Pouch? What pouch and why would I be testing it?

on 3/11/13 5:22 am

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!  I started the "5-day" diet today...I lost 115 pounds in record time over a year and a half ago.  Unfortunately, I've been a little "sloppy" lately.  I'm still a size 4-6, but have put on a couple of pounds and don't like that I've been eating more carbs then necessary.  I began this 5-day diet so that I will get back to the basics and appreciate lean protein more.  I'm sure that after a few days of liquids (today's the first day--can't wait to eat dense protein), I will come to appreciate the lean protein more and will rid my body of the urge to eat carbs...at least that's the plan.




CW - 125 (20 lbs. below goal)

on 3/11/13 5:42 am - Edmonton, Canada
VSG on 06/26/12
So what you're doing is a sort of 5 day reset? That sounds like a worthwhile thing to do occasionally to keep on track. How do you break it down?

What I find confusing/mildly annoying is people talking about it as a 5 day test. Taking 5 days to reset your diet priorities and reclaim the feeling of comfortable satiation sounds entirely reasonable and totally worthwhile. Maybe it just needs a better name? 5 Day Reset? 5 Day Back to Basics? 5 Day...?

Btw - you may need a new name for on here - there's no way you're a big anything anymore.


Highest 303.4, Surgery 263, Current 217.8, Goal 180



on 3/11/13 5:50 am

Yup, using it as a "reset".  So far so good...first day only, but keeping on track.  If i can continue for 5 days, i will be happy and hopefully back on the right path.

Will keep Bigmama, but hopefully won't live up (again) to my name!



CW - 125 (20 lbs. below goal)

on 3/11/13 6:14 am - Edmonton, Canada
VSG on 06/26/12
Hey - I Googled 5 Day Pouch Test and found a whole site dedicated to it. Sounds like the name sticks. I'm still not smitten with the name, but it does sound like a perfectly reasonable way to get back on track.

Now where does the "eat ALL the cottage cheese" come in? It's to provide concrete assurance that the pouch/sleeve/whatever is still there and small?

Confession - I LOVE cottage cheese, but eating anything quickly makes me upchuck, so...


Highest 303.4, Surgery 263, Current 217.8, Goal 180



on 3/11/13 11:26 pm - Four Corners, NM

Kelly...Ohhh...so you are looking for information on the 5DPT and CCT.  Im sorry wasn't the impression I got from your original post.

Yes the 5DPT is a great tool ...we used to do group 5DPTs on this board back in the day...it was a blast! commarderie...cheerleadin, kicks in the tuchis too stay on track...it was great!  Most of us lose ..the 5 in 5. Ketosis day 2. ...developed by an RNYr hence the term "pouch"...gosh decades ago...Don't have to buy the book.

Some caveats in doing it on my Stalls and Plateaus blog scroll down some.  I highly suggest ya wait until at least 6 months post op..A couple of VSGrs said their Nuts said to wait until 9 months post op maybe talk to your NUT first when they may want you to do it. .....if tryin to break a stall (classic ~6 months, 9 months our first year) , carb detox (48 hrs)back to basics progression of textures, jump start weight loss, to check restriction, get into ketosis....PLEASE wait at least 6 months post op tho ok! .We still got significant  surgical restriction before then.

The CCT ...highly suggest waiting until yer at least on a regular diet, but 1 year post op best... with surgical restriction it won't tell you much at all. CCT has been done gosh on this board for 5 years now since Ive been here anyway...  a test to measure one's stomach capacity. Kinda takes out alot of self-doubt. Not all of us have our hard copy pathology reports , with dimensions and weight of our excised stomach nor our radiology leak tests to visualize our post op stomach, let alone when its fully matured by 1 year out unless needed some other tests.. Also some surgeons may LIE about what our stomachs hold post op...to instill FEAR, keep you in line with their plan, instill self-doubt, inadequacy doesn't even pertain to YOU as an individual....and you find out is was NEVER more than A LIE! or some VSGrs reguritating some surgeon's misinformation.

Our forums sponsor dietary guidelines i.e is NEVER eat more than 4 oz. of food at one meal once your on a regular diet. FOR LIFE!! No matter the type...soup/ salad even! Yeah I don't know anyone that follows their post op dietary instructions either! lmao! 

Anyways..the CCT can help answer satiety (portion control)  as well as stomach capacity questions!  Developed for RNY also...but useful tool in VSG  If we feel our stomach has stretched out (beyond the normal dilation/stretch of a fully matured sleeve).

Its interesting...I think people that are involved in measuring their portions might use it as a tool.  

I do it twice a year...for 3 consecutive years my stomach capacity was 9-10 oz.  My 4th year post op...6-7 oz!  So it shrunk? 

What I think happened...I started supplementing for leptin resistance last summer. My SATIETY has changed, sated with much less now. Im on a super high carb diet since summer, getting majority of my protein,fats from carbs (plants) now. My food preference has always been carbs..since first year post op ..I couldn't get sated!! ... like chinese food...eat it and hungry in 30 minutes. Supplementing for leptin resistance is what seems to have turned it around for me

Cottage cheese is a slider to most. The way ya use it for the CCT...as your first meal nothing else prior no liquids no nuthin! The 5 minutes you are alloted to eat the cottage cheese doesn't mean you are wolfing down cottage cheese. It means to NOTE satiety. So you can't get in another tablespoon in 3 minutes. YOU have found your stomachs capacity! 

