Down a little bit more

Sep 02, 2009

This weight loss crap is getting on my last nerve.  I exercise every morning except Sunday for an hour and I'm on weight watchers and I'm still not losing like I want.  The scale says 185.4 WOW I lost a couple of ounces or a pound.  I am so tired of this, I can't get myself motivated to exercise after I get home from work which is probably all I need to do to get to my goal.

I wish I could find something that works for me to help me get down to 165 pounds by the end of the year.  OK I'm outta here....peace!

Down a little bit more

Jul 20, 2009

I got on the scale on Sunday morning and it read 187 again it ain't much but it's better than gaining.  I'm exercising in the mornings for about an hour.  I get up at 5:30 and do some kind of DVD walk-away-the-pounds, slim in 6, biggest loser, or cardio jam.  My Tuesday evening, Thursday evening, and Saturday morning boot camp class is over until September so I am trying to motivate myself to work out on my own after I get home.

If I do anything at all, after work, I run a 15 minute mile, spinning for 25 minutes, then I try to find something else to do for 20 minutes.  If I just keep this up for about 2 months I'll probably be at my goal of 165 lbs! 

Down a little bit more

Jun 12, 2009

I weighed in at my lowest so far on Monday @ 191.6.  Again it aint much but at least I am losing.

I'm not sure how to update but here goes....

Mar 09, 2009


I just weighed myself this morning and from me participating in boot camp classes on TRS, getting up at 5:30 on MWF doing Slim n six, and weightwatchers I now weigh 202 lbs.  Its not a big loss but it is a loss and not a gain.  I'm going keep doing these things for awhile and hopefuly I will get back down, or lower, to where I was back in 2006. 

It is so hard cause I do fine during the week but on the weekends I seem to always get junk, fried, or too much food.  I'm gonna keep trying though because I do not want to buy a whole new wardrob again nor do I want to get any bigger.  For anyone reading my post keep me in your prayers that I stay motivated! 

To newbies stay on track and work your tool and keep exercising so you won't end up like me.  Gaining your weight back after all your hard work.  Good luck!
1 comment

January 16, 2009

Jan 15, 2009

Hello, it is one day after my 5th anniversary, I hope I am doing this right, updating my profile is extremely different.  Any who, I have gained about 30 lbs from my lowest weight.  But, I am now exercising again on a regular basis and have joined weight-watchers.  I had a moderate stuttering stroke from July 30, 2008 - August 4, 2008, which is when I was admitted into the hospital.  Apparently, my family has a history of strokes which I found out while in the hospital. 

As far as my eating is concerned I can eat a heck of allot of food, so I have to be careful what I eat hence weight-watchers.  I am making healthier choices now in stead of randomly picking up and eating whatever I have a taste for.  I just have to work hard at weight loss now.  I still dump (thank God) so I am limited in the sweet department thank goodness.  I still don't like exercising but it is a necessity like eating that I must endure daily (Sunday is my free day).

If anyone is reading, thanks and I hope my profile helps you in some way even if its do not do these things if you want to reach your goal weight.  Take care.  Until next time and I hope next time I'll be updating with some significant weight loss updates!  Cya!
1 comment

My WLS story

Dec 31, 2008







Paul Lin, MD
Pouch Rules for Dummies

Hello all!

I've been visiting this website for approximately two months now and this is my first time entering information. I want to have the surgery ASAP. However, my PCP informed me that I have to show them (Kaiser) 6 months of steading weight loss.

So I started my dieting (cutting back) on December 27, 2002. So far I'm doing well. I have an appointment with the nutritionist on January 14, 2003. Hope I can keep this up for six months cause I really need this surgery. Thanks for reading :o)


February 24, 2003

I went to see my Nutritionist yesterday and I have lost 12 lbs. Its a start I guess, at least I am not gaining. I have so much more to lose. I have 5 more visits with her and a psych evaluation and then the paper work will be submitted to the committee for their approval (right positive aren't I?). Five months sure is a long time. I really, really, really want to have the surgery. I am so sick of being sick and tired. I'm tired of my back hurting whenever I walk or stand. I'm sick of my feet swelling up and my knees hurting. I feel like I am 85 years old and I am only 3 days away from my 44th birthday. I don't know if anyone is reading this is if you are thanks for reading.


March 30, 2003

I have an appointment with my nutritionist tomorrow. This will be my second visit. I haven't lost any more weight because my daugther told me that one of her co-workers was told that she had to show 6 months of weight loss for her approval. After her 6 months was up they denied her the surgery because she did so well with her weight loss on her own that she didn't need the surgery.

I mean that is one part of why I haven't lost any additional weight but the other part is that I have lost the initiative/desire/will power...? to continue to eat the way I had been since December.

I mean my cravings are back, I have terrible headaches, and I'm just tired of coming home cooking every night. Especially since I have to sit down to cook and wash dishes afterwards because my back hurts and my feet and ankles swell so bad when I don't sit to cook and/or wash the dishes. I really want this surgery because I am tired of not being able to do anything except get up in the morning and go to work Monday - Friday and on Sundays getting up and going to church.

That's all I ever feel like doing. I'm tired after I get home from work and on Saturdays I rest. Sad isn't it? Well I don't know if anyone is reading this but if you are thanks for reading.

