
Nov 02, 2007

I officially began my running quest today. I did week 1 day 1 of the Couch to 5K running program from CoolRunning.com.

I went 1.772 miles, 30:03 mins, 2% incline and the treadmill said I burned 245 calories. 3mph for the walking and 5mph for the running.

We'll see how many times I need to repeat week 1, but it's a start!! I did have it in my mind that I would start around 175lbs but I decided I might as well do week 1 for awhile, it's something and better than nothing.

I can't believe surgery is less than 2 weeks away! I have my pre-op physical and EKG scheduled. I already did my gallbladder ultrasound and my chest X-ray.


Oct 23, 2007

206.2lbs   I haven't posted an update in a little while. Last Wednesday I got the approval from my insurance company. Tomorrow I meet with my surgeon to set a date for surgery. It's looking like it will be November 14th.

I have been weighing and measuring once a month and keeping track on www.mybodycomp.com. Since I started keeping track in May, I am down 27.75" from neck to ankle!! Very exciting.

Bump in the road...

Oct 16, 2007

I called my insurance company this afternoon to ask them how late they would be open so I could call around quitting time to see if a decision had been made. I explained that with my job and the hours I work it would be very hard to call tomorrow.

She put me on hold and came back saying I needed more information submitted. For some reason my past 2 years of weights I submitted to my clinic didn't get submitted to insurance. I called my bariatric clinic to have them fax that info to my insurance company. My clinic had me leave a message for a nurse that would call me back to assist me.

In the mean time I thought I would hop in my truck and go to my old clinic down the road and have them fax copies of the past 2 years to my insurance for me. The nurse called me back just as I was leaving my clinic, I told her I had already taken care of it.

I just called my insurance again and verified they did receive the fax and that it needs to be scanned into their system today. They open at 7am tomorrow morning. I called to find out what I am doing at work tomorrow, and I will definitely be able to call them at 7am and also on my first break around 9. Hopefully I will have an approval by my first break tomorrow. I really want my Dr's last avail appt for next Wednesday. I already found someone to work for me while I go to the appt if I can get it.

I am really nervous though, in 2005 I was 208lbs, 2006 I was 233lbs and 2007 at my first consult I was 239lbs. They may deny me for not being a 40 BMI consistently for the past 2 years. If I have to appeal it will mess up the time frame for starting my new job which if it does, I may have to end up pushing my surgery out to next year.

Getting Organized

Sep 17, 2007

I called my insurance company this morning to check to see if they've received my paperwork. They haven't yet, but said it could take a few days. I think I will call on Wednesday to verify they've received them. I asked how long it takes once they receive them and she said a couple of weeks. So maybe one week after they've received them I will call to check the status.

I had a ton of clothes in a laundry basket that I couldn't fit into yet. I went through and organized them all, held them up and compared sizes and put them in order of largest to smallest so I can work my way through them. I also have a pile of jeans ranging from 18-10. Only one pair of 10's and only one pair of 16's since my mom stole those ones, but other than that I have a pretty good selection for myself to shrink into.

I will have a ton of clothes to bring to a spring Swapkins for sure!

I read Exodus From Obesity by Paula F. Peck this past Sunday. What a great book! I would highly recommend this book! I had borrowed it from the library but I think I will buy it so I can re-read it anytime I want or need to.

I was originally putting off getting organized and doing my major cleaning for when I had 6 weeks off of work, but I decided today I didn't want to spend my time doing that, that I wanted it done before I even have surgery so I can fully appreciate and enjoy my time off of work. There are a lot of Wild games to watch during that time! :)

Wow, time flies!!

Sep 11, 2007

I can't believe today is my last dietitian appointment! To think I began this process 6 months ago. I have been working as hard as I can to make the changes I need to make. I have been following my dietitian's recommendations and really feel I have been learning the right way to eat and the right choices I need to make.

I am so excited for today that I couldn't even sleep last night. I woke up around midnight and my mind wouldn't stop thinking. I kept having to try and block all of my thoughts out and concentrate on just one thing in hopes of my mind resting. I had so many weird dreams. I remembered them last night since I kept waking up but now I can't really remember them. All I remember was they were weird! LOL

I went to the library yesterday and requested a couple of books. They'll call me when they're in. She said probably later this week. One is Exodus From Obesity and the other is Mindless Eating. I can't wait to get those. They should be good to read.

