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Happy Thanksgiving

posted 11/27/08 10:43 am
Today is a very special day.  It marks my one year anniversary of having my WLS.   Looking back on it all, I am very thankful for Dr R and his staff and for everyone in the support group who has helped me through the tough times.

Sometimes I did not always have the fortitude to follow Dr R's advise on diet, but I am very pleased and thankful for the weight that I have lost because I know that I am healthier today than I was one year ago.  I have no regrets. 

I am thankful for Dr C assisting me on my path.  He has been so supportive of our support group efforts.  Through his referrals to our group we are expanding our support of those who choose to go through WSL.

Dr B has also been awesome!  He has helped many in the area also find their way to our group.

My family has been awesome throughout.   My grandmother who was not the most supportive person at the start has even come around.   She compliments me often and has even opened her closet to me.   It feels good to see her so excited when I can fit in her clothes.   She is one of those women who has all sizes of clothes so now I can work my way down.

I am most thankful for my husband.   Without him this would never have happened.   I needed to know there was someone to stand by my side.  He has done it all...not only for me but for many others.   I see the pride in his eyes when he brags about what I have accomplished.  He is truly the love of my life.  So for this Thanksgiving I am very thankful...

And most of optifast this year!

Happy Thanksgiving to all.  Thank you for your support.   Hang tight to your program and see that regardless of the speed of your are better off today than the day you had your surgery,

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