May 11, 2003

Well I messed up! I missed my third appointment with my Nutritionist. And it was the last day of the month time to get an appointment for an April session. Well no sense in crying about it, its not gonna change anything even if I did. I saw her last week at 8:00a.m. and scheduled my next two appointments with her for June 11th and July 17th. After that I have one more appointment. Geez this is taking so long. My back is starting to bother me even more now. I can bearly tolerate sleeping in my bed. I am really, really ready for this surgery.

Oh yeah, I also am a member of another group of WLS individuals and a couple of days ago someone posted about his starting weight of 390, getting down to 260, and now he's at 300 pounds. I was like OMG why am I getting this surgery if I can actually gain back my weight. He went on to say that he couldn't eat like he did before the surgery but he has managed to get back to the 300 pound mark.

Well one of the moderators of the group responded by giving him words of support of course, along with a copy of WLS for dummies. I read the document and loved it. It tells you exactly, to the last letter, what you are supposed to do. You know like what to eat, when to eat, what to drink, when to drink, how important it is to attend the support groups, etc. I copied it from the internet and cleaned it up, I am keeping it as my WLS bible.

It is the most informative piece of information I have received since discovering this site. If anyone is reading my posts and would like a copy don't hesitate to email me, I'll be glad to send you a copy. Happy Mother's Day and thanks for reading.

May 13, 2003

Well I had my psych evaluation today. It was a breeze. I think it took me longer to do the paperwork to release my medical information to Kaiser than it did to talk to her. She asked some really great questions but it was over before I knew it. I got there an 1/2 hour late because I got lost and prayed that she still had time to see me. After I paid my copay she was standing there holding the door for me. She was really nice and easy to talk to.  After we exchanged verbage, she told me that she was going to enter into the system that, I can't remember what she said verbatim, but it was something like I was psychologically able/fit to have the surgery. Thank the lord!

Now I've got 3 more sessions with the Nutritionist and then the wait for the letter or phone call from the committee to let me know if I'm approved or not. I have a 3 page letter ready to mail in in case they deny me LOL. Well again I don't know if anyone is reading this but if you are thanks for reading.

June 2, 2003

I don't have anything new to post. I have an appointment with my nutritionist on the 11th, but I am getting so so tired of this mess Kaiser is making me do just to get the surgery. I'm tired of writing down everything I eat, I'm tired of thinking about this surgery all the time, I'm tired of wondering if I am gonna mess up (fall back into my old eating pattern) after I have the surgery and gain all my weight back. Tired of wondering if they are gonna approve me.

I really love this site. This is so wonderful, I actually have somewhere to go to write down what I'm feeling and have people that understand and maybe even share my thoughts. I don't know if anyone is reading my posts if you are I apologize for your having to read attend my pity party.

June 12, 2003

I had a really good visit with my nutritionist yesterday. She told me that her last 3 patients she referred for the surgery had been approved and that the committee meets once a month. She also gave me the names of surgeons that Kaiser associates with for the wls. One of them happened to be one of the doctors I looked into doing my RNY when I started researching the surgery.

So I contacted his office today, I had the idea that if I made the appointment for the consultation now and get the surgery date that it wouldn't be long after I am approved to have the surgery.

When I talked to them I was informed that I needed a referral and given a date of July 11th for my consultation. I'm not really ready to see my PCP right now. I wanted to wait and go see her when I have one visit left with the nutritionist. I know she's probably not gonna give me the referral until I'm approved.

So I called back and asked how much the consultation and office visit was. She told me it was $200. So I asked if I can come in and self pay for my consultation and get a surgery date. She told me she didn't see why not, so I'm gonna go do it.

I was gonna ask for a surgery date for the last week or the week before that of September. I read one of the posts of a Kaiser patient on the obesityhelp site and she said it took 3 weeks from the time that she had her last visit with the nutritionist until she got her approval letter.

I have my last appointment with her on the 13th of August. So, I'm hoping and praying that I will get my approval letter by the end of August or the beginning of September and that way I won't have a really long wait. I hope I don't get penalized for seeing him early.

Well I'm kinda excited about the appointment with the surgeon that I could really write a book right about now. So I am gonna log off now. Oh yeah I am not doing well with watching what I eat. I gained 5 pounds since my first visit.

I was doing really good and lost 12 pounds but I don't know if this is just water weight gain' (praying) or those pork chops I had two days in row. I am really gonna cut back a great deal starting today. I did pretty well today I had a cup of coffee for breakfast, a cup of corn for lunch and 1/2 cup of jello. For dinner I had a big salad, shared a bag of microwave popcorn with my family, and 2 oven baked chicken nuggets. Well....I think thats good, right? :o)

Well as usual I don't know if anyone is reading my posts if you are thanks for reading.

