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My thoughs on race team

on 2/3/10 12:35 am
I recenlty had a question about the race team Post_Op_PRs and what it has become.

So when I originally had the idea to see if we could or should form a race team here is what I was thinking.

I'll bullet this out as I see it and as how I wanted it to be.  I actually wanted this group to be more intense.  The compromise that was settled on is not exactly what I had envisioned.   I  wanted a more focused race group.  I wanted the team to be open to everyone, but you had to be race focused and oriented, not just the occasional or one time 5k runner.

  1. I wanted a place where we were a active competitive (that doesn't mean good, that just means wants to compete) team of people who were serious about racing in some form or other.
  2. I wanted to use that competition to get sponsors to help us to continue to be able to attend more events, and get the word out about our team.
  3. Through the sponsorship connections, we would possibly have a platform to spread the word about weight loss surgery, life after, exercise, and how to live a healthier life.
  4. When I thought of the 3 bullet items above, I was thinking of something like team Clydesdale, or Diabetes society, TnT, things like that.
  5. We already have a general support page on the exercise and weight loss forum for the every day "I walked 30 minutes, I need to know how to lift weights, etc" type of questions, and don't see any reason to create a second group that does that.  O.H. already has that board and it fills that role.  Having a second place for that information is just going to water it down, and cause confusion about where to post for asking those questions.
  6. So when it comes to a race team, I was looking for a place to share things like upcoming races, strategies, organization and attendance at a big event.  Trying to generate enough momentum and activity that we would have a showing in force at a major event or two each year.  I didn't want to see that get lost in the pages of posts about the mundane exercise questions.
  7. So during the chat session, the question was asked about how active is active?  I believe initially the thought was that we wanted to see someone who was actively working towards a 1/2 marathon or marathon and beyond.  What it morphed into was doing a marathon worth of races during the course of the year.  So if you wanted to run 26 one mile races during the year it was all good.  Then we added in swimming and biking and used the same distances.  (I lobbied for increasing the bicycle distance to a century ride, but nobody would listen.  My argument is that the century ride would be the bicycling equivalent of the marathon.  I do more than 26 miles on my bike during a training ride, and I think most of us do.)  I think the reasoning for the initial distance suggestions that were proposed, would be that we wanted people to participate at larger venues so that we could get our word out, be seen, and possibly be heard.  We could all run local races, generate 26 miles and nobody would even notice us, our team or our message.  If we get into a larger venue like Chad did this year with the 70.3 championships, then we have a venue to reach more people, get interviewed get on T.V. or the web and start getting our word out.  Get noticed.
So that is how I see the group, as I envisioned it, how I perceive that it has mutated, and where I think it is going.
To that end I have become a little disenchanted with it, we don't seem to be making any progress, there is little to no activity, and we have what we have.

We can't get people to commit to any one event, we don't have any one, two, or three people taking charge and saying this is the group.  If you want to join, welcome to the group, but this is what we expect.  I think that when you ask too many people for their opinions, then that's all you get is a bunch of opinions and nothing accomplished.  A couple people should lay the foundation for the group and then tell people here it is.  Let it grow, change and adjust over time and as needed from there.  I think that once the foundation of the group is created, then you present that to the masses for comment.

I really don't care if people don't want to join because we say you have to do a 1/2 marathon or longer event each year.  If they aren't willing to committ to that, then they aren't serious about being part of a race team.

I don't want to discourage or offend anyone, but this is what I had in mind when I started the initial post about forming a team. I thought I would send this to you so you would have some more knowledge of where I was coming from.



The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 2/3/10 2:05 am - Fort Worth, TX
I think you are right Scott, and we will address this very issue tomorrow. I will outline the perameters of the team tomorrow in chat tomorrow, the purpose and goals associated with it, and put our plan into action. Racing season is upon us, we need team outfits, defined team members, and start making things happen rather than just talking about it....
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 2/3/10 2:08 am - OR
Two questions:

1. Are you wanting strictly a Marathon race team. Not including century rides and swimming compitions? You said you wanted a more focused race team, but focused on what exactly? If it's just strictly competition would this schedule apply?

