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Lets get the show on the road: New Topic..Your Favorite:

Teresa N.
on 12/26/11 12:50 am - wabasha, MN
*~*~ Merry Christmas Lady's ~*~*

Lets get the group up and running

A little fun after the Holidays

What is your Favorite Gift?

Mine: Digital Camera Binoculars, i love them...my hubby bought them for me and some how snuck them over to my moms house and i opened it there..and i was surprised...i love them!!

on 12/26/11 10:41 am
Hello! I hope this group starts to take off!!!

My favorite gift was probably a really pretty clock for my livingroom wall... sad,  I know, but I love it :-)
Teresa N.
on 12/27/11 11:06 pm - wabasha, MN
not sad at all...some of the smallest things are what makes us the happiest!!
Toni B.
on 12/27/11 6:03 am - Sudbury, Ontario
RNY on 01/19/12
 My boyfriend surprised me with a new iPhone and an Asus tablet (similiar to an iPad) this year! Totally spoiled me! So excited to play with these new toys! Eeeek! 

Toni..."Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the will to overcome it"
 www.fatgirlchangingherworld.com Twitter:@fatgirlchanging
   Surgery JAN. 19th, 2012 Down 120 lbs & 75 inches @ my last Weigh in!!!!  
Fat Girl Changing her World

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Teresa N.
on 12/27/11 11:07 pm - wabasha, MN

Spoiled!!  sounds like have a fantastic boyfriend!

I got my Iphone 4 about 2 weeks ago LOVE IT!!

(deactivated member)
on 12/28/11 8:27 am
Seriously, my best gift ever was my surgery and the fact that I didn't have any complications. My second best gift was that, for the first time, I felt like my sisters were accepting of me.

I know these aren't tangible but they were better than anything I could have gotten in a box :) 
Teresa N.
on 12/28/11 9:42 pm - wabasha, MN
Them sound fantastic!!! I'm so happy your surgery went good!! And i'm so glade your sisters are accepting you..what a fantastic feeling!!