July 11, 2003

HI!!!!!!! I had my consult with my surgeon today and guess what?! I got a surgery date! I am so so so so so so happy! My surgery is scheduled for November 4, 2003, 7:30a.m., in Fairfax, Virginia. I didn't think I was gonna be able to see the doctor let alone get a surgery date for a couple of seconds. But thank the lord Gabby talked to her coworker(s) and someone told her it was alright for me to do a self pay. They have a sign right by the door going to the Doctors offices that says big as day "YOU WILL NOT BE SEEN WITHOUT A REFERRAL". Then after all that this blue eyed angel "Tina" gave me a date no questions asked. Thank you Lord for my blessing! I gotta go because I am too excited to even sit here and type. Well if anyone is reading my posts as usual thanks for reading.

July 20, 2003

Hello! I had my fifth appointment with my Nutritionist on Thursday. It went pretty well I didn't receive any new reading material this time. We discussed the committee meeting, my vitamins post op, and post op menus. One more visit to go and then I'll start watching the mail like a hawk and/or answering the phone on the first ring, hoping its my approval notice. Since I know people are reading my posts now I'll just say thanks for reading and the well wishes.

July 24, 2003

I just love my new Doctor, Elizabeth Shultz! I had to see her a couple of days ago and I got caught up at work so I was totally late for my appointment. But she saw me anyway and I mean like there were no other patients back there but me so I know she was on her way out.

Immediately upon entering the exam room she started talking about me having the surgery and how excited SHE WAS. She told me everything looked good and she was gonna write me a referral for the Surgeon! I was like so excited, I almost passed out.

So I was like can I get one for the hospital too (that's all Tina from Dr. Arnez's office needed from me to get the ball rolling)! So she left the room for a couple of minutes and she must have read something and came back and said I don't want to have them deny you so I'm gonna go talk to Marsha Swann (my nutritionist) and ask her what the correct procedure is. I  was OK with that because I have to go before the committee for approval before anything happens. They probably would have denied me if I had used the referrals anyway.

The next day she calls me at work! I was so shocked!!!!!!! She was probably thinking GOODNESS CALM DOWN, because when I heard her voice, my voice got such a high pitch she started laughing. LOL. Anyway she called to tell me that she had talked to my nutritionist and she had given her the 411. She said once the committee approves me that they will let her know, so I was like oh so you are gonna know before I do. She said yes and the minute they let me know I'll submit your referrals and call you to let you know. She is so so so cool.

Then today I was out faxing, came back to my desk, and the light is lite for messages. I checked my messages and almost passed out again. It was my blue eyed Angel Tina from Dr. Arnez's office. My mind was racing "OH MY GOODNESS WHAT DOES SHE WANT!" I immediately called her back DAG she's on the line I gotta wait. She finally gets on the phone and starts talking about my referrals and approval. So I tell her what my Doctor said to me the day before.

She says OK then well let me get you scheduled for the 2 visits you need before surgery! I was on the phone speechless and breathless. She gave me the first date of September 4th for the orders and instructions. The second date of October 24th which is my last visit with Dr. Arnez before surgery.

With everything going the way it has been in the past couple of days, I am starting to feel like this is really gonna happen for me. I thank the lord for this another miracle in my life.

I'm at work so I gotta go, I've been on here entirely too long, but I really, really, really, needed to write down what I was feeling before I bust! Have a blessed day and thanks for reading!

August 15, 2003

Hello! I had my final visit with my Nutritionist (Marcia Swann, I'm gonna miss seeing her every month) on August 13th! I lost 2 whole pounds. LOL I didn't gain 2 pounds so that's cool. She told me that the Committee meets on August 26th so I'm praying that I get the word from my Doctor soon after. My Nutritionist said that my Doctor is supporting me and that I'm a good candidate. My Doctor personally visited my Nutritionist last month to ask her the proper procedure. I'm the first patient she's had from start to finish for the gastric bypass surgery. Well, I'll post when I hear from Dr. Shultz. She said she'll call me the minute she hears something from the Committee. Wish me luck and say a prayer for me yall. Thanks!

August 29, 2003

I called Kaiser today because I am so impatient. I asked the telephone representative if there was a number I could call to find out any information on my approval for the Gastric bypass surgery. She started reading the notes from my patient information and it said I was APPROVED! OMG I was standing there smiling so hard that my cheeks are aching. She said that my referral is pending (and that it normally takes 48 hours to process) and that they are trying to place me with Dr. Lin. I have no idea who he is so I went online to investigate.

As soon as I logged onto his page there was a posting from another Kaiser patient that said Dr. Lin's office schedules the consult and then you are scheduled for surgery date 4 - 6 weeks later!! I don't know what I'm gonna do. I want to have my surgery done by Dr. Arnez but if I can get it done sooner by Dr. Lin......that's better right?

Well maybe I'll feel better about Dr. Lin after I met him. I've read a couple of posting on him and they are all wonderful. I have appointment to go see Dr. Arnez on Thursday, September 4th. I'm not sure if I should keep that and see if he can give me an earlier surgery date or just go see Dr. Lin. What to do, what to do? Well, I have the entire 3 day weekend to obsess about it cause I can't do anything now. I've called Dr. Lin's office but I haven't been able to get an answer so.............I wait.

September 2, 2003, Well, I called Dr. Lin's office today and found out that his schedule is booked until December 15th. So, now I have to get to my PCP and see if she can change my referral to Dr. Arnez before my appointment on Thursday.

