Dear Darrah-
You know, I was sort of in the same boat---you know, working for sort of unsupporting people. Oh yeah, they didn't fire me, in fact yes they DID let me off for surgery. BUT BUT BUT---after my surgery (when they found out that I wasn't the same person as I was before) they wanted me out of there fasterthanthis.
There will be some DRAASTIC (and I mean this out of my own experiences) that will occur. You will find that you will alot more confidence, alot more courage and boldness that has been a part of you, but somehow the surgery brings this out.
My surgery was last year on March the 31st. I had the open RNY with Dr Huse. I will say that I have NEVER regretted my decision to have it done, and I will always be thankful to my family and the few friends that I have for their support as well.
Aside from all of that, (this IS about YOU, right?) I will say that this is a very brave thing you are doing and I have all of the confidence you will find an even better next job.
I worked as a night auditor at a local hotel---the Clarion Inn and Suites. (71st and 465 on the NW side). I was there from '98 until mid December. They at first treated me with somewhat respect, but as the years rambled on, I was really used. They could rely on Ol' Matt, but that was aobut all. I helped in some very serious situations---like when they fired employees and such. I once went on a 6 week stint without a day off. Working at night---that is pretty hard to do. I ballooned up to 318 pounds and was basically dying--type 2 diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, beginnings of kidney failure, sleep apnea, ( I would fall asleep at stop lights--can you believe that) Yeah I was a walking stoke or heart attack waiting to happen. That was before the surgery. I could tell you of the volumes of food I would eat at a sitting, or how I couldn't even walk down three or four houses down my block without feling like I just ran a 10K run but you have the same type of story. All of us do who are extremely obese. The only difference between us and them--that is those who really have given up on life---is that we really care about our lives and WE WANT TO LIVE. THAT my dear, is the biggest decision---that we have forgiven ourselves, and that we are using a means and a tool to help us return to a healthier self.
I have learned that God didn't make us fat. We did. It comes under the category of free will. We have an addiction that is harder than alcholism, substances and emotions. We have the addiction of food. THAT is what is dangerous. This surgery will calm that beast---TRUST ME.
As far as my medical conditions are concerned--I am off every one of my diabetes meds, I am actually off almost all of my pre-surgical meds except for 1 hypertension med and a vitamin regimen that makes Walmart drool when I go in the pharmacy section (LOL).
But I guess what I really want to tell you is thatyou say there are other jobs out there----do this---challenge yourself.
You will have about 3-6 weeks of recovery time. Look for a BETTER position. Go ahead and stay in your present line of work, but look for a better paying job. Also I suggest you get out alittle and go to the library and check out tapes. I have learned Spanish that way and now I have a better paying job, and look forward to achieving my certifications in the IT field. You CAN do it.
Look--you are laying it on the line that you want to change your life. I mean how else can you NOT say it? With me, I feel I laid on an operating table, let a stranger cut me open, re-arrange my digestive tract, and now look at me, 85#+ lighter and a different person. I know I have to lose more. I am slowing my weight loss down because of personal reasons. BUT!!! I am not finished with myself and hopefully never will until I meet the Lord.
In this world, you have found out that threr are alot of jerks out here--especially where you were employed. Any employer that treated you like that DESERVES not to have you working there. You are a valued person, a person who deserves love, respect and admiration for your courage. You also have humility not to flaunt what you already have. But you deserve the same things all of us need. I hope you see that already. Just because we were extremely obese, doesn't mean we are lacking these needs. I just hope to God that when you lose this weight, you gain something-----and that is a stronger love for God and yourself and your loved ones. I did. I really absolutely love my wife. She has been with me through thick and thin (literally). She is my heart and soul and inspiration and will always be.
Your husband is getting something he will never bargain with ever again-a new wife. You will love the changes. I know you will.
So, get a better job and tell the world that you are here. Shout on the tops of mountains, on rooftops and down your street that you are a worthy of God and you are strong because of it!!!
I wish you the best in your life after surgery. I do hope to hear from you if you want to tell me.
My e-mail address is:
[email protected]. I look forward to hear from you.