Here is my tentative schedule for this year as I work my way up to my 1/2 marathon and marathon distances. (remember I am only 5 months out from surgery and a newbie to running)...

April 11th - Race for the Roses 5K
May 1st - Hagg Lake 10K
June 17th - ORRC Summer Solstice 5K
June 25th  - Pacific Crest 10K
July 4th - Wilsonville 4th of July 10K
July 10th - Warrior Dash
August 7th - Garlic fest. 10K
Sept 6th - Wildwood Trail Trial 10K
Sept 25th - ORRC Best Dam 10K
Oct 17th - Muddy Buddy
Oct 30th - ORRC Autumn Leaves - 10K
Nov. 25th - Turkey Trot - 4mile
Total mileage - 52 (not including the Warrior Dash and the Muddy Buddy and the 1/2 marathon I'm hoping to compete in this fall)

Next year (2011) I hope to do my SOB (Ultra-Marathon 50K), The Kauai Marathon (finances permitting) and a couple of local Marathons as well as some of my local 5k and 10k runs. I'm also hoping to start training for some duathlons starting next year. (I have to save up for my race bike.)

2. On bullet number 3 you say "Through the sponsorship connections, we would possibly have a platform to spread the word about weight loss surgery, life after, exercise, and how to live a healthier life." Who is your targeted audience? Are you trying to bring more acceptance of the idea of WLS to people who are already athletes and the general population? or Are you wanting to try and reach those people who are wanting to start getting healthy and more active and let them know that for some of them WLS is a viable option to help them get where they want to be?

3. on bulet number 6 you mention "So when it comes to a race team, I was looking for a place to share things like upcoming races, strategies, organization and attendance at a big event.  Trying to generate enough momentum and activity that we would have a showing in force at a major event or two each year.  I didn't want to see that get lost in the pages of posts about the mundane exercise questions. My question here is what is your idea of a "major" event? I'm still in the figuring things out in the fitness world and would like to know which events are considered "major" LOL. Are we strictly speaking iron man type events or tri-athlons? or are we talking NY Marathon, Boston Marathon, etc? Or the big events in our chosen field of compitition (i.e. I would love to do the California triple crown eventually, once I am at that level)

4. on #7 you write "I believe initially the thought was that we wanted to see someone who was actively working towards a 1/2 marathon or marathon and beyond.  What it morphed into was doing a marathon worth of races during the course of the year.  So if you wanted to run 26 one mile races during the year it was all good.  Then we added in swimming and biking and used the same distances. I thought the decision was that you could NOT do 26 one mile runs. That it had to be a timed/recorded event such as a 5k or 10k race minimum with the total distances adding up to a marathon distance per year? So it would have to be something more than a one mile fun run type event. I'm sorry did I misunderstand that? I know several of the local race groups like the road runners put on several 5k, 10k as well as 1/2 marathons and full marathons and they are timed/recorded would those qualify?

You also write: We can't get people to commit to any one event. I would love to commit to one event. However, to try and commit to one event we need to know what event and when it would happen. I.e. I can't do any thing in March or May/June this year because I will be out of the country. But If I new what event for next year this far in advance I could arrange it with a little fancy footwork and whould be more than happy to do so!

For the record I totally agree on #1,2,4, 5 and 6 (with clarification as to what is a major event. lol). LOL.
Ht. 5'2  HW 234/GW 150/LW 128/CW 132 
Size 18/20 to a size 4 in 9 months!

on 2/3/10 2:09 am - OR
Well crap. That turned into way more than 2 quesions. LOL
Ht. 5'2  HW 234/GW 150/LW 128/CW 132 
Size 18/20 to a size 4 in 9 months!

on 2/3/10 2:23 am - Fort Worth, TX
We will address all this on the chat tomorrow...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 2/3/10 2:26 am - OR
I'm going to try and make the chat tomorrow but I have company staying and I don't know how much time I can get away for the chat. I'll REALLY try and be there though.
Ht. 5'2  HW 234/GW 150/LW 128/CW 132 
Size 18/20 to a size 4 in 9 months!