She scheduled me for a telephone meeting with her on tomorrow at 1:00 so I'll find out then if she can change it and get it to Dr. Arnez in time. In the meantime, I'm gonna call Dr. Arnez's office to find out what I should do/get from her/or whatever.

If I find out I have to stay with Dr. Lin and wait until December just to get a consult, I will definitely be changing my insurance carrier during open season in November. All this Kaiser mess is getting on my last nerve. I'll update tomorrow, Peace.

September 3, 2003, OK well I had the meeting with my Doctor today and she told me that they requested that I go with Dr. Lin because he practices at GW Hospital. They wanted me to be at GW in case I had any problems after surgery with my myasthenia gravis.

I told her where Dr. Arnez practices and she said she thought that it was a good hospital and that she'd put in the referral to change to Dr. Arnez. So, I keep my appointment with Dr. Arnez on tomorrow! I'm sure I told him that I have myasthenia gravis but I'll make sure to ask him if he thinks there will be a problem. Peace.

September 29, 2003

Well I got the bad news today, I have to start over with the consult and getting a surgery date. Kaiser called and said they spoke with Dr. Arnez and agreed that it will be better for me to have Dr. Lin perform my surgery. So, I have a consultation date of November 3, 2003.

Maybe it's like my daughter said this is God's way of allowing me to have a safe surgery and recovery and that I shouldn't be too sad because in the beginning I was told I had to wait at least 7 months before I could schedule an appointment to have the surgery and now it's just a matter of weeks. But, boy oh boy am I really..................................SAD

I'm also wondering why Dr. Arnez's office hasn't taken my name off of thier list of those scheduled for surgery and if I am gonna get my $200 back from him since he has elected not to do my surgery.

Wow, I am having such wonderful luck getting this surgery.

November 3, 2003

It's been awhile but I really didn't have anything to say since I was so depressed about having to wait again. But I had my consultation with Dr. Lin today and he is so wonderful. He was very patient. I thought he would be in and out since I didn't get there an hour early as they had requested.

He sat down and told me everything after we (me and my husband) saw his video. I am gonna love having him for a doctor! Well if everything goes well I should have a date before the end of December. Kaiser is not being as helpful as I thought they would be.

I was told about a week and a half ago that no one from Kaiser ever contacted Dr. Arnez and that he never agreed that it would be better for me to have Dr. Lin perform my surgery. Dr. Arnez' office has been waiting for the referral all this time.

Now I need a copy of my psych evaluation and medical record and I've been told that a doctor has my medical records and hasn't returned them yet. So, that means I can't get a copy to submit to Dr. Lin office to complete the process for me to have the surgery.

Well, I'm gonna keep calling and complaining so maybe I'll get everything I need before it's too late for me to have the surgery this year. Good luck to everyone whereever you are on your journey.

December 15, 2003

Last night I had decided to wait until December 19, 2003, to call Dr. Lin's office for an update (it would have been 2 weeks since I had submitted the last of my paperwork). But his morning when I got to work something told me to call and ask how much longer it would be before I got a date.

Well she came back to the phone after placing me on hold for a minute and said well everything looks OK so let me schedule a surgery date for you. I was so happy that I almost passed out. Well my surgery date is Thursday, January 15, 2004.

I had to make myself stay at work for the rest of the day. I called my kids around 3:30 and they were like OMG you are still at work!? Do they know their Momma or what! LOL I go for my pre-op tests (oh that sounds so GREAT!) on January 5th!

Good luck to everyone no matter where you are on this wonderful journey and take care!

December 29, 2003

Merry belated Christmas! I went to see my new PCP at Kaiser for pre op authorization and she cleared me for surgery. She said my risk was low but my blood pressure' was high so she wants me to start a low sodium diet, have it retaken, and call her if it is higher than 140/90. I just made an appointment to have it taken tomorrow morning, hopefully it will be down so I won't have to take additional medication. I really don't have much to update about until I'm post op (oh those words sound so wonderful, don't they?) so Happy New Year to all!

December 31, 2003

I saw my PCP yesterday and my pressure was up to 180/110. So she gave me a fast acting pill, had me wait an hour, and then my pressure was taken again. The second time it was 149/92 so she instructed me to double the dosage on my current medication and come back and see her on Tuesday.

This is really good that we are working to get it down before the surgery date. I'm praying that he is working things out for me. Please keep me in your prayers, I have no idea why my pressure is escalating all of a sudden unless its the stress of my upcoming surgery date.

I am really excited about my date but I guess I am really scary that something is gonna happen to prevent me from having it. I need to stop that huh? Happy New Year!

January 7, 2004

I had my final visit with Dr. Lin today. I went in for my bowel prep since I didn't realize that I was supposed to see him on Monday while I was there for pre-op testing. I found out that I'm having open RNY (I kinda figured).

So now I am just waiting for January 15, 2004, 2:30 p.m. and praying that nothing happens to delay the surgery like snow or anything else that could possibly happen. Keep me in your prayers and I'll continue to keep you all in mine. Peace.

January 20, 2004

Hello everyone! It's official I'm a loser! Everything went very well. I got to the hospital really early around 5:45 because my Dr's office called the night before to ask if I would be available as Dr. Lin's first patient. I was like what time do you need me there!

