How long before you started feeling better?

on 5/31/13 7:08 am - NY
RNY on 07/01/13

My surgery is in 30 days. So excited! What I'm worried about is not feeling like myself after. When did you feel well again and not tired? When did you start doing things like shop and run errands again? I'm worried about fatigue.I feel like I'm going to lose My independance or something.


Brenda S.
on 5/31/13 7:19 am - FL
RNY on 04/09/13
I started running errands and taking kids to school 10 days out. I felt better each week, then at 4-5 weeks out I got all my energy back. Did a 5K at 6 weeks out. When you are terribly tired, sometimes you just have to push yourself. The more you lay around, the more you want to lay around. I started exercising at 3-4 weeks out. I couldn't do much, but each day got better. Don't worry, you'll be fine and get back into life quickly.


on 5/31/13 7:57 am
RNY on 05/13/13

I had my surgery on May 13. I spent 23 hours in the hospital and was walking 1/2 a mile every few hours about 5 hours post-op. I had a rougher Thursday and Friday of that week, but fine otherwise. I am doing 45 minutes of solid cardio 5 days a week and will add strength training at the 8 week mark.

I went back to work full time one week after my surgery.

Would not say I had any fatigue that was beyond normal. If I run around all day, then I am going to be tired at night, surgery or not! :)

When I had my first son, 21 years ago, I ended up with a c-section after 41 hours of labor and this surgery was NOTHING in comparison. If I could get up 12 hours after that and take care of my baby, I could sure get up and take care of myself after this, lol.

I think you will find that things are GREAT and you are feeling AWESOME!!


HW333--SW 289--GW of 160 5' 11" woman.  I only know the way I know & when you ask for input/advice, you'll get the way I've been successful through my surgeon & nutritionist. Please consult your surgeon & nutritionist for how to do it their way.  Biggest regret? Not doing this 10 years ago! Every day is better than the day before...and it was a pretty great day!




on 5/31/13 8:13 am
RNY on 04/30/13

My first outing was 1 week post op and that was to go for my one-week follow up with the surgeon.  I ran a few errands while I was out that day and felt OK.  Have done all the usual running ever since.  Some days I feel better than others, but that first week post op is definitely the most difficult.  Best wishes to you!


Calla Lily
on 5/31/13 8:52 am
RNY on 01/23/12

The first 10 days is the worst, but then week by week you just keep feeling better. I honestly think I didn't feel 100% until 6 months post op! Like of course I was fine and functioning haha, but until I felt normal, it really was 6 months for me!

RNY 01/23/12, HW 265, CW 115, Height 5'6"


on 5/31/13 10:09 am - RI
RNY on 12/18/13


I started a group for those getting RNY surgery in Summer 2013. Please join me so we can support each other in this process. My surgeon told me yesterday that since I am getting the process done laparoscopicly that I should get my energy back in 2 weeks.  I am having my surgery in 2 weeks and I am having cold feet but coming on here has made me braver. Good luck!

on 5/31/13 10:13 am - NY
RNY on 07/01/13

How do I join the group?


on 5/31/13 10:27 am - AL

That sound like a great idea I have my surgery on July 29th. how do we join?

on 5/31/13 12:53 pm - RI
RNY on 12/18/13

I'm not sure because I just joined this website today, but I think you choose groups and then search for "summer 2013" and then select "join." Let me know if that works! 

on 5/31/13 10:23 am, edited 5/31/13 10:23 am

Because I have had a stroke  a few years back while I was in the hospital it was discovered that one of the effects from the stroke is that I have absolutely no tolerance for pain at all. Because I had that I really did not do anything for a month, I stayed in bed alot and just walked around my house. At 5 and 6 weeks I went back to work and still had my tube in but worked short days without over doing anything. At 7 weeks I got my tube out and after that I started to feel better immediately. Now I am at 10 weeks and I have so much more energy. I have walked a mile at the gym twice now and each day I feel better.

I still have to take pain medicine because I have an Achilles tendon that was operated on and the surgery was unsuccessful so I am in pain constantly walking, I also have scoliosis that causes back pain constantly and a knee that is degenerative soooo LOL many of these pains will get better as the weight comes off but until them to get though 12 hours at work I need to take pain medicine.

So the answer to your question is you will gain energy and feel better every day, how quickly is totally how you bounce back so don't expect it to be like anyone else. The good news is you will feel GREAT sooner than you think you will. The body is an amazing thing, it bounces back so quickly.

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