back on track

on 4/15/15 11:41 am - Surprise, AZ

thanks to all that got me back on track I had  regained 15lbs since stabilizing at 175lbs from 315 well in the last month I have droped 8lbs and I am three years out from rny losing weight after rny is different I was trying my weight loss after surgery liquid protein diet and it was not working I am taking Nutrion classes in college to become a life coach So in my Nutrion class if you eat too much of anything your body stores it as fat it turns out I was eating way too much protein and not enough of other good choices So I switched up to a more balance of all food groups and also went from consuming 1200 cal to eating 1700 cals aday plus I started doing two hours of cardio again

on 4/15/15 1:08 pm

Smartest part of your post is that you did something after only 15 lbs. of regain. Me? I waited till 35 lbs. crept back on. Now have lost 25 of those but's slow! I'm using My Fitness Pal to track my food and it gives a nice visual breakdown of protein/fat/carbs each day. Great job!

on 4/17/15 10:08 am

I need help.

I'll be 5 years out next month I've gained back 25 pounds.

I hate myself over it.

Where do i start?

Hw 310 SW 282 CW 162 GW 150

Made it to wonderland
Lost 100 pounds
on 4/18/15 3:18 am

Jennifer, I always knew that the bad habits and old ways were waiting for us after weight loss - they were quiet, patient, and just around the next corner. 

But they crept up on me so gradually I was surprised. So where do you start?

I couldn't do it by myself. Never could. Can't now. So I went to a local weight loss coach/dietitian. We worked out a plan of weekly weigh in, individual consultations, and eating plan. It's honestly nothing new - nothing we don't know - but it has worked for me. I have moved since my WLS so my original support group isn't here, and I had also strayed off of OH which was a strong support for a long time. 

You are right in that there is so much emotion as we realize where the scale sits. Jill (below in this thread) reminds me that some regain several years out is the norm. But I was mostly afraid - afraid that none of my clothes would fit, afraid of what people would say, afraid of becoming the fattest woman in the room everywhere I went (again). 

I hated dealing with the wt loss coaching at first. I didn't want to. I wanted to do it myself. I wanted to deny it (after all, ONE pair of jeans still fit....and there are always stretchy skirts). But I went and the first week of being back on track I lost 6 lbs. It got me rolling. The loss since then has been painfully slow - maybe 1/2 lb. a week sometimes - but the trend is in the right direction.

And if the trend is in the right direction, it's a good trend indeed. 

I am happy to share more if you'd like to. Just reply here and we can swap e mail if you'd like, as well. 


on 4/20/15 1:40 am

I don't have access to a coach or dietician

I have no insurance now

I know I'm strong and should be able to so this.

I have several weight loss friends in the same boat 

I have talked with them about walking 

I work about 50 hours a week I'm on mt feet all day so i am tired when I'm done work. I'm tying to get motivated and maybe we cab all work together and get back ob track 

Hw 310 SW 282 CW 162 GW 150

Made it to wonderland
Lost 100 pounds
on 4/20/15 3:17 am

Exercise is an obstacle for me because of my work schedule as well. I haven't been very diligent in that area at all but right now trying to build in even 15 min a day of something! There are some good YouTube workout videos - indeed to adjust for my knees along the way. 

on 4/20/15 4:34 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

tracking food with a free on-line program like myfitnesspal helps I find. It shows you where you are going wrong and for me keeps me accountable





on 4/20/15 5:26 am

I love MFP!

on 4/16/15 2:29 am - Croydon, PA

Good job!  Lynn is right.  It's much easier to lose 15 than 35 (or 45 in my case), but whatever weight people have re-gained, they can re-lose.  I'm living proof!!!  Keep going!!!

Blessings, Jill

WLS 5/31/07.  Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!

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