Follow-up with dietitian today

Nov 29, 2007

189.6   Woo Hoo!!! I broke on through to the other side!! I am out of the 190's!! Jeans that were tight 2 weeks ago are now saggy and I can get them on and off without buttoning and unbuttoning them!

I rewarded myself with a new fancy cell phone. I am liking it quite a bit. I just got it yesterday, still learning how it works.

I get to move onto pureed today. I think I will start boring and just have cottage cheese for lunch LOL. I don't have to puree cottage cheese, so that will be nice.

Well I better get to the grocery store so I can buy my food.

Creeping out of the 190's

Nov 27, 2007

191.2   It seems like I am creeping slowly out of these 190's. LOL It will come soon enough. Today is my last day of liquids!!!

I woke up this morning and the first thing I thought of was the fact that I am 2 weeks post op. I am almost 50lbs lighter than when I began this journey.

I have a fitness plan for my first 6 months post-op. I am going to walk on my treadmill everyday for at least 30mins until I reach my 6 week post-op time frame and have clearance to do any kind of exercise and abdominals. I will then do Slim in 6 for 6 days a week for 6 weeks. It is a super intense home workout dvd. Find it here.

After I complete a round of SI6 I am going to start my C25K running program again just in time to be able to do the Race for the Cure 5K on Mothers' Day.

I might change things up or add things in, but that's the initial idea.

On a side note, I noticed I hadn't been drinking as much water as I should have been for a couple of days in a row. That's probably why the scale stopped and even went up a little bit. Since noticing it I have gotten in 63oz yesterday and the day before. I am almost done with my first 20oz of the day today already. I found Wal-Mart has some new flavors of their generic water flavor packets. I got cranberry apple which is really good, something different. Pretty sweet. I also got Cherry Limeade. Not sure how that will be, haven't tried it. Next 20oz of water I will.

The Joys of Thrift Store Shopping!!

Nov 26, 2007

191.4   Yep, the scale was down this morning to it's lowest it's been yet. I did everything right yesterday. Well I could have had another slim-fast shake, I only had 2 plus a cup of milk. I guess that's pretty good. Plus, I had 63oz of water!! YAY me!! I realized last night when I had to get up in the middle of the night 2-3 times why I was letting my water intake slide, the less I drank the less I had to go to the bathroom. So my goal for today is to get my 3 bottles of water in EARLY. I already have the first one down.

I went to a thrift store Peggy told me about in Crystal. It is the biggest thrift store I have ever been in I think. I found a pair of GLO jeans that everyone has been raving about on the boards. They're a size 9. I'll get there. They were only $3.95. On Sunday I had gone to the GoodWill in search of a jacket and jeans. They have a half off sale every Sunday on certain ticket colors. I got 2 pairs of jeans, one size 11 and one size 10 and a L jacket that doesn't quite fit yet comfortably for $13! I love thrift stores!!

I upped the incline today on my workout, I think I will up the incline again tomorrow and then the speed on Thursday? We'll see I guess. I walked 30 mins at a 2.5% incline at 3mph for 1.5 miles total.

Back in the saddle

Nov 26, 2007

192.6   Yes I weigh pretty much everyday. Yes I have noticed the pounds are going in the wrong direction. Am  I worried? No. I would definitely like to see them go the other way but I know what's going on and I can be patient. I REALLY need to get even better with my water. My goal was 48oz by day 4 after surgery...I have been meeting that or just barely under since then, but I need to get even better. 64oz is the goal. I can do it. Water goes down nice and easy.

I hopped on my treadmill today, did 30mins 2% incline, 3mph, 1.5miles. That felt really good to get back on there. Off to go shower and put my laundry away and head to the library to get some studying done. I have my national certification exam next Friday!!!!

Went grocery shopping...

Nov 25, 2007

I am not the best cook, and I am all for convenience. I have often eyed the ready made, cut up grilled chicken breasts but have never bought them because I could not justify the price. Now, since it would be a few meals and last a while I can justify it. I found a ChiChi's Pulled Chicken for tacos that has sauce already on the chicken. I think this with some cheese and maybe beans, will have to ask dietitian, would be pretty good pureed. I also picked up some light BBQ sauce to mix with chicken for some BBQ chicken puree. I wasn't looking forward to purees but now I am. 2 weeks on liquids does definitely get boring.

Well off to the goodwill to see if I can find a smaller winter jacket. I drown in mine.

Oooh, also I bought Special K2O Protein Water packets. The ready made bottles have too much sugar for me to try them, and they come 6 to a pack for $5.48. With the packets it's sugar free and you get 10 packets for the same price for 6 ready-made bottles. I figure, I am drinking water anyways, if I can add this to all of my waters in a day that's 15-20g protein!! It adds up!! They have 2 flavors, Iced Tea and Pink Lemonade. I got the ice tea and am very happy with the flavor. It dissolved completely in a 23oz bottle of water. CORRECTION. I tried the Special K2O protein packets and I think I dumped. I am not sure if it was the polydextrose in it or if I drank my slimfast too fast, but I think I dumped mildly.

Measure Day!!