on 2/3/10 2:30 am - Fort Worth, TX
I know what you mean... My brother and nephew are flying in today, and will be staying with us, aside from me needing every bit of sleep I can get in preperation for my 100 mile run on Saturday... I will be in the chat session and will hopefully see you there....
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 2/3/10 5:28 am - OR
Yeah, my In-laws are in the country visiting. So while I wouldn't have a problem ignoring my brothers, I do try and be a little more attentive to the in-laws!
Ht. 5'2  HW 234/GW 150/LW 128/CW 132 
Size 18/20 to a size 4 in 9 months!

on 2/3/10 2:52 am
Thanks for the input and the clarification questions, hopefully I can answer them adequately.

1.  Focused on racing, I don't want to see another O.H. general exercise support group.  we already have that.  I don't think there is a need for two of them.
See you actually want to race, and you have a desire to increase your mileage and events.
I'm good with that.  You probably have more race mileage on your list than I will by the end of the year. 
If you were doing century rided, double century rides, open water swim competitions, whatever that's great, but I would like to see people who want to race and compete even if it is with themsleves and their own personal bests.
I also don't think you need to have completed the 1/2 marathon, century ride, 2 mile open water swim, whatever your focus is, but you should be striving to get there.  For me and in my opinion it's not about the occasional weekend runner, cyclist, lap swimmer.

2.  Both, I want to let people know that WLS is a viable option, I want to show them what you can accomplish with it.  I want them to be educated that while it does give you a headstart  "easier path", it is just a tool, that you will have to maintain, and live a new life.  That exercise and proper nutrition are part of that new life. 

3. I would like to see us do an event that is know by name alone.  When someone says Boston marathon, everyone knows it.  New York Marathon, also known, Chicago Marathon again known.  Ironman in Florida, or Hawaii, things like that.  Those types of event would be a great platform for us.  Any event that is a qualifier for one of those events, would be a major event in my opinion.
Any event that is epic in nature, a 50 mile or 100 mile organized run like western states.  Anything that has a major sponsor behind it.  Those are what I would consider major events.  So those would include thinks like charity events for MS, or Diabetes, or AIDS things like that.  Anything that will get public notice.

4.  You are right that was what the group had indicated was a timed event, but I do have several smaller 1-3 mile races locally that are timed.  The problem I have with the smaller events like that is that we probably won't have the chance for exposure and spreading the word.  As for the distance with swimming and biking, I don't agree with what we settled on. I think the bike ride should be at the century level not the marathon level.  It doesn't take much committment to ride 26 miles on a bike.  But to do something like a century, double centruy, or the Triple crown series ( I want to do that too, maybe next year) that's some effort and time committment.

We posted a couple polls on the now defunked yahoo group asking people what they wanted to do, get together and train, go to a destination race, how far would you trave etc.
The responses were all over the place and we didn't have a great concensus.

Perhaps we should just pick a race.
Disneyland 1/2 or full Marathon 2011
Thursday, January 6 - Sunday, January 9, 2011 ntDetail/detail?name=WdwMarathonDetailPage&bhcp=1
This gives everyone a year to plan for our first attempt at an organized group race.
It doesn't have to be this race, It could be Ironman Arizona, or the Chicago Marathon or whatever.
But I think a 1/2 - full marathon is the way to go as not everyone has a bike or is into Triathlon.  The Triathletes all have to run.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 2/3/10 5:37 am - OR

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I do not mean to be a pest, I just needed more clarification on a few points. I do agree with your position. I also missed the marathon distance for the bikes. I can see the century rides qualifying and I know the 26 miles on a bike isn't that huge of a committment (although if you saw me riding around trying to get street distance on my cheap $70. mountian bike, you might change your mind! )

Since we've (my hubby and I) have discussed taking the girls to Disneyland That would be a great excuse to go at that point so I would be up for the Disney thing!
Ht. 5'2  HW 234/GW 150/LW 128/CW 132 
Size 18/20 to a size 4 in 9 months!
