What's on your Monday Menu?

Queen JB
on 2/5/24 3:01 am
RNY on 07/20/15

Good Morning! Hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was okay. Nothing terribly exciting, but I got a lot done for my upcoming classes next weekend and I read some good books and got lots of sleep. Can't complain about that.

Today we had planned to go to Red Sox Truck Day (a low-key annual street rally to see off the equipment trucks leaving Boston to drive down to Spring Training) with Grim's brother, but unfortunately the timing didn't work out. Sadly, we haven't been since before 2020, and I was looking forward to it. It's always too cold, but the people watching is an 11/10!

Instead, today will be icing day. I already did more than half, but with almost 200 bags to do, I still have many hours ahead of me. The process involves making several huge batches, weighing out how much I need for each color, adding the color, stirring. Then adding a few drops of water at a time and stirring the crap out of it to make sure it's the exact right consistency. Then weigh the amount that goes into each bag. Last, I need to tie off each bag with rubber bands x4 to make sure they don't leak. It's such a long and laborious process.

QOTD: What are the changes to your hunger in your maintenance phase? Right after surgery I was never "hungry". Then, of course, it crept back after a year or so. I was thinking about this the other day because, since I have been bored a lot this past few months, it's getting harder and harder to differentiate whether I am bored or hungry. I know that I have the ability to forget to eat when I am busy, so it's likely that I am bored, but I wish I could think of something else to do.

I have given zero thought to my menu today and I don't even know what is in the freezer. My best guess is that there will be chicken, maybe a veggie burger, and probably a real burger, if Grim is willing to share with me today!

  • High Weight before LapBand: 200 (2008)
  • High Weight before RNY: 160 (2015)
  • Lowest post-op weight: 110 (2016)
  • Maintenance Weight: 120 (2017-2019)
  • Battling Regain Weight: 135 (current)

on 2/5/24 3:13 am
RNY on 02/14/18

Good morning! Cold and snowy weekend here but we really needed the moisture so that was good. The crunching of the ice when I drove to pickleball class yesterday sounded like when I was on the ship breaking ice in Antarctica, lol. Pickleball was so fun and I understand how my friend went from novice to in multiple leagues in one summer.

qotd- I rarely feel hungry

ive got quite a few things to get done today including some cleaning and a workout.


coffee plus half and half x2

ratio yogurt

left over pizza

Left Over taco

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150


on 2/5/24 5:57 am
RNY on 08/11/14

It does seem that pickleball can be addictive. I have a few acquaintances who play and they seem to be at a tournament every other weekend.

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

on 2/5/24 7:17 am - Pittsburgh , PA
RNY on 12/19/17

I am interested in pickle ball, but no one has dragged me in yet. I am putting it when I retire list of things to do.

HW 299 SW 290 CW 139 GW 140 2/08/2019 OPERATION: Surgical Hernia with excision of total surface area of 55 x 29 cm of abdominal skin.

on 2/5/24 11:35 am
VSG on 11/19/14

I am dying to try pickleball, I was added to the local pickleball group emails. They play weekdays at 9 am! LOL....they assumed I was retired. One of the challenges of living in a small place is having zero options unless I want to travel...

  1. Pre- Surgery/ Type 2 Diabetes, High BP and Cholesterol, treated with 6 medications, including Insulin. Post Op- low dose BP med 2022, Mounjaro 10/2023

HW - 299 , Consult day weight - 277, Day of surgery ( 11/19/2014) - 259,LW - 178, GW - 195, CW- 194.2 - reached goal

on 2/5/24 1:55 pm
RNY on 03/24/21

I dislike the squeaking sound when you walk on packed snow.

HW 296 SW 267.8 GW 130 LW 128.2 CW 131.6

Age 55 5 ft 4 inches

Roux-en-Y 3/24/21

Internal Hernia 1/14/22

Gallbladder 3/22

Volvulus 10/7/23-Reversal of RNY 11/19/23

The last of the human freedoms, to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances. (Frankl, 1946)

on 2/5/24 4:08 am - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

Good Morning! My alarm is going off in 5 minutes but naturally I've been up for an hour and a half. I slept poorly for no reason - I had a brisk walk, no alcohol, small dinner etc. sometimes it's just a crap shoot I guess!

I wish to god I could say I'm never hungry. The Wegovy has helped quiet some of the head hunger but not completely. I guess I'm just unfortunate to not have that after effect from WLS :(

my freezer is packed so I need to see what to pull out for lunch and what to toss. I have some things in there that are not very WLS friendly and I don't need them so it might be time to say good bye. And ideally find something to have for lunch!

B: hard boiled eggs

L: hoping for the freezer to come through!

D: leftover TJs chicken shawarma, grilling cheese, hummus and a few tbsp of rice with lemon garlic sauce

E: jazzercise in an hour!

Have a fab day!

on 2/5/24 10:28 am
RNY on 08/21/12

You slept poorly because you have a guilty conscience. You know what you did.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

on 2/5/24 1:52 pm - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

I know what I did but how the heck do YOU know?! LOLOL

on 2/5/24 2:00 pm
RNY on 03/24/21

My sleep has been in the ****ter lately. I usually wake up around 1:30-2 but manage to eventually fall asleep again. I may wake up in a couple of hours go back to sleep then usually awake by 6am. I want to sleep deeply until 6am not with a bunch of awakenings. Is this a symptom of age? Ugh.

HW 296 SW 267.8 GW 130 LW 128.2 CW 131.6

Age 55 5 ft 4 inches

Roux-en-Y 3/24/21

Internal Hernia 1/14/22

Gallbladder 3/22

Volvulus 10/7/23-Reversal of RNY 11/19/23

The last of the human freedoms, to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances. (Frankl, 1946)

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