Dr. Lin and his interns were there asking lots of questions and giving me lots of information. They gave me a shot of something in my IV, I waved at my husband, and that's the last thing I remember.

I woke up in recovery and everyone was calling my name and telling me the operation went very well and all I could say is thank you lord and went back to sleep. It took a couple of days for them to find me a room so I was in recovery or ICU I can't remember anything for 2 days.

I had visitors while in recovery/ICU but I don't remember any of them. Dr. Lin didn't allow me anything to eat or drink until Saturday so I started on water and it made me nausau(sp). So I tried it again the next day and it went and stayed down ok np.

Then I tried cranberry juice and it was the best thing I had tasted in my life. But it gave my stomach this like blotted feeling, I stayed full for 2 days, and had a horrible case of diaharria(sp).

I'll finish up later it's kinda early, I just wanted to let everyone know I made it! God bless and thank you all for your prayers!

January 30, 2004

First follow up appointment (-26 lbs)

February 13, 2004

2 days shy of me being 30 days post op (-10), total loss 36 lbs.

March 19, 2004

4 days over being 2 months post op (-13), total loss 49. I am finally out of the 300's.

I was told today that I may have to have an upper GI to find out if a staple or staples have come undone since I can hold so much food. Before I started water logging myself I ate 2 plates of salad for dinner one night.

I was really worried so I looked back over the pouch rules then started drinking 16 oz of water (which is what I can hold at one time) before dinner every night since then. During the day I am fine (I think?) I can hold maybe a couple of slices of sharp cheese or 4 oz of a protein shake for breakfast and for lunch I normally have a boiled egg or 1/2 an orange and I'm full until I get home.

So, I hope I don't have to go back under the knife right now. If a staple(s) have come undone and it's not mandatory for me to have surgery again since I'm not in any pain, I think I'll just stick with water loading myself for now. It seems to be working so far. God bless all no matter where you are on your journey.

April 23, 2004

3 months and 8 days post op (-11), total loss 60. I'm one of the slow losers. I was hoping to lose at least 20 lbs a month, but I guess losing 11 lbs is better than gaining it. And it turns out that my staples are intact. Denise said if the staples had managed to come undone I would be gaining instead of losing. She also said that by their records I should have only lost 8 lbs for this month so I guess I'm doing good. God bless all no matter where you are on your journey.

July 20, 2004

6 months and 5 days post op (-35.5 lbs since my last follow-up visit on April 23rd), total loss 95.5. Hello everyone, just had my late 5 month follow up visit, I still think I'm a slow loser but Denise told me that Dr. Lin had me down at a goal weight of 230 lbs. Since I am 16 lbs from that weight she changed it. My new goal weight is now 185 lbs and I hope I get there soon.

I am not loving this little losing 3 - 5 lbs a week. I am eating better though. For breakfast I normally have 1/2 a scrambled egg and cheese on wheat toast sandwich, a hard boiled egg, or a protein drink. For lunch I usually have a couple leaves of lettuce 3 - 4 slices of tomatoes, and 1/2 cup of tuna fish, which I don't always finish. Dinner, since last month I can't stomach fried food any longer, I eat roasted/grilled/boiled/baked meats like chicken, beef, or pork (like last night I had 2 dumbsticks), allot of times I have baked potatoes (2 smalls or 1 large one). Then there are times that I just drink a protein drink for dinner. I have to do better with my veggies I don't get enough of that in. Snacks I usually have some type of fruit.

I got my hunger back last month too, but I don't feel it much unless I have not eaten breakfast and lunch which I mainly do on the weekends. I'm exercising 3 - 5 times a week. I do 30 minutes on the treadmill (I'm up to 3.0 speed and 1.2 miles). And I work out on 8 - 15 minutes a day. That is so hard especially when I have to do the arm and leg pulls. That is allot of weight to pull up.

Believe me that is great for me, because I have not ever exercised much. I'm not saying that I like it either, cause boy there are days that I have to talk to myself very harshly to make me go work out! My clothing sizes range from 18/22 on the top and because of all the sagging skin I have just hanging around my middle section I wear sizes 22 and 24's. My original sizes were 32's and 34's. I have like 3 large bags of clothing that I am gonna donate. Some of the things I have only worn 1 or 2 times.

All in all I'm doing pretty good. I'll end now since I've written quite a bit. I'll update 3 months which is my next post op visit with Dr. Lin or I might just pop in to update when I get to the century mark. We have a nurse stationed at work and she has a doctor's scale in there. I normally weigh myself on Wednesday mornings. Her scale and my Doctor's scale are giving me the same numbers so I am confident that her scale is accurate. God bless everyone no matter where you are on this journey. Bye!

August 9, 2004

Hello everyone! I'm a member of the century club. This morning I put on a size 18/20 blouse I have and it was really loose and my face looked as if it had gotten smaller. So I decided to hop on the scale in the nurse's office at work and sure enough I lost a few pounds. Last week I didn't lose anything. But today the scale moved and I have lost 102 pounds. Today I weighed in at 240lbs.

