Central Connecticut Cares

NG Tube Reminder

Maryellen R.
on 8/14/10 11:22 am - Sayville, NY
 I found this on the OH Leader Forum and wanted to share!

 Everyone PLEASE tell your support group that no matter which WLS that they had NEVER let anyone in the ER put a Blind NG tube down their nose into their stomach pouch.    Almost 3 weeks ago I went to the ER thinking that I had a appendix attack only to find out that I had a huge intestinal hernia.   In the ER two nurses held me down and inserted a blind NG tube with me telling them that they could NOT do this or they could hurt my small stomach pouch.    Thank GOD that didn't happen but still it could have.   Also the ER doctors told them that since I was almost 5 yrs. post op RNY that my stomach was all STRETCHED OUT !!!   I told them they were wrong.    Needless to say.....a day later after being admitted to that hospital I left and went 40 miles away to the hospital where my bariatric surgeon does surgery and at 10 PM at night after doing surgery since 6:30 AM he took me into the OR to do surgery on me.    Thank God everything turned out right and the other hospital did no damage to my body but still I am going to file a complaint with them.   I wanted to share my story with you so that you could educate your support group about this.   My surgeon said NO ONE who have ever had any WLS should have a blind NG tube placed in them without being under a XRay machine or a Flora scope.    Maybe this could spare someone else all the stress that it caused me and maybe even their life.   Have a blessed weekend.

Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian  
To visit LIPO (Long Island Post Ops) bariatric support group website click here: www.liponation.org

"WLS is a journey, not a destination (don't get comfortable) ... it's a road that we must travel daily to succeed".  Faith Thomas

visit my blog at theessenceofmaryellen.com/

Dan R.
Group Leader


Group Administrator