For people ONE YEAR + after surgery.

on 9/8/14 10:02 pm - Canada

Im pretty much a year and a half out from surgery and I have noticed at least a 10 pound fluctuation with my weight. It goes up and down all the time. Im happy with my weight loss as I've gone beyond my goal, but I've noticed I'm able to eat more (which obviously is normal now).  I was wondering for those who are a year or more out, what types of foods do you consume throughout the day and how much do you generally eat in one sitting. 

I have a feeling my weight is fluctuating all the time because I'm resorting back to old habits, not constantly, but on occasion. Usually while going out with friends, parties, etc.... and hey, its summer!!! I'd like to loose maybe another 5 to 10 lbs but it almost seem impossible!! Any suggestions? Thanks :)

The Salty Hag
on 9/8/14 11:18 pm
RNY on 05/20/13

I'm 15 months out, and as of this morning I'm 3 lbs away from my ( initial-may revise this ) goal. 

Typical day for me: Breakfast-Dannon Light and Fit Greek yogurt or 2 scrambled eggs. 

Morning snack-a Premier Protein shake or a cheese stick. 

Lunch-leftovers from dinner or some lunch meat/ cheese "roll-up"s. 4-6 oz total for the meal. Occasionally, I will have an actual sandwich, using 1/4 of a whole grain pita pocket. 

Afternoon snack-1 serving of almonds or pistachios and an ounce of cheese. Sometimes I will have 1/2 a protein bar instead. ( have been able to eat a whole bar, but not often. ) 

Dinner-4 oz protein, 2 oz veggies or very rarely some whole wheat pasta or potatoes. 

Some nights, I'll have a small dessert before bed, but not usually. 

There is a daily thread on here called "What's on the menu?" where you can find lots of great ideas. 

I woke up in between a memory and a dream...

Tom Petty

on 9/9/14 12:04 am - Brighton, IL

I am two years out and maintaining for the past year at 20 pounds under my goal. B 1/2 c steel cut oats with some nuts and half a banana with 1T peanut butter L about 31/2 oz some type of protein and either 1/2 c Greek yogurt or 1/2 c non starchy veggie like green beans or cauliflower.S 1T peanut butter with either whole grain crackers or fruit D 31/2 to 4 oz protein and 1/2 c vegetable S Greek yogurt with 1 oz almonds. I also exercise about 90 minutes every day and have since I had surgery. My meals are about 1 c of food and snacks are less. I do still measure my food when I am at home and probably tend to eat less than one cup when I am out. 



on 9/9/14 7:50 am - Canada

Thanks for the information.  I think I need to re evaluate my eating habits and stick to a better plan :) I'm not doing horrible, but I could do better.

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