I still need to lose a whole lot more cause I honestly still see just a fat girl in the mirror. When I get to a size 11/12 I will be so happy. If I get smaller than that I will be ecstatic! It's coming off slower now. For the last couple of months I was losing like 10 - 12 a month. Now, it's like 6. I'm just really impatient.

So please keep me in your prayers that I will stay on this journey of ours and lose more weight (I think I need to lose, at the very least, 60 additional pounds). God bless you all.

October 15, 2004

(-23 lbs from my last post op follow up visit with Dr. Lin) total lost -119. Had my 9th month follow up visit. 23 lbs in 3 months that's almost 8 lbs a month but again I wish it was more. But I am happy that I didn't gain 23 lbs. Denise said I was doing well because (again) Dr. Lin had my goal as 230 and since I have passed his original goal for me he/she changed it to 185. That means I will have to lose like 38 lbs to get to his goal. Wow the way I'm losing now, I won't meet that goal for another 5 or 6 months.

I think if I could get more water in, I would do allot better with the weight loss. Drinking water still bothers my pouch and sometimes the tea I drink bothers it too. But, Denise talked about ice chips and for some strange reason ice doesn't bother me so I will probably start eating allot more ice. But, it's gonna be hard eating ice at work. With the cubicles that we have I am probably gonna get on a couple of peoples nerves with the crunching. So, I'll have to figure something out.

And it also doesn't help that I have been eating junk foods, like chocolate chip cookies, candy, and chips. I could probably water load myself if I was able to drink water. I just need to get my butt back on track. I don't know what it is but just this month or so I have been craving allot of junk foods. I've been wanting salty and sweet stuff. I just need to start taking my snacks into work with me again and stop hitting the vending machines for my mid day snacks.

I'm still exercising. I'm on the treadmill 4 - 6 times a week. I'm up to 3 miles striving for 4. It takes me a little over an hour. I hope that will boost my weight loss some.

I'm in size 16 tops. Bottoms are 16 - 18 depending on how its made. I'm still in the same cup in my bra (well in my minimizers) but my inches have gone down quite a bit I use to be a 50 H now I'm in a 40 H. But they are starting to get loose too. My shoe size has gone from 9 to 8 and 7 1/2.

Well, I'll end now. I'll update again at my next appointment, which should be my 1 year anniversary. Or sooner if anything interesting happens. I've got people telling me that they don't recognize me and I'm still trying to figure out why. I think I look the same. Well, I think my hair styles may have allot to do with it. I use to wear my hair in a pony tail ALL the time. Now I'm wearing tracks. I buy and wear whatever color that I like. I have had red, auburn, and now jet black. I think I'm gonna go back to the auburn I got ALLOT of compliments when I had that color. I really liked that better myself.

Take care and I wish everyone continued weight loss, a surgery date real soon, or an uncomplicated surgery and a speedy recovery. God bless.

November 18, 2004

Hello everyone! I thought I'd update since I had an appointment tonight with my nutritionist. I got a letter from Kaiser stating that I was over due for 3 month follow-up which I never knew I had. But she told me that they sent that letter out to everyone that had the surgery so she's gonna be seeing allot of people.

The visit went very well. She just checked to see if I was eating right, exercising, and taking vitamins. Yes, to all. As of Wednesday, November 17, 2004, I weighed 216 lbs. I am in size 14 tops and 16 bottoms. That's a loss of 126 lbs. and I want to loss at least 51 more pounds. So, I'm praying that I keep on track.

I'm up to 4 miles on the treadmill at 3.0 - 3.3 speed, on the gazelle I'm up to 10 minutes after the treadmill, then I do a set of sit ups and push ups (5 days a week). I'm still eating about the same except for this week, it's that time again, so I am craving chocolate and salty snacks hard and I am giving in way too much! But next week it is on like popcorn for the exercising and eating properly even if I have to take a dietary supplement!

I'm still not losing as fast as I would like to. I just want to be out of the 200's so badly. I'm so pressed to be out of the 200's that I might even be happy with my weight and size at that time. Maybe I won't even want to lose any more weight. But to be honest I doubt it. On 90% of all the posts I read, and believe me I read allot of them, everyone is always saying "I would like to lose another 20 - 50 lbs" at the very least.

So no doubt I'll be the same way. Well, I'll end now. Everyone take good care of yourselves and God bless you on your journey.


December 23, 2004

Hello everyone! I just wanted to pop in and wish you all a Merry Christmas! I am still in 14/16's. My weight is down to 209 lbs. I'm still not happy with the speed of my weight loss, but I thank God that I'm still losing, not on a plateau (any longer - I didn't lose a pound for the entire month of November), or gaining.

Have a Very Merry Christmas Everyone!


January 14, 2005

Happy New Year everyone! I thought I'd update today because tomorrow I'll be busy celebrating my 1 year post op anniversary! I can't believe the time has gone by so fast!

Currently (as of yesterday) I have lost 140 lbs. I weigh 202 lbs and I'm STILL in size 14/16's, I don't know what's up with that. I think it's all this nasty loose skin. But, I am happy for the weight loss.

