I'm a 34 year old single mother of one beautiful teenage daughter. My heaviest weight has been 331.  I joined Weight Watchers back in 2006 and got down to 286, boy did that feel good.  Wasn't having acid reflux and my knees didn't hurt that was the best feeling ever. Well as time progressed so did the weight. I gained all but 26 lbs back. This last year the scale stays between 313 & 305.  With that being said I had been researching both the Lap-band & the Gastric by-pass. I didn't want surgery to be my first option, that's why I tried WW and still follow it to this day.  I continue to use the tools I learned at WW but it just isn't the same.  I need some help.  I know portion controls and how to eat healthy but when you want to cheat and really cheat you can still do that on WW. After a few years of researching WLS I've decided to start the process for the Lap Band. Wish me luck.  Will keep you updated. ~SMOOCHES~

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 16, 2008
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