should be moving to her new room within an hour. I hate acting like that but they kept blowing me off when I was nice. I'm always considerate and kind to my patients and I would never ignore someone's needs like that.

I just want her to sit up and use her incentive spirometer. ( of which they never gave her until I came in today and requested it!). Can we say.... Pneumonia?

        HW: 373 GW: 170 HT: 5'10"



Citizen Kim
on 4/5/13 6:29 am, edited 4/5/13 6:35 am - Castle Rock, CO

We all need an advocate when we can't do it for ourselves - you are just being a loving wife and she's lucky to have you (as I'm sure you are to have her)!!!  

I hope her nausea gets better soon - maybe once she's able to drink a bit and move around more - it seems counter intuitive but getting up and walking really is the best medicine!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 4/5/13 6:37 am

Good for you, you have every right to express your concerns (even if it means being an ass, which I don't believe you were).  She should have the facilities available that she needs including the incentive spirometer, wow that's shocking that she wasn't given one already. 


Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



on 4/5/13 7:34 am - West Chester, PA

good for you! i had a similar experience with my surgery. 2 days post-op my veins started rejecting the iv's (i've heard it called collapsing but i'm not sure if that's definitely what happened) and the nurses kept shrugging me off. finally my sister, who was in school to be a respiratory therapist at the time (she is one now), had to be stern with them and tell them not to just leave it. the fluid was visibly pooling under my skin, and this was supposed to be one of the top teaching hospitals in the country

                                                                       <3 jen <3


                                    <3 starting weight: 252 <3 goal weight: 135 <3 current weight: 151 <3

                                      RNY: 9/27/10 <3 Extended Tummy Tuck w/hip & thigh lipo: 6/6/13

on 4/5/13 7:34 am - FL
I would have done the same thing for my partner. Kudos to you! Glad you were able to get her moved. I hope she has a speedy recovery!
on 4/5/13 7:47 am
I have a bmi of over 50. I wish I knew all the policies. Lol. Good for you, and her.
on 4/5/13 8:00 am
RNY on 02/28/13

Oh my-I would be so mad, too.  I was so glad that I was on the bariatric floor because everyone was so knowledgable about what I needed.  Amen to the incentive spirometer. I ended up getting pneumonia and had to go back into the hospital because I wasn't using mine enough.

Good thing she has you to advocate for her!

Pam :)

"B" bears' mama from Texas
Follow my journey on youtube: "bbearsmama" 

SW: 210 CW: 123.6

on 4/5/13 8:31 am
RNY on 05/07/12

Good for you!  You stood your ground and they needed a wake-up call that this was not acceptable.  Again, we have to be an advocate when others can't.  I too was in a bariatric unit and it is all for the large patients. I can't imagine trying to get into a bathroom with an IV and trying to maneuver a patient that is just out of surgery and bent over trying to sit on the pot.  Poor thing.  Well stay on it, and get her well enough to get her home.  Keep us posted!!!!  We are all sending good Karma your way to you both.  Jane  

on 4/5/13 8:32 am

Good for you!!! What a great hubby you are and I am so glad you did not let up on the situation - I am sure your wife will be much happier and able to recover better on that floor. Way to go and way to care for your woman!!


Follow My Gastric Bypass Story
This is where I share it all - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

RNY: 01-23-2012 Weight day of Surgery - 286lbs ~ Weight as of 09-13-2013 164lbs

Misty Morgan
on 4/5/13 8:33 am - Goshen , OH
RNY on 04/24/13
Your wife is so lucky to have you! Good for you for sticking to your guns and getting her moved. That's absolutely rediculous that they made her stay in that room. And to not her her up walking!!! That's horrible!!
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