 A lil eye opener is it ...that changing our behaviors is the solution. May help prevent ya from gettin another surgery because ' my stomach is too big, I never had restriction,  Its VSG ...it ain't my shenanigans..or the fear others here may instill. ..you stretched out your sleeve, your surgeon did not make a proper correctly made sleeve, "its NOT steel" really? cuz I didn't know that! I thought it was cast iron!! .."even steel stretches"  under what cir****tance when and how? ....will a piece of birthday cake or a BigMac stretch out my sleeve even though my stomach is neither made of  toilet paper or steel?  ..."YES you will STRETCH IT OUT"!   lmao!  Ignorance abounds whatcha gonna do...like the other guy posted...look for "REPUTABLE LITERATURE" and NOT garden variety ignorance....and you'll be AOK!! 

Here's the link for the CCT on my Bougies in VSG blog...Gotta scroll down to I think the VSG gastric capacity section.  


Hopefully these links will help get you STARTED in searching for the answers to your questions  

on 3/12/13 3:16 am - Edmonton, Canada
VSG on 06/26/12
I'm 8 months out and already have a pretty good idea of my capacity. 1 cup for bean soup, 2/3 cup for cottage cheese or Greek yogurt, 1/2 cup for my beloved veggies. Dense protein like chicken or fish? 1.5-2 ounces. High protein/fibre bread? 1 small slice-but it has to be toasted. Popcorn? 3-4 cups. (Which is why you don't see much popcorn in my house)

I don't "carb detox" or want to be in ketosis. I don't eat low carb. I do make sure I get in all of my protein, but mostly from dairy and legumes. I do avoid processed carbs and most packet food.

I've discovered to my surprise that I dislike feeling full, so I work hard to stop eating at the "I could eat more, but I don't need to" stage. The dislike is undoubtedly the result of too many times of running to the bathroom because I ate that 1 bite past full. Life has been a lot easier and more pleasant since I got that particular memo.

Occasional sweets have a totally different rule, since quite honestly I could probably eat as much of them as before surgery. Now I stop as soon as whatever it is stops tasting DELICIOUS. That's generally after the first 2-3 small bites. Eating more would undoubtedly still taste good, but that "oh my gosh this is the best thing on the planet!" taste is gone.

I eat really slowly now, so "for me" eating a cup of cottage cheese in 5 minutes WOULD be "shovelling it in." I can understand someone who had wandered off track and was worried that their restriction was gone would find the test helpful, but I have no desire to do it at this time. All I need to do is unthinkingly try to eat a "normal" portion of pretty much anything to quickly find that my capacity is NOT normal - and that makes me pretty happy.



Highest 303.4, Surgery 263, Current 217.8, Goal 180



Zee Starrlite
on 3/11/13 2:43 am, edited 3/11/13 3:07 am

YOU DON'T!!!  NO ONE IS TELLING YOU IT IS RELEVANT TO YOU.   Why waste your very valuble time posting about something that does not pertain to you and your situation?

You are young in your WLS it is harsh to use words like "chronically abuse", Shovelling cottage cheese at high speed (by the way no shovelling involved, and has proved to be quite accurate for some of us this "cottage cheese test" - when we are curious.  This is not The 5DPT).

Personally I eat quite healthy.  I don't cram things in my sleeved stomach.  I have not stretched my stomach and have no worries about that.  Nor do I want to tighten my stomach.   And no we don't have pouches nor stomas.

This is about getting back to basics/ cleaning up and helping myself and others along the way.

Good for you that you are perfect and doing great and will not have any future challenges.


Take good care.



3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 3/11/13 2:45 am
VSG on 06/18/12

Your understanding of a pouch test seems off, I don't recall seeing anywhere promoting you shovel in as much as you can as fast as you can to see how much fits.  You are right that would hurt, doesn't mater if you have a pouch or a sleeve.

Some people feel it is beneficial to go back to the post op diet of liquids > pureed > softs > lean dense solids, pausing at each level of progression a couple of days, getting back into the habit of measuring and being mindful of what they put into their body.  Some feel it returns some of the restriction, it could also be a good carb detox as well.

It isn't a mandatory thing, but it's a better option then complaining about lack of restriction or carb cravings. 

Starting/Highest Weight 340, Surgery Weight 306,
Post op:
M1-20lb, M2-14, M3-15, M4-11, M5-10, M6-10, M7-8, M8-4, M9-4, M10-5

on 3/11/13 3:04 am - Edmonton, Canada
VSG on 06/26/12
I think going back a few steps to reclaim the earlier feeling of satiety and get oneself back of track is a great idea and totally understand people doing it. I do a version myself anytime I find myself overeating. (A day or 2 of shakes, lean protein and veg)

What I don't understand is using a test that is valid for someone with a pouch (RNY or Band) to test sleeve capacity.

Perhaps I have terms incorrect - I'm talking about the "test" where one opens a new carton of cottage cheese, eats quickly until full, then measures the amount left. I just don't get the point for someone with sleeve. I can eat a LOT of cottage cheese - I'd say a good cupful, but can't eat more than a single egg or slice of high protein/fibre toast. Dense protein and/or fibre stop me cold.


Highest 303.4, Surgery 263, Current 217.8, Goal 180



on 3/11/13 3:23 am
VSG on 06/18/12

I believe in the case of the 5 day pouch test, the word pouch is used to cover all WLS that alter the size of your stomach be it from RNY, Band(only top portion of stomach used) or Sleeve.  You could call it a 5 day post WLS stomach test, it the word pouch is throwing you off. 

As far as the cottage cheese test, I have never heard/read anything about it and to ME, it does not sound like a good idea for ME, if someone else feels it helps them, they can go for it.  I don't like the way I feel if I eat one bite too many, there are times while chewing I get the full signal and have learned it is best to spit out what is in my mouth instead of swallowing that last bite.  There is not much room between full and pain-full. 

Starting/Highest Weight 340, Surgery Weight 306,
Post op:
M1-20lb, M2-14, M3-15, M4-11, M5-10, M6-10, M7-8, M8-4, M9-4, M10-5

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