What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

on 3/4/15 1:22 am

HaHa.. I think for me it's the confidence that I am no longer the "Biggest" girl in the mall

and I CAN wear this stuff and look pretty.  


on 3/4/15 12:26 am

Good morning!!!  So far, favorite post op purchase was an underarmor workout outfit (size xl) from modells.  I was so excited to buy my first normal sized clothing.  I wore it for the first time yesterday and my husband came in the door and said it really looked good and showed off how much I've lost.  I even got a compliment from a stranger at the gym.  It really felt good.  Can't wait until I can buy skinny jeans and boots!  Next winter . . .

Time since surgery:  5 months

B:  7 shrimp

L:  Curry chicken salad & spinach

D:  up in the air

S:  skinny tea latte

E:  treadmill 1 hour

V/W:  started


High: 295  Pre-surgery: 267  Current: 142   RNY: 10/7/14

(deactivated member)
on 3/4/15 2:22 am

You should look for boots now. They are on sale in a lot of stores.

on 3/4/15 12:41 am
RNY on 01/22/14

Good Morning Everyone,

Wow, what a fun topic!  Can I say everything I've purchased since losing weight, lol.  I think my favorite thing is just not buying things in huge sizes or having to buy things and stretch them out before putting them on.  I love buying jeans b/c i'm a freaking size 8, me?!?!?  How did that happen?  I'm really really looking forward to buying a maxi dress for summer, I always am jealous of woman wearing them when it's hot outside, but thought when I was MO it looked like a mumu on me.  So, this summer I fully plan to rock a maxi dress or two (assuming my arms don't look ridiculous do to hanging skin).  Berry, I love the idea of a makeover and new makeup, I get "ready" now all the time, where as before I was a jean/sweatshirt/pony tail girl who secretly wanted to be glammed up, but thought what was the point?  Getting ready feels awesome now and it's like a daily NSV that I actually want to take pride in my appearance :)

Time since surgery: 13 months

B - 2 string cheeses

L - TBD (Wed work lunch)

D - Birthday dinner for a friend at a Cuban resturant.  I'm excited to try it, but will checking out the menu before I go so that I have a good plan in place

W/V - On track

E - None planned, but I'd like to try and squeeze in some kickboxing or a DVD when I get home from the dinner if at all possible.  I gotta start toning up so I can get into that Maxi dress, lol!



on 3/4/15 12:56 am

I'm looking forward to trying a maxi dress this summer too!  I've been eyeing them at modcloth.  They have so many cute ones!  I love shopping

on 3/4/15 1:07 am
RNY on 01/22/14

haha...I love shopping too!  I've replaced food with shopping for sure.  Modcloth does have some cute ones!  I'm seeing more and more maxi dresses out and it hit me a few weeks ago that I could actually buy one....I got so excited, I totally geeked out.  First summer in 10 years where I can actually dress like it's summer :)

on 3/4/15 1:11 am
RNY on 07/17/14

That's it, that's exactly how I feel!  Getting ready is a daily NSV.

Speaking of maxi dresses, I bought one a couple of summers ago for a lawn party at my aunt's house.  I thought it looked pretty good, because I was all covered.  It was black, because obvs.  Well, lemme tell you, my other aunt posted (and tagged me) in about 100 pictures on Facebook and I look like a beast, wearing a piece from Omar the Tentmaker's summer collection.  Terrible.  My next maxi dress purchase will be much better.  LMAO





on 3/4/15 1:23 am
RNY on 01/22/14

Oh no, that was the worst pre-op!  I used to hate it when I would actually feel like I looked cutish or decent, then someone would post a photo and I would look like Gigantor.  It would crush me.  I think that's why I would literally run if someone brought a camera out.  Now, I still don't love pictures of myself, but at least I feel like I look somewhat normal and am not filled with shame if a photo I'm in does happen to get posted, lol.  

PS.  For some reason it was always aunts who would post the worst photo's of me too pre-op,  WTF?!?!  One aunt would always say "as bad as you think you look, it'll only get worse with age"  haha...luckily, due to RNY, I'm proving her wrong :)

on 3/4/15 2:27 am - Kalamazoo, MI
RNY on 10/06/14


I don't really have a purchase that is a favorite yet.  I do like the way my feet feel they are losing some width.  I am looking forward to buying some new shoes/sandals and summer clothes though.  Not sure if I can wear skinny jeans though, I have a lot of jiggly leg/arm fat. :(  I would like to wear a few summer dresses though, even with arm fat.

22 weeks today since surgery

B  fritata, 2 sl of turkey bacon, coffee

L  fajita

D  chicken thigh 4 oz so I probably won't be able to eat it all

S  dole dipper, or popcorn

Cal: w/out snack 772, protein  47 will have to add some prot powder to get it up

V/W started

E done, 45 minutes on the bike, up and down the stairs.  Need to do some strength training

Have a great day


on 3/4/15 2:30 am - Kalamazoo, MI
RNY on 10/06/14

Sorry about all the "though" in my post.  I guess I am having a day.


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