It is up to me


There is no meeting on October 21.
October 21, 2008 2:37 am
There is no meeting tonight!   The next meeting will be November 18.
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Thought for today
October 20, 2008 11:21 am
This is a paraphrase from Tony Robbins

Change is not a matter of ability, it is a matter of motivation and drive.

Melissa's Thought - Think about it, anyone can lose weight, it does not take any special abilities, but it has everything to do with the motivation behind it.

What can you do to create that drive to keep losing the weight? What about excersizing? Maybe we need to work on a team motivation...something to help us motivate each other! What kind of challenge can we use to up the anty and get the motivation going?

Any ideas???
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What is your relationship with food
October 15, 2008 4:38 am
Have you stopped to think about what your relationship is with food.  Why is food important to you, what does it represent in your life.

Think back to where food became important to you, where you remember that food meant more than nutrition to you.   Does it represent love?  Was it a coping mechanism?   Was it control?

This that still what your relationship is with food?

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Coke Update
October 12, 2008 1:35 am

UPDATE- When I have good news I always like to let you all know also. I am over 2 months off Coke, when I saw the Dr. last month my A1C had already dropped one full percentage point. My morning glucose readings are between 75-90 and my weight is moderating within 2 lbs. I am not saying this to brag, but we all make different commitments to ourselves, you all have made a huge commitment in your journey in weight loss surgery and I an so proud of each one of you. My point of telling you this story, is whether you loose 1lb or can breath better, or walk better, that is better that you were 1 year ago today. I like to pat my self on the back (my ego can get a little big), you should all do the same each and every day.  Remember that old song "Give it your best, don't let anybody (including yourself) tell you you can't do it. Best of luck, see you soon.

Ira Sansolo
Support Group Co- Leader- "Its up to you"
Support Group Leader- "It takes a village"

" The secret is, there is no secret, you just have to believe."

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One Degree does make a difference
October 12, 2008 12:59 am
This was originally e-mailed to members of our group but I thought that it would be to share it here as well.

It is sometimes hard to keep up the momentum on losing weight either while you are waiting on your first fill for lapbanders or further down the road after you have had some time and have slipped into those bad habits.     The most important thing to remember is that you are doing this to change our life.   If you wanted to stay fat you would not have bothered.   You wanted this change and you have to work at it.   Your surgery is a tool and it has to be used properly to get those results.   To do this, you have to:  
  1. Follow the dietary guidelines your doctor set for you.   If it is low carb, you need to read labels and keep track of your carbs.   No chocolate is not low carb, never has been regardless of the size.   Do you want to win or are you going to let the chocolate win?
  2. Drink Drink Drink...Water is so important to maintaining you body.  It keeps the blood moving, it removed toxins from your body.   Like air, it is a necessity.
  3. Exercize...If you are obese, excersize alone probably will not decrease your weight, however, exercize is important to burn energy, flush your body (so you can drink more water) and it helps maintain and build muscles.   If you have been severely obese, you probably have not been very active, you need to turn that around.   Even limited walking will make a difference.
  4. When you get down about something, pick yourself up.   DO NOT fall into old habits of using food for comfort.   Comfort from food equals less success.   Go walk or drink water, call a friend, blog or diary you thought and feels as you go through this.

We are in this together.   Those of you who have kept up with me know that I have been struggling.  I too have to make use of my tool and make sure I am doing my part.


Here is a link to an awesome little movie.   Please take a moment to view it and understand that that like extra push, that extra step is going to make a difference.  Paste the URL into your browser to view


It's your life, you're responsible for the results     I hope you have enjoyed this.   Please feel free to share it with others because this is about giving a little extra in everything we do.   We can make a difference.   We just have to go that extra degree.
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