I'm still exercising. I've dropped from walking 4 miles to 3 miles on the treadmill 5 days a week (I just couldn't take being on that thing that long - walking 4 miles at 3.0 to 3.3 speed took me about an 1 hour and 20 minutes, it just got so boring). I also work out on the elliptical so far I can stay on it up to 20 minutes. I also use and I do a couple of sets of push ups and sit ups. Normally all this takes me about an hour and a half or a little more after work.

I'm just so happy I can exercise now. I wasn't even able to make it through the Walk Away the Pounds 1 mile tape before the surgery.

I'm still counting my calories. I usually consume between 700 - 1100 a day. Still taking my vitamins and B-12 shots. Other than that I'm not doing much. I got approval from work recently so I'll be going back to school in March 2005. I'm planning to go to the University of Maryland.

I'm feeling really good these days. I haven't made an appointment to see Dr. Lin for my 1 year post op visit yet but I'll do it soon. I really, really want to get a body lift but I think I might have to wait for awhile. I have to make sure I have enough leave at work. So, I should have allot accumulated by next year. So, I'll have to put off plastic surgery until then.

I took pictures yesterday but my stupid computer is down so I'll post them when it's up and running. I'll end now since I'm at work. I wish everyone nothing but the best, no matter where you are on this journey. God bless and take care of yourself!

February 23, 2005

Hello everyone! I just wanted to update to say that I am finally, finally, out of the 200's! I weighed in this morning at 193 lbs!!!!!! I am so, so, so, so happy! Only 43 more pounds to my goal! It might take awhile, maybe another 6 months, but as long as I get there cool!!!!!!! Take care everyone!


June 1, 2005

Hello everyone! I had planned to update my profile in July 2005 which would have made me 18 months post op. But I tried to update my picture and I saw that my file had updated itself again so I thought I'd go head and post now.

Nothing much is happening. I had my 1 year post op visit and Dr. Lin said everything was fine and that he was happy because I had surpassed his goal he had for me. He told me to just make sure I don't do junk foods and no snacking in between meals (yeah right). And to keep my daily caloric intake at 1200.

There are some days that I do 1200 or less then there are days when I am way, way over. But I haven't gained any weight (thank God). I slacked up on exercising for the months of March, April, and May. I think I worked out maybe 2 or 3 times each of those months. But I started up again last night and I'm praying that I continue.

I think(?) I'm doing pretty good when I do work out. I am up to 1 hour and 20 - 30 minutes on the elliptical, 20 - 30 minutes on the treadmill, maybe 10 - 15 minutes on the total gym. I try to get all this in after work, 5 times a week or 4 times a week and then Saturday morning. I'm looking into the body by Jake, the cardio cruiser. If anyone has one let me know if you like it or not. The advertisements says it guaranteed to make you lose 2 dress sizes in 30 days but you can't believe everything they say.

The lowest weight I've seen so far is 186, so that made my total loss at 156 lbs. I'm in 14's now and 12's if it's stretch. I was in 14W and those are too big for me now. So, I'm out of my favorite stores: Ashley Stewart, the Avenue, and Lane Bryant. I've mainly been shopping at Ross and Marshal's. My girlfriend told me to try Deb's in Laurel but I haven't been there yet.

As far as my eating goes I can eat an entire sandwich now well sometimes, depending on what it is. I'm still eating salads for lunch. Breakfast is 2 slices of wheat toast. Mid morning I eat a boiled egg. Dinner is whatever I feel like but most of the time I eat light buttered microwave popcorn and a piece of fruit sometimes. When I eat regular food like baked chicken and two veggies for example, I can eat half the meal and go back later and eat the other half.

OK then......I guess I'll close now. I wish all the pre-ops an uneventful surgery and speedy recovery, and for the post-ops that you lose all the weight you desire. God bless!


September 2, 2005

Hello everyone! I went to Bella Plastic Surgery, Clinton, MD, on Wednesday. He is so wonderful. He gave me fee of $14000 to do my entire mid-section with a combination of liposuction and an abdominaplasty(sp) which is called a lipectomy. That is a little too rich for my blood right now.

Just for the tummy tuck is $6500 that is more attainable for me. I am so desperate to get his excess skin off of me that I am going into my savings to do a self pay. But I'm still debating I just don't think I am going to look as firm and toned as I would if I have the liposuction too.

I really don't think Kaiser is going to pay for this. I don't have any rashes and the last time I heard that was one of the requirements for them to pay for plastic surgery. I have to make an appointment to go see my PCP to see what she says.

As far as my weight is concerned I am stuck between 182 and 186. I am so mad because I stopped working out for 2 whole months and now I have to build myself back up to where I was. I was exercising for 2 hours 5 days a week. Now, I'm down to 1 hour and about 10 or 15 minutes.

Now, I can wear some 12's but I've been sticking to my 14's. I'm out of the 14W's they are a tad bit too big for me so I am still losing inches. I haven't been able to find much to wear at my oldies but goodies Ashley, Laney, and the Avenue. I shop at Ross, Marshals, Burlington, and Simply Fashion.

My eating has increased. But there are still days that I eat allot and others where I don't eat much at all. Some days I can eat a whole sandwich and others I can't. I don't know what that is. I also can't figure out why profile keeps getting all jumbled up. Everytime I enter information I have to delete allot of garbage from the text.