Updates....Sick of justifying my decision

Sep 10, 2007

I began my metformin for my PCOS probably 2 weeks ago now. The first week went ok. I was taking 500mg/day and was only experiencing mild fatigue that I noticed anyways. I bumped it up to 2x a day and began experiencing diarrhea, and icky feeling and some major fatigue. I haven't worked out in a couple of weeks now since I have felt icky and so fatigued. I want to go hop on my treadmill after I finish typing this, since I feel ok because I was bad and didn't take my metformin over the weekend.

I am so sick of justifying my decision to have this surgery to people. It's my fault for telling so many people. I have been very open in the past couple of months and have had to justify my decision too many times. At first it's like an opportunity to educate the misinformed or uninformed but now I am just tired of it. I am going to try to keep my mouth shut from now on. I am so close to having an insurance approval, hopefully and so close to hopefully setting a date, I am going to try to just shut up about it for awhile, while I finish up this pre-op process.

Oh yeah...and I had my Sleep Consult last Wednesday. My blood pressure was a little high that day. It normally is never high. I should check it on the machine at wal-mart when I go there today. Anyways. In talking with the doc we decided I more than likely do not have apnea. Since I was a week away from submitting for insurance approval we decided we'd leave it at me not needing a sleep study, but if I get denied he said he would do one just in case it would help for approval reasons. Tomorrow when I go in for my last dietitian appointment I am going to double check what their records show, my first weigh in and my BMI on that day. I know I have a 40 charted somewhere. I am so nervous and excited for tomorrow. Then the waiting game begins. I am not a patient person. I hate surprises when I know they're coming. This will be hard. It will be all I will be able to think about! Grr.

Worn out...

Sep 03, 2007

I hope this gets better after surgery and after I have lost a lot of my excess. After working 3 12hr shifts in a row, then going to the fair for 7-8 hours I was worn out. I could barely stay awake yesterday. I had to take a nap in the afternoon. I am still tired and have to go back to work tomorrow. Ugh. I am sure I did better at the fair than I would have 25lbs ago, but will hopefully do even better next year. I did see a lot of healthy choices that I look forward to having next year. I didn't gain any weight. I am actually down about half a pound since the last time I weighed. I didn't pig out at the fair, it wasn't a final feast. I shared everything I had, or only had a bite of this or that. There are a lot of things that in the past I would have gotten and had all to myself and this year I didn't. I definitely made better choices and didn't have as much. I can't believe I am almost only a week away from submitting for insurance approval! I have my sleep consult on Wednesday. I hope that goes well and I won't need a sleep study. Should have done this right in the beginning. But they never called me to make my appointment.

Met my goal this week! :)

Aug 27, 2007

I had been slacking on exercise for about a month....so my goal was to workout for at least 30mins on my days off of work. I met that goal this week with flying colors. I have worked out 4 days in the past 6 days and will be working out again tomorrow since it's another day off. I can already notice an improvement in my flexibility and endurance. I can keep up with WATP (Walk Away the Pounds). It's still a good workout, it's just now I can keep up with her! LOL The scale went down again today too!! I am so glad I started tracking everything I am eating.


Aug 25, 2007

That was a good workout!! I just did Leslie Sansone's 30 minute Walk Away the Pounds workout. 2 miles in 30mins. My mom did it with me. That felt good. My arms got a good workout in it too. Then afterwards I did my resistance band workout from slim in 6 and 20 push-ups. Although my push-ups are just pushing my upper body off of the floor like a seal stretch. If I keep this up though I should be able to do them from my knees at least soon I hope. Looking forward to doing this workout again tomorrow. My goal is everyday I don't work, so 4x a week.

Results! :)

Aug 23, 2007

Since I started tracking all of my food and drink intake last week I am down in lbs!! :) When I started the scale said 217.6 or so and today it was 214.2. I also walked on my treadmill for half an hour on Wednesday. My goal is to walk for at least half an hour on all of my days off. I work 3 days a week, so walk 4x a week. Last night at the library I picked up a Walk Away the Pounds 30 minute video. People seem to really love those so I thought I would give it a try.

About Me
Oakdale, MN
Surgery Date
Oct 21, 2006
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