It is up to me

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Fun and Exciting News

posted 11/7/08 8:08 am
I apologize for being away from the blog for a while.   Work has been crazy and I have been working to get back on track.   We have some awesome things coming our way!

Ira and I attended a roundtable phone conference and learned a lot about a the VST model.   That stands for Victim, Survivor, Thriver mode.   Great news is we all have made it to the Survivor mode!   Now we need to become Thrivers and stay away from the victim mode.   We will probably go into the details about this at the December Meeting

Awesome news!!!   Someone saw our efforts!   Gary White from The Ledger called today to say that he is very interested in doing a story about our group and talking to individuals about their journey.  He would like to join us for our next meeting.   I am extremely excited about the opportunity, but I want to know what you all think about it!  He would like to do some pictures.   If you do not want to participate in pictures you do not.  But I think this would be a great chance for us to help others!

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