I'm planning to order the detox tea. It helped allot before surgery and if my stomach can tolerate it I will be drinking that until I get to my goal. Just another 20 to 30 lbs. Please pray for me that I get there. I just wanna be in a size 10 so bad!

I'll try my best to update more but nothing is really happening anymore. I'm not losing as fast as I was earlier so lately I've been changing the markings on the scale I have at the top of the page.

I just go up and down so much. I'll have a 4 lbs loss this week, the following week I'll gain 2 lbs. I know no one what's to hear about that mess, I don't even want to see let alone write about it. Well, you all take care and good luck to you on this journey! God bless!

January 15, 2006

Hello all! Today is my 2 year anniversary! I'm getting over my obsession with the scale so I don't know how much I weigh exactly but the last couple of times I weighed myself the scale did the same old song and dance between 182 - 186. But all my 14's are baggy and I have been purchasing 12's whenever possible, it just depends on what I buy, how it's made, and the material.

As far as my eating is concerned. 90% of the time I eat a sandwich for breakfast (turkey and egg on wheat toast), for lunch and dinner, I eat a salad with protein (lean ham, turkey, chicken, or tuna). I am also still working out as much as possible. Just got the cardio cruiser and I'm waiting on my stand alone speed ball. Hopefully encreasing my exercising with the new equipment will get me into a perfect 12. Which is where I want to be until I get a body lift.

I am saving up my funds to obtain the full body lift. Once I get that I will be finished with all surgeries that I want. In closing happy anniversary to me and god bless everyone on this journey of ours.


March 17, 2006, Hello! Hope everyone is doing well. I am feeling good 2 years and 2 months out. I'm still holding at 182. My body just won't let go of any more weight. I've been drinking the detox tea, I had hoped that it would take me down at least 20 pounds. No such luck.

I can't believe I'm paying all this money for this rot gut tasting tea for about a month now and all I've lost is 4 pounds. I haven't gained any weight since I've been on the tea but I also haven't lost anything more than the 4 lbs. I guess I'm just stuck here at 182.

What is it with me, I read all these posts where people are getting to their goal and then some and I have to be one of the ones that first has to exercise like crazy just to lose weight. Second, having a big pouch, I can eat allot of food and I get hungry about 2 or 3 hours after eating my meals. And lastly I can't even get to my goal.

I'm still in 12's and 14's and have been since February 2005. I tell you I'm always the one. I'm still looking into a total body lift prayerfully I'll be able to have that done this year. I think having the body lift is the only way that I am going to be able to get to my goal of a size 10. I just don't think I'm gonna lose anymore weight on my own.

Yall pray for me that I lose more weight or get the surgery, which ever gets me to a size 10. Take care.


August 3, 2006, I haven't updated my profile since March 17th that is a long time. But nothing really is happening with my weight except I gained 6 pounds. I'm not really worried though, I have all my exercise equipment packed up because we are moving so I haven't worked in months.

Hopefully, everything will go right and I'll be in a new place by the end of August. The house is sold, now all we have to do is find one that we like and can afford to buy. Everything is so expensive.

Back to my weight, even though I've gained 6 pounds I don't feel like it. I still have allot of energy and my clothes are still kinda baggy, but not as baggy as they use to be. I'm hoping we get enough profit from the sell of the house to pay for my total body lift. I'm still in 12's and 14's so that is where I really want to stay until I get the surgery. That way I'll be in 10's after the total body lift. I don't wanna be too small.

I'm still eating the same things which is why I gained the 6 pounds! No breakfast or a sandwich which I can finish or not finish sometimes. Salad for lunch.  Dinner pretty anything I want but not no where near as much of it as before surgery.

Yall keep me in your prayers that I maintain my weight and get the funds to pay for my body lift. And I'm praying that everyone looses as much weight as they desire and then some. Keep up the good work you all look so absolutely wonderful in your updated pictures! I still read the new postings weekly.


December 30, 2008 Hello readers!  I haven’t updated since we moved, I guess because I’ve gained weight.  I also had a moderate, stuttering stroke from July 31 – August 4, 2008.  My weight fluctuates between 210 – 215 lbs.  I’m exercising again finally, and have been since November 2008 but no weight loss.  My left side was affected by the stroke but I’m good now.  The doctors said my stroke was hereditary, it seems my family suffers from lupus coagulant.  I found out after the stoke that a lot of people (females) in my family have had strokes.  Some a lot more serious than the one I had so I thank God that mine was a moderate and not severe stroke.  I don’t know if the stroke is hindering my weight loss or not but I am not able to get below 210!


I was walking around for 3 days thinking my leg was sleep, it took them 2 days to figure out what was wrong with me.  I didn’t have the pain in the arm, extreme head ache, or anything like I’ve seen or heard o TV.  I was just washing the dishes my knee tilted forwarded and the following day, I had a slight limp, and the following day I had a headache two places in my head but as I mentioned it was extreme.  The 3rd day I couldn’t lift my left leg and my husband begged me to go to the hospital. 


I thought I had a pinched nerve or something like that.  But it is now December 2008 and I am much, much better thank God!  You all pray for me and my continued healing.  God bless!





About Me
Waldorf, MD
Surgery Date
Dec 10, 2002
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