Nov 25, 2007

192   I measure 13 points on my body from neck to ankle. I use to track my measurements. I have used this site since December of '03. Since the day of surgery I have lost a total of 6.25".

Neck               0.5"
Shoulders       0.5"
Chest               0.5"
Waist               1"
Abdomen      1.5"
Hips                  0.5"
Thigh               0.5"
Calf                  0.75"
Forearm         0.5"

Here is a link to a pic of the measure points.

When I began this process I unfortunately didn't weigh and measure at my heaviest, I waited a month into the structured weight loss I did before surgery, but since 5-28-07 I am down a total of 36.75"!!!

Neck                  2"
Shoulders         3"
Chest                  4"
Waist                  6.5"
Abdomen            6.5"
Hips                     4.5"
Thigh                3.5"
Knee                  1"
Ankle                  0.5"
Calf                     2"
Forearm            1"
Wrist                  0.25"
Arm                  2"

1 week 2 days post-op

Nov 23, 2007

191.8   I was kind of hoping to see the scale move again and be done with the 190's but I was still at 191.8 this morning. That's fine by me. I feel smaller. LOL It stopped at 194 as well for a day. I am not too concerned, more excited. Since surgery I have this overwhelming feeling of knowing I will get there. I will get to a goal/healthy weight. I will succeed. This isn't just another thing I am trying. This isn't another gimmick, this is real and I really will succeed.

I have been getting at least 60g of protein in a day. 69 yesterday with my Tall Decaf Non-Fat SF Cinnamon Dolce Latte. Mmm, it was so nummy. I am allowed one decaf something a day, decaf tea or coffee. What was great, they tried to hand me the largest size and said "He made a venti instead on accident." I asked her to pour it into a tall cup!!! Yay me! It was almost instinct to ask for the smaller serving. I handled the milk fine. Whew. I am glad!! I don't think I had had that much milk in one serving yet.

Last night I thought I would get my size 16's out so they're ready when I am ready to fit into them. I tried on a couple of pairs last night and ended up wearing one of them!!! I wore 16's last night!!! They were so comfy, I almost hope I don't shrink out of them too quick! LOL

Realized something today...

Nov 20, 2007

45lbs is the most I have ever lost!!! Prior to this it was 35lbs which I have done once before, doubled it back and then just lost the double back pre-op. Wow, 45lbs!!!

I picked up some SlimFast Low Carb protein shakes, they have more protein than the Atkins shakes! Hopefully I like them. They don't come in the Chocolate Royale flavor that I like. Hoping I like the Creamy Chocolate.

I think I will hit up the supermarket today for some Alpine SF Spiced Cider, I forgot it existed until today. Gotta make this liquid diet bearable! Might look for some SF cocoa too, see what the ingredients are...

One more week....pretty much

Nov 19, 2007

194   One more week pretty much of this liquid diet. I am looking forward to pureed now. Before I was dreading it a little, it didn't sound good at all.

Woke up this morning a little light headed, which I have seen on here many times that's pretty normal. I mean I am pretty much starving myself besides the little tiny amounts of food I am getting in in liquid form. Who wouldn't be lightheaded??

I keep saying anyone eating/drinking what I am drinking would be losing weight, but, they would be hungry!! I still have yet to be hungry, which is the greatest thing. I am getting used to not being hungry. I wonder when I will be hungry.

I want to have a productive day, but I am feeling very tired today. I didn't sleep well last night. Maybe after I finish my breakfast here I will go lay down. I also wanted to walk on my treadmill today. I wonder if this is too soon? I don't remember what my doc said as far as exercising. I'm sure it will wipe me out and I will need another nap LOL

Tomorrow will be a long day. I have my post-op with my surgeon in downtown St Paul and then I should try to get a nap in cuz then later that evening I am going to the Wild/Canucks game, also in downtown St Paul. Thank god my friend said he would drive!!!

Honestly I have been a little scared to hop on my treadmill. I don't know why. I have been walking, in stores and around my house and such, but was scared to get on the treadmill. So....I did it today!

I started REALLY slow and worked my way up to 2.4mph and walked for 15 mins for a total of .588 miles. I am hoping to do another 15 mins later this evening after lunch and a nap. I still tire pretty easily.


Nov 18, 2007

196.2    I am 11.7lbs away from being halfway to my goal weight. Well we'll see if my goal weight is what my body thinks is goal, but I am already almost halfway there!!

I finally got in all of my protein yesterday and on my way to another good protein day today. It's hard to suck in liquids all day when you're not hungry at all. I have to remind myself it's time to eat. It's such a foreign feeling to not be hungry.

Doing great on the water, I slowly test to see how much I can get in at one time instead of having to take tiny sips. It's going down quite well and I have worked my way up to about 3 sips at once or so. I don't want to test too quick and puke, but it is going down well. Sipping gets old and I would rather be able to get my water in at a faster rate.

I ended up with a bad cold sore, probably from the stress of surgery. I picked up some Abreva on Saturday and have been putting it on a few times, or more a day since and it's just getting worse :( That's a bummer. Hopefully the Abreva will kick in soon and make it go away. Speaking of, I should go put some more on.

About Me
Oakdale, MN
Surgery Date
Oct 21, 2006
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